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As they all walk into the foggy maze, this was something they noticed after entering: "Are we staying together." Amelia asks as San turns to look at her. "I mean, it wouldn't be smart to split up." San said, and Amelia shook her head; "We would find him faster," Amelia said, and San frowned slightly: "I actually agree, and disagree," SeongHwa said; "If this challenge is to find him, then fine, but if we need to find him as a whole group we would be screwed." Mingi added and rubbed his chin.

"But this maze," SeongHwa started, "Is it what I think it is... I think we should split up." SeongHwa ends up saying, "Told you." Amelia said, sticking out her tongue towards San, who gave her a disapproving look. "I'm not going with Amelia or San." Mingi quickly said before Amelia or San can say anything: "Why?" Amelia's question: "To be honest, y'all work surprisingly well." Mingi stated as SeongHwa elbowed him, " This is no time for a date, dude, and we both know you'd go stupid if Something were to happen to her with you around." Mingi tested, and SeongHwa nodded: "Fair point."

Amelia and San stand there with their mouths open: "You can look stupid all you want, but you make a great team rather you like it or not." Mingi smiled as he patted Sans shoulder; "Whatever." Let's just find him.

The four walked together until they finally found a passing that would take them in two different directions. SeongHwa leaned in and kissed Amelia's cheek; "I'll see you on the flip side." Amelia laughed softly: "Who'd think I'd laugh in hell, right?" She said it with such ease that even Mingi cracked a smile. Amelia watched SeongHwa and Mingi walk in one direction as she and San walked the opposite one.

San and Amelia walk along the trails, and when they reach the first crossing, Amelia places her hands on her hips and looks at San: "How do we decide?" She asks, and he shrugs, "Just follow me." He ends up saying: "No when you listened to me, we got out of your shit trap." Amelia said, and San sighed; "What's with the attitude." She ends up asking because he seems to be butting heads with her for no reason. And everything she did seemed to annoy him even further. "Nothing." He sighed and crossed his arms; "No, tell me now, you're usually cheerful and easy." She pointed out as he sighed: "Fine, I'm starving." He growled: "This is not a snickers commercial." She shot back as San looked at her, confused.

"Here," Amelia pulls an energy bar out of her small waist pocket. She had found it just before they left and pushed two bars down, mostly because you never know. San looked at her perplexed but took it and started to eat after he unwrapped the bar like he was in some weird commercial. "Well?" Amelia asks as he smiles slightly: "Thanks."

After San finishes his bar, he pulls out his hand in a fit and nods towards it: "Ah fine, whatever." Amelia says as she joins San in rock paper scissors. They end up shaking hands ones as San beats Amelia's scissor with a rock. "Let's go left." Amelia nods and follows San through the maze, as the deep in they get, the foggier it gets. They stroll around like nothing, not saying a whole lot; the tall bushes that create the maze are honestly starting to become quite creepy to Amelia.

When they had rock paper scissored a few more times, Amelia ends up coming to a halt: "What are we looking for really?" She asked, and San frowned: "Yunho." San shrugged; "But clearly, this maze is his nightmare, his biggest fear, so he would be in the middle, right?" She questioned, and he shrugged: "Most likely yeah." Amelia rolled her eyes: "What's with the maze?" She asked as they walked.

Just in time for San to speak, the wall shoots out in front of them, "Oh fuck no." San muttered as they turned to walk back; another wall shoot out, and they were trapped as their sides opened up. "Let's just go left," And San nodded as they hurried over in case another wall would move: "That doesn't really help us, does it?" Amelia questioned as San shook his head. "Not one bit." He sighed; "Leave it to hell to be complicated? Am I right?" Amelia joked as San rolled his eyes and suddenly yanked Amelia out of the way, making them both fall over. When Amelia looks Up, San is on top of her again. This is the second time he's above her in just a few hours, "This needs to stop happening." She muttered as San got up and pulled her up; "We better hurry." San said as he grabbed her hand and started to run. It was all happening so quickly. As she looked behind them, each passing wall was closing behind them.

This maze is making sure they will get separated.


Another part of the maze:

"It's too quiet." SeongHwa muttered: "Not only that," Mingi says even lower his voice: "You really think so?" SeongHwa almost whispered, and Mingi nods; they continue to walk. The fog was made it hard to really see what was in front of them as they walk slower and slower. SeongHwa pulls out his bow and places an arrow against it. Mingi releases his whip. He let it drag after him as they walked slowly forward: "I hope Amelia is safe." SeongHwa whispers, and Mingi didn't pay attention to him. As seconds later, Mingi stops in his tracks. He slowly looks around and cracks his whip. He's caught something from above them, and with a loud thud, something hits the ground hard: "Shoot at his head." Mingi shouts. SeongHwa tries to see what Mingi is referring to, but there was nothing there; "What are you waiting for?" Mingi shouts.

"I don't see the target." SeongHwa shouts back: "What you mean? it's fucking right there." Mingi replies as he struggles with the end of the whip. SeongHwa decides to aim for the middle of the ring that was made up by the whip. And whatever he hit started to bleed black and fell onto the ground. "How the fuck didn't you see it?" Mingi asked as he walked over and unhitched his whip: "I can't fucking see anything but black and my arrow, whatever it is, it's invisible."

Mingi turned to look at him: "You can't see it?" He asked, confused. "No." SeongHwa replied, "You are a child of the underworld." Seonghwa gave him a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes—knowing that seeing things in hell wasn't always a good thing.

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