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When they stand that the docks, they all sigh as the music blasts out from their shared home. "Why?" Mingi groaned. "I wanted to sleep." Amelia groans, "How long were we gone?" Yunho asks, and San shrugs: "It felt like a day." He says as they walk wet up to the mansion. "BABE." HongJoong exclaims as he throws his arms around Yunho's neck: "Someone has hit the nectar." He smirks, and Amelia looks at SeongHwa: "Nekter?" SeongHWa narrow his eyes slightly; "You should not have any." She turns to look at Mingi; "Oh, it's like viagra for gods." He smirks, and Amelia looks at SeongHwa: "No." He says under his breath, as Woo comes bouncing out the back door, the entire place is lit up with a pastel green color, and as Amelia peep through the windows, there are large white drapes all over the place; it looks rather dreamy. Woo looks them over as he stands in a white shirt and white shorts; he has some weird harness that makes amelia look in another direction.

 "Woo, why?" Mingi asks as Doyeon comes out as well; she's in a light blue body. She, too, has on some strange harness; it goes around her chest and up her shoulders like a normal tank top. With metal details, a belt at her waist, and a second belt seems to be attached to her first belt. And it's divided by the hip, and two stripes go around her legs. And two goes on the outside. As Amelia tries not to look at her, she now notices that all females are wearing something very similar one woman has only stripes as a dress.

"Girl, you need to change; you look like a mess." Doyeon says, and Amelia frowns, as she doesn't know what to say: "Why did you throw a party?" Mingi asks Woo again, who looks unbothered: "She asked me to," And pointed at Doyeon. Doyeon shrugged and smiled as she threw her arms around mingi's neck. Amelia is very confused about everything that's happening before her. Mingi takes her arms away from his neck: "Why?" He asked her, and she smiled: "Cause I missed partying with you, such a bummer to come here, and you weren't even around." She pouted, and he scrunched his face and looked away.

It wasn't until then Amelia saw the golden shimmer on the bodies; they were glowing, but differently from how they usually do: "Why are they glowing?" She asked SeongHwa low, who has his arm around her damp clothes: "it's the nectar, one of the side effects, it's actually forbidden for demigods to drink it, but like anyone can stop us?" Amelia made a look, and SeongHwa realized he fucked up. "So, I'm trying this," Amelia said, and SeongHwa tried to deny it to her, but he knew there was most likely no stopping it. "Go and get changed." He muttered as he pulled her inside. He, too, needed to change after all.

When they get to the bedroom, SeongHwa sees that something is wrong; something didn't feel right. "Where is my box?" Amelia asks as she was looking around from the chest she got from Mark. SeongHwa came to her side and to see where she was looking, and as he turned to look around. The chest appeared in the mirror below the bed. "Here," SeongHwa sighed as he found it for her, "Odd place to leave it on." She mumbled, as she could have sworn she left it on the dresser. She walked over to one of the hidden closets and put it inside. As she turned and looked at the bed, she swallowed hard.

SeongHwa was looking at the same as her, and he felt himself getting a bit aroused of the thought of Amelia in that, and the second thought was that she could not wear it. "I'm supposed to wear this?" She said as she picked up the harness. "You aren't wearing that." SeongHwa replied: "Are you, my mother?" She questioned as she looked at it. She figured it might be too small, and a shirt would probably not sit well under it: "I knew she was gunning for my head." Amelia muttered as she remembers her run-in with Doyeon at the ball.

Seonghwa mutters as Amelia goes into the bathroom and changes into the shirt and pants Doyeon had left for him. A harness over his shoulder and under his arms. And when he turns around just in time for amelia to open the bathroom door, he feels like someone punched the air out of his lungs. "Yeah, you're not going out in that." amelia frowns as she adjusted the straps. The purple straps are covering her breasts like a bra, and the sweatpants like a skirt. All in lilac was actually oddly cute. She felt pretty in it, and the way SeongHwa is staring at her, it's like a confirmation that she looked good.

"Let's go." Amelia smiled as she headed for the door, but SeongHwa closed it: "How can I let you go?" He smiled, and she pushed him out of the way: "Like this." She smiled and left the bedroom. "Wow." Was shouted in the hallway as SeongHwa looked out. Yeosang and Jongho were watching Amelia. He narrows his eyes as they see his reaction. "Oops, sorry." They mumbled in tune.

Amelia walks into the kitchen area, which looks completely different. It was like it was an additional room completely. Woo is sitting on the kitchen island and smiles: "There is my best girl," Amelia frowned. "Don't call me that." She said, shaking her head as she crossed her arms: "Isn't it time you try the nectar?" He asked, piquing her interest. "What does it do?" She asks and smiles, "What doesn't it do?" He smiled back.

Amelia narrows her eyes as he hands her a shot glass with something that looked like honey. "I'm supposed to shot this?" He smiles and nods; "It's smoother than it looks." Wooyoung smiles at her as he takes his shot; Amelia shrugs as she takes hers as well. It goes down so easily, and she looks at the glass; Woo chuckled: "I don't feel anything." She says, and Woo laughs: "Do you feel anything after one shot alcohol?" He asked, and she shook her head; "Exactly." He replied and jumped off the kitchen island and pulled her along into the crowd of people who were dancing: "Relax, I know better than touch anything SeongHwa's," He shouted in her ear as she tried to resist being dragged. It was rather reassuring that he most likely didn't want to hit on her.

Amelia is feeling the mood and can't help letting it move her. There are many faces she hasn't seen before. As she looks around, she suddenly feels like she's floating, her body feels lighter than air, and the room seems vibrant like it was better than being drunk. Everyone was glowing, and she felt amazing like the exhaustion had vanished from her body. It was like she drank coffee and alcohol and water all at once.

"How are you feeling?" Woo calls into her ear, and she smiles: "Amazing." She calls out, and he laughs: "Good," He smiles as she continues to dance. On the dance floor, she gets her hands on two more shots which she downs. She doesn't remember feeling so good? had she ever felt this good about herself before, and her mind goes directly towards SeongHwa, he made her feel this good about herself. She searches the room, and when she sees something different, Mingi is kissing Doyeon, and Amelia grabs hold of Wooyoung and makes him turn around. "What you doing?" He asks and turns back, and when he sees it, he sighs. 

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