Tempting - Chapter 9: Peace and Quiet

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Happy Christmas you all! I hope you all get all the love and gifts you want this year :)

I walk in slowly, shame tinting my cheeks pink.

"Took you long enough. How are you breathing so hard from walking up just a few flights?" Chelsy quips, and a few people snicker. I hadn't notice that I was breathing really hard, and that just made me grow pinker. I feel like a apple, a big red apple. Another woman I don't know is standing in the line with us, but she has brown hair and a dark green suit.

"Hey, that's not funny." She loud whispers to the group.

What's worse is that David doesn't respond. Standing next to his desk is the glaring blonde woman from earlier, but this time she's holding a clipboard. She continues to scowl at me until David stands up.

"Okay, I don't want to keep you all here forever, but there's some matters to address."

"Right, such as tardiness and outright disrespect." The blonde cuts in. Everyone looks around confused as David sighs, rubbing his hand over his face.

"That's correct. Today's been hectic, as a lot of you know. Well, at least the some of you who decided to show up." David says.

"It wasn't my fault! I don't know how but my cat got out of my apartment and I-"The woman, who stood up for me, who I can assume is Elizabeth, begins to plead.

"Shut your mouth and pay respect to Mr. Malone when he's talking!" Blonde woman demands.

David scowls at the back of the blonde's head before continuing.

"Thank you Ms. Collete, that will be all... We will discuss your tardiness after this meeting Elizabeth, but for now I have big news. The problem has finally been fixed and those annoying camera men shouldn't be coming back any time soon. However, like flies, they are probably still around the building so make sure to not disclose any important information to anyone that asks. Make sure to spread what I have said to the others. Meeting disbanded, go get lunch."

Everyone nods in unison as they begin to leave the office. This is giving me a sense of Deja Vu as I trail behind them. I stop in my tracks once David speaks up again.

"Calvin, not you. We still have important matters to discuss."

"M-Mr. Malone?" I say timidly as he scowls. Right, he doesn't like me calling him that, but the strict blonde woman, Ms. Collete is still in the room.

"So, it has come to my attention that-"

"THAT you didn't show up at the REQUIRED time, and that is simply against our company policy, which is that you have to be here at the time we need of you, or there will be CONSEQUENCES such as-"

"Ms. Collete!" David speaks up, giving a 'what in the world are you doing?' look. She blinks her eyes a few times in confusion.



"But he-"

"Please go wait in the lounge."

"Sir, you can't be-"

"Now." He growls as her face heats up. She slams her pen into her clipboard and gives me a heated look as if she was trying to throw daggers from her eyes.


"Finally." He sighs as she closes the door behind her. My heart skips two beats as he turns to face me again.

"What happened?"

"I'm so sorry sir-"

"Excuse me Calvin?"

"I mean, David. I don't want to make excuses or anything, I r-really didn't have a way to look at it. My phones broken and I don't have a computer at home."

"You don't have anything you can access the internet with?"

I shake my head, anxiously playing with my fingers.

"Okay, that's fine. We will make something work." A wave of relief flows through me. Thank god I'm not getting fired, but I'm still curious.

"Uh David, what was all that about though?"

"You mean the mob of cameramen you saw downstairs? I'm surprised not one of them pulled you over to talk to you."

"Yeah, there was a lot."

"It wasn't really that serious. Just a miscommunication of information. " He gradually stands up while straightening out his suit, his ember eyes not leaving mine.

"There was something else I wanted to talk to you about, but that can wait." I nod as he goes over to a little phone in the corner of his big office and talks into it. Should I leave?

"Yes, this is Mr. Malone. I want you to bring over my usual lunch... yes with the dressing. And..." He turns his attention to me, my body stiffening. He covers the ear piece with his hand.

"What do you want to eat?"

Next chapter will be posted on Friday Loves! I hope you enjoy on this wonderful Christmas day <3

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