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"How long are we going to run for?" Amelia panted as San slowed down. They must have been running for some time because Amelia is exhausted, and her stamina is usually quite good. "I think we are in the clear for now," San said as he huffed, he was more out of breath than she was. "We better stay close." Amelia said as she still held his hand, "This may be awkward, but it's effective, I guess." She breathed as he nodded.

Amelia and San start to walk normally now, as they don't really seem to know where they are heading. But at least they were together-. "Talk." Amelia said, and San turned to look at her: "About what?" He asked dragged his fingers long the green leaves; "Why a maze?"

San sighed as they looked around and turned to look at amelia quickly. "Yunho is the youngest, and you know that right?" amelia nods and pulls San in a direction, and he follows. "He first joined in the fifties, after the war." Amelia nods; "Okay, so how old would he be?" San shrugged: "We don't know, as far as we can discover, he goes back to the great depression, what we can tell his family left Asia, to try to make a living in the US." San said. It was nice to talk about something other than worry about the hedges coming down and building walls around them.

"Okay, so at least a 100?" San shrugged; "Hong Joong and SeongHwa are old. The rest of us are just a few years apart, but Mingi is older, but his memories don't go that far back. Yunho was a kid during the great depression, and he was just about legal for the second world war." Amelia nods.

"But.." San said and sighed: "Yunho, had it worst," San said, and Amelia frowned slightly. They continued to walk around aimlessly, but Amelia didn't care. The conversation was intriguing. "He wasn't old, and when his family reached the US, they were poor, and getting a job without speaking English wasn't easy either." He said as they walked: "They worked hard to learn English and make money, but the money was never enough," San said, and Amelia nods: "And?" She asks: "One day, a carnival came into town, his parents had been cheerful and happy, and asked Yunho if he wanted to go." San said: "Who, of course, wouldn't want to go?" San said, sounding ill at ease.

Amelia waits for him to talk as she pulls him into another narrow way, and he sighs; "They were having a great time, but Yunho didn't know where they lived. He never really paid attention to it." He continues, "So?" Amelia questions: "They go to a hay maze, and as they run around in there, Yunho suddenly realizes that he's alone-" Amelia comes to a stop: "Did they?" Amelia questions, not wanting to say the last word: "They abandoned him, yes." San said, and Amelia feels her heart drop. She can't breathe, "what? Why? How old was he?"

San sighed as they took another turn: "old enough and never to forget it." amelia stops in her track: "three? Four?" amelia asks, and San shrugs as he pulls her into another way.

"The people at the carnival found him as they were packing up, sleeping with a bunch of bunnies." Amelia chuckled; "Stuffed bunnies?" Amelia found herself asking: "No, baby bunnies." San stated as they walk around, " I think we've been walking in circles." San states as they look around: "Or everything looks the same." Amelia said, looking up and sighed: "So what happened next?" Amelia ends up asking, "Yunho never spoke about his time at the carnival, the fact that he shared he was abandoned in a maze... knowing he was alone, and it started with a maze." San shrugged. "I hate this." Amelia ends up saying low as she feels the pain Yunho must experience. " Most of us don't remember our human years," Amelia watches him. Just as shes she does, she pushes San out of the way.

Amelia starts to touch the hedge, but it's impossible to penetrate the wall. "SeongHwa is going to kill me," Amelia mutters.

On the other side of the wall:

San tries to feel the wall for anyway through, "SeongHwa is going to kill me."


The two males are panting as they run around, trying to find somewhere to hide. "It's clearly hell hounds." SeongHwa mutters, "Well, I do not deny that; where do they keep coming from?" Mingi muttered as he tried to catch his breath: "You truly are a son of the underworld." SeongHwa stated as he looked around, seeing some leaves move up ahead: "How many?" He asks, and Mingi looks in the direction; "Two." He breathes as he stands up straight and lets the whiptail fall to the ground again.

"Still baffles me that you can't see them," Mingi muttered as SeongHwa raised his bow and arrow. "I mean, you are a demigod, after all." He breathed as he cracked the whip towards the empty space, but the thud makes it clear he caught or injured it.

As SeongHwa is about to shoot the second. A wall comes out of nowhere, and SeongHwa and Mingi get separated. "NOO," SeongHwa screams as the arrow hits the wall instead of the non-existing target. 

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