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San makes a gesture towards Amelia to urge her to go forward, "San?" She mumbles, and he mouths what she assumes: I can't speak or do anything but see and hear for now. She nods and looks into the room. On one of the couches, a man is draped across it like he's a broken doll, one arm on the ground, his head hanging over the edge, his leg resting on top of the back of the couch, he looked like a slouching lazy person.

And when he snores and wakes himself, he blinks and yawns; "oh... it's you." He says as he sits up more properly and looks at Amelia; he rubs his eyes and takes her in; "Holy shit..." Amelia frowns, and Zeus chuckled, she would recognize him anywhere, and it was clear to her that the man in front of her was her father. "What a warm welcome." She says sarcastically.

"Well, what do you expect, a warm and loving embrace, maybe?" She shook her head: "Not really." As she looked around the room, she was having a hard time actually understanding if the space itself was real or not. "Heaven is fluid, and nothing up here makes much sense. Also, it gives me a feeling of freedom that I've

been robbed of." Amelia snickers; "You read minds too?" He chuckled and picked up a wineglass that looked like a transparent golden cup. As he sips, it refills it automatically. "No, but it's what I think sometimes." He shrugs; "So this is your place?" Zeus shrugs as he leans back and relaxes on his couch; "Please sit down; you're stressing me out." He muttered as he looked at his nails.

"You... being stressed? I don't buy that." She said and walked closer and sat down on the couch across from Zeus, and when she did, she suddenly appeared in a toga dress, and he chuckled. "Was this really necessary?" He nods and smiles: "I'm not going to lie, you truly are a descendent of Aphrodite" Amelia bit her lip confused: "I thought she only appeared as people's personal tastes." She made a face thinking she looked like Zeus would like, and he laughed: "I'm not that weird, you know." Zeus said, and Amelia frowned: "Isn't Hera like your sister?" Zeus rolled his eyes: "it's clear who's mouth you got at least." Zeus said with a sulky frown.

Amelia sat there staring at him, wondering what would be next, when he suddenly sighed loudly; "So what do you want?" Zeus asks, and Amelia makes a face: "lovely, very charming." She states, and he waves his hand at her like he's annoyed, and she sighs: "I need protection." Amelia said, and he made a face; "esh, don't you have that plenty of on earth? " Zeus question and Amelia gives him a death stare; "Shit, you scared me, I thought you were Hera for a second," Zeus puffed after jumping in his seat while making a weird sound of distress.

"I mean shelter where no one can find me." She stated, and he leaned back in his seat again: "Why would you need to hide exactly?" Zeus asks: "So I'll be safe." Zeus scoffed, and Amelia frowned at him: "You're a goddess of lightning people should fear you, and as I can tell, no one wants you dead, besides me, that is." Amelia furrows her brows at him: "Well, I'm selfish; it's either you or me, no?" Amelia rolls her eyes: "Of course you want me dead." She sighed: "There is a difference; I want you dead, technically I don't need you dead." Zeus said like he's trying to comfort her in the worst way possible: "If it helps, I love my children; after all, you're my offspring." Zeus said, feeling good about himself: "Yeah, and Herkules is such a great example of your legendary offsprings." Zeus makes a face: "I mean, eating one's kids is the new in." Amelia says in a snarky remark as Zeus points at her: "He's mostly Hera." Amelia rolls her eyes, and they fall silent until Zeus speaks again: "But why do you need protection? As I see it, you and your brother are most likely most wanted, no?"

Amelia nods: "Either way, the prophecy.." Amelia starts: "The prophecy says that either way to bring Cronos back, you three need to be alive. It's how defeating him is the important part."

Amelia looks at Zeus, and he nods: "Amelia, I might not be a good role model, but even I know that everything has its reasons, and everything has to come in the right order. If not, chaos will erupt in the timeline."

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