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SeongHwa, Mingi, Amelia, and San stand in front of the large apartment building.  "You live here." Mingi asks, "I mean, yeah, well, this is my apartment?" Amelia replies, confused on his meaning; "Oh, so not the whole building?" Amelia isn't quite sure what Mingi refers to as she raises her eyebrow at him, confused. "I know, get why you're in love with Woo," San says, and Amelia and SeongHwa look at each other awkwardly as a whine comes from San as clearly Mingi hit him.

As they walk inside, Amelia walks over to the elevator, and the boys watch her: "You do know what an elevator is, right?" She now questions: "Yeah, we weren't born yesterday..." SeongHwa says as San chips in, "And all our names arent Mingi." And Mingi hits San over the head. Making San almost fall headfirst, "Do you want us to come up?" Mingi smiled, and Amelia nodded. 

When they all get into the elevator, a girl Amelia finds extremely annoying, mandy, comes in and looks mighty chipper as Amelia presses the button for her floor: "Oh, Hi Amelia." She smiles and tilts her head. "Mandy." Amelia says sternly, the boys observe the girls: "I'm so sorry about Charlie." Mandy's smile is as fake as her personality, and honestly, Amelia wouldn't care, but Mandy hit a sore spot: "How about I don't care, I'm happy for him." She says, and fake smiles. "I mean, you were engaged, and things... shouldn't you at least feel something?" Mandy asks: "You were engaged?" SeongHwa asks out of curiosity. 

Charlie, Amelia's ex, was the reason she slept with Woo in the first place. He was the only love before... But it wasn't something Amelia had planned on sharing. But when SeongHwa spoke, Mandy looked around the small elevator and took in the boy's faces, and her mouth falls open; "I'm Mandy." She says cheekily, "And we don't care." Mingi said as San tried to reach his hand out. "Mingi, it's okay. Mandy's best friend seduced my fiance of four years, almost stalked him until he cracked. And I'm over it." Mandy's face falls; "Yeah, we don't hang with your kind."  San chuckled, and when the elevator doors opened, the four left the girl in the elevator and started to walk towards Amelia's place.

Mingi and San walk ahead as SeongHWa grabs Amelia's hand: "You were engaged?" He questioned. "I dated charlie since I was like 12, and when I was 17, he asked me to marry him in the future... so technically, I wasn't." Amelia tried to sneak her way out of it; "Mmm... I'm not buying it." Amelia sighed: "Fine; he went around saying we were engaged; I didn't deny it, so I guess we were." She groaned as she threw her hands in the air. And turned around and ran after Mingi and San. "Such a child." Seonghwa chuckled.

Amelia reached her door, as San and Mingi had continued to walk past it: "Guys, it's here." She calls, and they turn and high five one another: "Damn, we picked the right side." San said as they got closer to her: "Like it's magic." Mingi added, and Amelia laughed.  "You are so stupid." Amelia put the keys in the lock, and as she was about to open the door, SeongHwa grabbed her hand. "Someone has been here.... recently," He says low as San and Mingi instantly look around, and Amelia can sense battle mode is activated between the three. 

As The door opens and SeongHwa steps inside. Mingi second, and San stands behind Amelia like a bodyguard. "What are you doing?" She asks, confused as San usher her inside. And closes the door behind them. "Is anything out of place?" SeongHwa asks as Amelia starts to look around. Mingi goes over to the small fireplace and runs his finger on it. "Sulfur." He mutters, and Amelia shrugs; "I mean, what's different is that it's clean, so I guess Lily was here." Amelia smiled: "Lily as in Lilith?" SeongHwa questioned: "Yeah, my mom." Amelia shrugged, and Seonghwa locked eyes with Mingi, who nodded. "What's wrong?" Amelia asked as she walked over to the couch. "Well, I know now why the school area felt so safe." SeongHwa said, and San looked up: "You thought so too?" 

SeongHwa nodded as Mingi plops down on the couch next to Amelia and starts playing with her hair. "Yeah, it was like rose-colored." San nods; "I felt it; it was why it was so hard to hold onto Amelia, at the school grounds." San said, and Amelia looks up; "What you mean?" Mingi and Amelia say at the same time. The two had become so in sync that they, without thinking, actually high five each other, and SeongHwa makes a face: "When Woo and I held you down, we were really struggling like you could have broken free." San said, looking at Amelia, who frowned; "That's impossible." Amelia's mind goes back to the wrestling mat where San has pinned her down at least a hundred times and still couldn't break free: "I didn't want to say this..." SeongHwa starts, "What?" Mingi asks: "We might need to go.." SeongHwa starts and sighs: "What are you trying to say?" Amelia questions: "Lilith and Sulfer, that's dark shit." San continues. "And rose-colored protection." Mingi says mindlessly: "Yeah.." Seonghwa agrees: "You want to go to the underworld?" Mingi says, confused, "Because my mom's name is Lilith?" Amelia questions, and SeongHWa sighed.

"Are you still so oblivious to the life you have?" SeongHwa sighed again, and Amelia looked confused at him. "I am, but what..." She starts: "We seeing hades?" She ends up questioning, "Wait..." Mingi starts, "My.. Persephone?"

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