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Amelia finally looks around: "Are we in your bedroom?" Mark chuckled and nodded; "Yeah, but it's cool. Do you want me to leave you alone?" He smirks: "No." The two almost shouts. Amelia had a funny vibe over marks room, and it looked like a frat house bedroom, three large windows, one next to SeongHwa, whos now by what she guessed is a bathroom floor or closet, and then to SeongHwas Right there is a closet with two smaller doors, with a towel draped over the top. The room was sort of messy and rather neat, and the wallpaper was dark green and blue. Honestly, is this a frat room? Posters on the wall, shelves with random things in them, a desk with a computer. "Nice room." Amelia finds herself saying out loud a bit sarcastic.

And Mark is laughing and closes the door behind him. Mark goes over to the door. He pulls out a crayon and starts to draw on the door with it. And when he connects all the lines, it shines up and starts to glow. Something is emitting from the drawing a little lilac shine that slowly moved across the entire room. Amelia sees something she hasn't seen before, and Mark is glowing red when it is fully connected. It's subtle, but it is like a small thin layer on his body. When Amelia turns to look at SeongHwa, he has a similar glow, just a tiny brighter. Before Amelia could ask him about it, SeongHwa speaks: "My father is Apollo there for my aura is brighter, the closer relative, the brighter the aura." SeongHwa said, and Amelia nods as she understands.

Mark just looks at Amelia: "I can't believe it." Amelia looks confused at them: "I saw this when I first met Amelia. That's why I 'stabbed' her." SeongHwa said, making bunny ears at the word stab. "What's going on?" Amelia says slightly louder as they look at her before Mark grabs her by the arm and walks her over to a mirror. "Look at the color of your aura," Mark said, and Amelia looked herself in the mirror; her aura was almost golden, but more of an orange-gold. When she turns, SeongHwas aura is bright red, almost pink, and Mark would definitely be a darker shade of red. "I'm confused." Amelia says, watching her aura in the mirror again: "A godlike Zeus have a strong golden aura," Amelia turned; "What?" She's still very confused; "Or Hera, basically any god has a strong golden aura, Hades is black, but he can manipulate it, in his own words, cool."

Mark gave Amelia chills of the cringy feeling of hades thinking something is cool; "I think the prophecy is real." SeongHwa state: "And you suspect the second one?" Mark asks as SeongHwa nods: "mmm." He replies as Amelia stomps her foot. "What's going on? am I a mutant or?" Mark chuckles as he makes Amelia sit down; "You know we did you linage at the ball... that day." Amelia nods slightly: "It came out uncertain because your blood is most likely linked to two gods rather than one." Mark said softly. And Amelia sighed: "So what does that mean?" Mark chuckled, "That you are a unicorn." He shrugged as now SeongHwa chuckled; "You're trying to trick me?" Amelia asks as someone knocks on the door, "Hold your breath and don't move." Jackson opens the door and looks inside, and he looks around before he closes it again, and they hear Jackson call to someone; "Hey, anyone seen Mark?"

Mark places his hand on Amelia's shoulder; "You can breath again." And smiled softly: "What was that? how did he not see us?" Amelia questioned: "You see this? this a secret spell." He smiled; "My great grandfather is Harpocrates." Amelia nods: "The god of silence and secrets." Mark continues, "And Confidentiality." Amelia adds, and he agrees with a wide grin.

"So if Jackson would have seen us if we breathed?" Amelia asks; "No, but he could have heard us move, even though it's silent for our voices, there is a tiny flaw in the spell, or don't close out movement, if an intruder is around, or smell for that matter, I really should work on a better spell." Mark chuckled.

"Okay, well, back to what's important." SeongHwa said: "I think, and Jb thought that your parents might be connected to two different gods, which is also very forbidden." SeongHwa says in a way, "I'm forbidden?" Amelia asks; "We don't know for sure, but it's not a good thing if Hestia finds out about you." Mark replies: "She's work hard to not have the prophecy to be true."

Amelia sighs: "I'm confused." Mark looks at SeongHwa; "There is a prophecy that three children of the three great born from Aphrodite will bring Kronos back." Amelia looks defeated; "I would bring the biggest baddest wolf back?" She asks as it would be outrageous. "No, not bring him back but, because of the three children, the three big will lose their power." Mark says, "And their power is what's containing Cronos in his jail." Amelia looks like she's about to pass out: "So, what my daddy could be hades?" She says and starts laughing. "I don't believe that." Seonghwa is feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah." He replies, and Amelia starts to laugh like a mad man.

"I think she lost it, man," Mark says, and Amelia is laughing, rolling around on Mark's bed. "That's the funniest thing ever." Amelia laugh out, and Mark rubbed his temples as SeongHwa sat down on the bed; "Amelia..." He starts as she looks at him as she tries to contain her laughter. She was trying to contain it as she understands that he was serious.

"Her mother's name is Lilith." SeongHwa says as he strokes Amelia's hair, "I think I know where you are going with this," Mark says, crossing his arms: "Do you still have the ashes?" Mark asks softly, "Yeah, I turned them into jewelry." SeongHwa says, they now speak like Amelia isn't there; "I think you'll need this." Mark bends down and pulls something out from under the bed, he comes up again holding a small chest, and Amelia looks at SeongHwa, who now looks at her nodding her to look. Emotionally, she's a bit of a mess. She wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry, to be honest. SeongHwa makes Amelia sit up again as Mark places the small chest on her lap. She looks at the emblem at the front of it; she doesn't think much about it at first, as she opens the chest. And when she does, her eyes connect with Mark; "Your highness." And gets down on a knee in front of her. "What the actual fuck?" She manages to spit out as she watches him as she hears SeongHwa chuckle.

"What are you doing?" Mark had his head down. He made her feel like she was a queen, but she had no idea what was really going on; this as been a long day. "There no one left that can open a seal of aphrodite, besides you." Amelia looks inside the box and then at Mark again: "What?" Amelia turns her head looks at SeongHwa, who sighs: "You mother must have been a direct descendent of Aphrodite, because of Hestia, they were an extinct breed that makes you a unicorn." Amelia rolls her eyes; "So you put a seal on this box that only I can open, I don't believe you." She says and closes the box and hands it to SeongHwa: "open it." She says, and when SeongHwa touches it, the leathery skin of the chest felt like a rock. And SeongHwa shows Amelia that he tries to open the fest, but he can as she reaches forward and easily push the lid open and starts to look around for boobytraps.

"Amelia, look inside the box, please," Mark sighs as she finally does. "In the box is a neatly folded black fabric, which was easy to prusume as a shirt of sorts, and a letter. "I guess, JB, really figured you'd run with the Ateez troop," Mark said as she looks at the clothes.

"Well, she'll need those." SeongHwa said, and Mark looks at him and frowns slightly; "You didn't come for this, did you?" Mark asks, and Amelia continues to be confused. "No, like I said, her mother is Lilith; you can just assume where we need to go." And Mark nods. "You should have talked to Jinyoung about that." SeongHwa sighed: "Does he know more than me?" SeongHwa tests and bites his full lip: "Yeah, you might be right." Mark said, "What? How where?" Amelia questioned. "He's a son of Hades, he should be able to talk to his father, but I don't think he ever has." Mark points out. 

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