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"Amelia?" Junho hurries over to her said but Mingi, and San step between them. "Wait... What?" Junho asks; his dark brown bouncy curls hold his hand out to Mingi, "yah, you aren't my bodyguards." amelia exclaims as she stands up.

A loud gasp erupts in the room, and amelia sits down and looks around confused. "my queen." Shindong says, and amelia looks at him, confused.

"he will be on trial for keeping you a secret." amelia frowns as she looks at Shindong, "did you know?" Junho frowns now: "knows what? I haven't been in pegasus for over a year." he exclaims, "I'm not really sure why my ex-girlfriend is here either."

He starts: "I mean, did I commit a crime?" he says, throwing his arms out into the air and looks around wanting compassion. As he does, Jinyoung goes to his side and leans in and whispered something, and Junho's eyes widened.

Amelia stands up, "I would like to talk to Junho alone." and Shindong looks displeased with this, "That or you'll leave me alone now." Shindong is about to start speaking, but Jinyoung goes to his side and whispers, and Shindong seems to be sweating along with the words of Jinyoung.

Amelia gets up and walks over to one of the two double doors, and as she's about to open them, someone beats her to it, and she feels slightly annoyed by this; she had been pampered since the rumors spread. "STOP." Someone screams, running through the doors, almost knocking Amelia over, falling into Seonghwas arms.

"What's wrong?" a skinny male, who looks like he's the son of God, actually seemed rather perfect. His face was stern, and his expression dull. The man panting placed his hand on the other man's shoulder: "We are being invaded."

A loud gasp erupts in the large room, and Amelia feels confused: "What does he mean?" She mumbled as SeongHwa whispered: "Your safety is threatened." He said, helping her to stand straight: "I should get you out of here." He says low as the panic is putting everyone in reformed: "Not a chance." Amelia says, pushing herself away from him.

"Amelia, it's for your own safety, please." SeongHwa begs: "PROTECT AMELIA AT ALL COSTS." Shindong yells as Amelia glares at him. She gets up on the table, and as she stabs her heel into the table, it like lightning struck the table, and the entire room turns to look at her: "Focus on protecting your own, save pegasus, that's all I need from you." She says, annoyed as she takes off her heels and jumps off the table.

"Mingi, I need your help." She calls as she walks out of the room Mingi hurries behind her as Yunho and Hong Joong nods towards SeongHwa and follows Amelia.

SeongHwa pulls his sword and walks out onto the patio with the rest of the other troops; San, Woo, and JongHo stand next to him, as Yeosang stands further back. Shindong takes the front with Eunhyuk and Donghae.

"Namjoon." He says, annoyed as the rest of the BTS troop stand in a line. "Well, what a warm welcome!" Namjoon smiles and bows: "So you were behind this all along? wasn't it?" He smirks and shrugs at Shindongs question.

'"What do you want?" SeongHwa ends up asking, and Namjoon turns to him and smiles: "I hear, it's you. I need to meet to get a hold of Amelia." SeongHWa snickered: "I'm not sure who's your intel, but you can't be more wrong." He said, looking at Yeosang, and Namjoon must have seen where SeongHwas eyes landed because he wiped his lip looking disappointed.

"What do you want?" Suho asks as he steps forward among some of the troops: " Have you not done enough damage?" He asks, and Namjoon smirks wider now: "Well, what damage have I done?" Suho sighs and shakes his head: "What are you? a preschooler?" Suho threw back, and Namjoon made a face at him: "I thought you were supposed to be smart." Suho continued.

"Well, hadn't you taken out Jin, nothing of this would have happened." Suho looked at Namjoon: "It wasn't like we had any choice?" Suho threw back: "How?" Namjoon almost shouts: "Hestia was going after him whether you wanted it or not."

Namjoon holds up his hand to protest as he doesn't want to hear anything more and clenches his jaw: "We aren't here to argue; we are here to inform." Suga says as he steps forward: "The full solar eclipse is coming, and it's time we all make a stand." Suga is more political and rational than Namjoon for sure, Namjoon is a leader, though, and he used to be one of the very best a lot of troops looked up to BTS. But when Hestia started to wipe out the linage of Aphrodite, Jin, who was Namjoons closest friend, many suspects even partners, but it was never confirmed.

"Hestia knows about Amelia, but we don't want to hurt her; we want her to stand on our side." Suga says, and the troops seem to relax a little: "We need to end the dictatorship the gods have created for us. To free Cronos is our way out." Suga explains that Coronas' stories are horrible, and no one ever wants to live through that now.

"There must we another way?" Taeyong says as he watches his mentors. "I'm afraid not." Suga replies, and Taeyong looks at Suho and steps back: "Amelia is the safest way for us to defeat the gods." Suga responds: "Why is this even a discussion?" SeongHwa snarls: "You're asking Amelia is to kill her father." He yells: "So what? it's not like Zeus and Hades haven't killed their kids before or even Poseidon."

"So now we have to kill them?" Suho questioned: "An eye for an eye." Namjooon smirked. "Hestia will try to kill Amelia, and we all know it." Suga said and crossed his arms; "You seem to know more about this than anyone, so please enlighten us." SeongHWa tested, and Suga shook his head: "If you can listen to rational thinking, I can't communicate with you." Suga replied: "Why? you communicate with Namjoon all the time," SeongHWa threw back, and Namjoon looked like he was about to launch; "Don't." Jungkooks says as he takes Namjoons arm and pulls him back.

"It's only a matter of time before she gets her," Suga says like he tries to convince them when SeongHwa, San, and Jinyoung find themselves laughing at the same time. Which makes everyone turn around and look at the trio: "What's so funny?" Taeyong asks, "Amelia is a force to be reckoned with. If you know the prophecy, the tale goes that three will be stronger than their fathers, Amelia is lightning." SeongHwa says, and Jinyoung nods, "Her power is raw and uncontrolled there, for she's more dangerous." Jinyoung states, "I've trained with Amelia since she came to pegasus; her strength makes her quick in reactions and is almost unbeatable." San adds on: "Almost." Suga puts a lot of weight on that word: "I've been training for over 100 years, and I'm the best fighter in my troop, and I can single-handed take on most of these troops members, she's been training in less than a year, that she can beat me at all is impressive in one on one combat."

"As I see it, she's unreliable, and she will turn on you," Namjoon says when the area lights up light under striking the ground knocking the closes to the ground. Amelia stands in the center when the light disappears, and her hair is blowing in the wind. Her veins are icy blue and glowing like lightning is in her veins like it's her own blood. The stand of hair in the front is glowing just as bright, and when her eyes open, it's glowing: "You're not welcome here." She says as she turns and looks at the bts members: "You shouldn't have come."

Amelia reaches her hand up into the sky, and when her hand closes into a fist, it's like she's holding a bolt of lightning in her hand, and she slams it into the ground like a whip among the BTS members. The environment separates, and the members fall. "I can tell we aren't welcomed here," Jungkook says: "But it won't be the end of this conversation," Namjoon calls as he disappears into the dark smoke.

Each member disappears like smoke, and when they are gone, Amelia takes a deep breath, and here she suddenly stops glowing. She collapses onto the ground, but SeongHWa manages to catch her before she does.

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