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Amelia feels slightly more recharge when SeongHwa hands her water. And Yunho helps them up on their feet: "Watch this." Yunho whispered in Amelia's ear. SeongHwa walks into the center of the ring he had created earlier; it had burned into the snow, leaving a dark black pattern in the thick snow; it was like the snow wouldn't stick on no matter what. SeongHwa closes his eyes and stands in the center, and he puts his hands together. He says something low as he closes his eyes.

As Amelia and Yunho stand there and watch, Mingi and San come out on the other side, as the area, SeongHwa is standing in lights up, like a bright flame, and the snow beneath him melts away. When the light disappears, it's clear that the snow was way thicker than they expected, and the snow is by SeongHwas hips. Beneath SeongHwas feet, there was a large black door, oddly placed, one large ring at one side that was the handle to the door.

SeongHwa raises the metal ring up, so it lays against the snow, as the Mingi and San grab it, so it doesn't fall through the thick snow. "Now we need blood," SeongHwa says as he jumps up on the snow. The snow is laid thick on the ground and held their weight perfectly fine: "I'll do it." Amelia offered, but SeongHwa shook his head: "It's better if..." SeongHwa start, and San already sliced his hand and held it over the door; a small clicking sound as a slight black aura appeared around the door: "Son of Callopsie." The door said loudly. And Mingi and SeongHwa shared the burden and managed to open the door.

When the door is finally open, it reveals a staircase. "Why couldn't I share my blood?" Amelia asks Yunho, who shrugs; SeongHwa jumps down on the stairs. And the rest follows, SeongHwa reaches out for Amelia's hand, and the group of five starts to walk downwards into the darkness; as they have walked down about half the sound of a door closing, above them, turning the staircase completely dark. "Don't worry." SeongHwa said, and soon enough, SeongHwa starts to glow: "Look, isn't our walking flashlight wonderful?" Mingi chuckled as SeongHwa rolled his eyes, and Amelia giggled.

"I don't think that sound has ever entered the halls of hell." A drooping and sad voice said the voice's tone ran a chill up Amelia's body, as she looked up at SeongHwa, he was perfectly still and seemed not to be scared by it. In a black cloak, the tall figure stood there in the center of the large black marble room; the lining on the floor looked like blood. Amelia stood frozen as the cloaked model looked scarier than she expected. Cloaks weren't her thing. She used to have nightmares as a kid about a cloaked figure.

"Charon." The four males say as they bow in front of the cloaked figure: "The sight of a dark soul as yours down here is a privilege, my lord." Charon said, and bow; Amelia had no idea what he meant; "Thank you, Charon." Mingi replied: "Why do five living creatures enter my roam?" He asked as SeongHwa stepped forward: "We need to see the Queen." Charon took off his hood and looked at the five; Amelia's heart dropped, the face of Jaeboum appears in front of them: "Jb?" Amelia manages to croak out.

Yunho leans in and whispers: "He takes on the appearance of someone you mourn or have ill feelings about." And Amelia looks at him, and at the others, ware they seeing someone else? "The queen isn't available just because you wish to see her." The words came from JB's mouth but didn't sound anything like him. "Well, we are willing to do what it takes to see her," SeongHwa replied as JB nods. "One can not simply walk into the underworld, just how one sees fit. Are you truly ready to pay the price?" Seonghwa doesn't hesitate: "Yes," Amelia felt that SeongHwa was very sexy with the confidence he was giving off.

"Nothing comes in pairs, and because there are five of you, I would give you five challenges, but because of whom you associate with, I shall give you a smaller sum." Charon said, "Uneven numbers are good because nothing comes in pairs, do they?" Charon smiled, but it never reached his eyes, and it made Amelia's heart drop. Charon grabbed his cloak and took it off, only in a way that the fabric fluttered across their eyes, and suddenly Amelia was falling.

She landed on a wet surface, she was lying on her back as she opened her eyes, above her it looked like the night sky, and the stars twinkled ever so brightly as she sits up, she's completely alone, and everywhere she looks there are stars too far away. As She starts to walk but as she walked a few meters, she's at the edge, and as she gets closer, she sees that the starry sky is below her too, she's completely alone: "Is anyone there?" She calls out, but her voice leaves her mind. She's utterly and completely alone with herself. 

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