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"So what are you saying?" San asks and smirks; "We going to the underworld?" He adds excitedly, "I don't get why you are this hyped?" SeongHwa says almost like a complaint; "What you mean? Who doesn't wanna go to the underworld?" San said as he looked like he would pop at a touch. "Isn't it scary?" Amelia asks softly, watching Mingi, who shrugs, "I've never been." He confesses, and Amelia looks a bit vary at the thought. "Either way, we need to see the counsel when we get back." SeongHwa sighed, and Mingi and San rolled their eyes at the same time: "It's stupid."

"One can't just walk into the underworld." SeongHwa stated: "How do you know?" San tested, and Seonghwa glared at him; "Amelia, go and collect some stuff so that we can leave." Seonghwa sighed, and Amelia and Mingi head towards the bedroom; "What the hell Amelia." Mingi says loudly; San and SeongHwa hurry into the room. "What?" Mingi stands in the middle of the room; his tall frame makes him a center. His face fists his hands as the room is a large walk-in closet. "For fuck sake." San says Amelia wasn't sure who he aimed it for; "Are you planning on bringing all of this?" Mingi asks excitedly; Amelia shrugs, "You have this many clothes?" San says, rolling his eyes, and SeongHwa goes quiet. 

"You need to change your reading room into a closet, man." San adds as he pats SeongHwa on the shoulder, "She has to go." SeongHwa jokes and Amelia looks at him annoyed: "I haven't worn all of these; my mother brings me clothes every time she visits. I had to move in here right before all of you snatched me."

"We didn't snatch you." San said, and Amelia raised her eyebrow at them; "No, y'all just stabbed me and carried me into oblivion." She says, crossing her arms and leans against the wall. SeongHwa looks away: "Don't stand like that." He muttered.

"Why?" Amelia asks, confused: "He likes confident women." Mingi said, and SeongHwa was about to punch him when Amelia replies: "Explains why he likes San." SeongHwa found himself cracking up with Mingi, and San looks less pleased: "Why are you laughing? She called you gay." San said snarkily: "No, she called you a woman." SeongHwa smiled; "And I like women." SeongHwa smiled: "I like women too, you know." San threw back, "That makes you a lesbian." Mingi smiles at him, and San narrows his eyes. "Fine, but SeongHwa wants me," San said, making a face; "Yeah, obvi."

Amelia brings out a set of bags; "... I don't know in which end to begin." She says as she looks around the room, "Where is your bedroom?" SeongHwa asks, and everyone looks at him; "What? I wanna see it," SeongHwa confessed: "I'll take you later." She sighed and shook her head. 


When they finished packing, SeongHwa closes the door, pushes a key into the lock, and turns it, only to make the door give off a small ding, and light around it made Amelia cover her eyes slightly. Because the beam of light was quite bright. SeongHwa turns the doorknob and opens the door. On the other side, it looked like the hallway outside SeongHwas Bedroom; Amelia passed out the last time the portal was used around her, so as curious she was, she stuck her head through it and looked to see if it truly was the passageway out to the living room. "This is incredible-" She said as she started to walk in and out of the room.

"I think she snapped," San said, and SeongHwa gave him a stare. "Don't you remember how you were?" Mingi stated as he just walked past Amelia with one suitcase: "Why didn't we just do this before?" Amelia asks, jumping between her apartment and the mansion. "Well..." SeongHwa started: "Because he's stupid." San laughed as he hurried past Amelia; as she jumped in between, a shoe flew across her head, making her trip over and fall. Making San laugh, SeongHwa is at her side and looks mortified: "I'm sorry." He says, trying to help her. "I'M LITERALLY IN TWO PLACES AT ONES." She screams out as she laughs so hard: "You might be right." Mingi said to San, who joined Amelia in her laughter.

SeongHwa gets her on her feet as he rolls the next two bags into the hallway; he pulls her through again, so she's in her apartment. "Was there more things? You want to bring now?" He asks as he has his hand on the doorknob. He closes the door when she shakes her head. "Wait, aren't we going there?" She asks, pointing confused.

"We have to lock up, and then we can go somewhere." SeongHwa smiled at her, and she felt oddly giddy. Amelia ran and locked the front door. SeongHwa closed the closet entrance, and Amelia was quick to his side; "Where are you taking me?" She smiled as he put the key in the lock and turned it. "It's a surprise." He chuckled as the door lit up; he was surprised; Amelia threw her arms around his neck and started to kiss him.

SeongHwa managed to turn the knob as he pushed the door open. His lips completely locked with Amelias. He found it hard to stop. And by the movement of her lips, neither was she. Her fingers laced themselves into his hair as he pushes her through the door. And onto something soft. SeongHwa gets on top of her, and her hands moved along his tone's body. He was going insane. How could he not? He hasn't been with anyone for over 100 years. He forgot where they were or what they are about to do. They were way too wrapped up at this moment. Seonghwas hand moved under the fabric of her shirt.

Her skin is warm against his hand. And it only made him more curious about the rest. He pulls away to look at her face, her cheeks are flushed pink, and her lips are brighter pink than normal. She's so damn beautiful. "What is it?" She asks hoarsely, "I love you." He says softly, and she smiles. "I love you too." It wasn't complicated; it was just exactly what it is, simple. "Umm... Want me to come back later?" SeongHwa falls off the bed in shock and looks up seeing Mark, standing at his bedroom door. Amelia sat up and adjusted her t-shirt. "I can go if you want to finish." Mark smirks; "We good." Amelia and SeongHwa say at the same time as SeongHwa gets up and adjusts everything about himself.

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