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Amelia sneaks out of the room; SeongHwa had finally fallen asleep; even though it was around 8 in the morning, she could tell he was exhausted. But she was wide awake and had watched him fall into a deep slumber; the night itself has been so strange for her. When she had been on the 'battlefield,' her body had reacted by instinct. And the entire night, she had, had this strange dream about water. Like she was swimming in the water, and she was moving with the waves. It was like she was seeing it through someone else's eyes but still her own. When she woke up, she had noticed the bowl of water and the towel, clearly had she been cleaned up. So that had to be why she was dreaming.

As she turns to walk down the hallway, she comes to a halt as Wooyoung comes out from Minigis's bedroom. She tilts her head and narrows her eyes as Woo looks like he's been caught in headlights, almost like a doe. "Well, well, well." She says as she walks past him giggling. "What?" He says monotoned. "Not like this has not happened before." He rolls his eyes. "Explains a lot." She says as they reach the kitchen. "Explain what?" Woo questions and she stops: "That you sleep with men, overcompensating on girls, cause you want to be with boys." She smirks, and Woo rolls his eyes: "There is no overcompensating there." amelia turned, hearing Sans voice; "I sleep with whomever I like." Woo said with no care in the world: "Didn't expect you to care so much, Amelia." WooYoung countered.

Amelia rolled her eyes; "I'm not that interested in you; I care about Mingi." She threw back: "Yeah, well, he doesn't trust him either." San chuckled. "He ain't wrong." Woo admitted: "Why? what did you do?" Amelia asks and sits down as San starts preparing coffee. "What he always does-" San starts, and Woo slams his fist at the countertop: "Don't talk trash." Amelia gave him a look: "We are already talking about you." And woo narrowed his eyes: "I don't know why you hate me so much, Amelia; I've never done anything bad towards you." San chuckled: "She's probably the only one." San threw in: "But all my classmates and whatnot, you played them like a fiddle." She countered; "Sure, I did, but that never hurt you now, did it?" Amelia tilts her head and watches him; "Oddly enough, he is right." Amelia confessed, and San chuckled.

"I hurt mingi, which I regret," Woo said softly when San placed two cups in front of them. "Is there more to the story?" And Woo nods: "Just that it already happened and it is what it is." Woo sighed. Amelia sips on her coffee as she watches him: "Have you apologized?" He shrugged; "Technically, no, because it wasn't something he should have gotten hurt for, but I regret it." He says, and Amelia is curious as to what had exactly happened; "Can we drop this now?" Woo asks, and Amelia nods; "For now." And he rolls his eyes.

"Amelia, how do you feel about today?" San asks, and Amelia shrugs, "I didn't know anyone besides JB that died, so it's hard for me to feel the grief you all feel." She confessed as she drinks, "A demigod's funeral isn't the same as a normal one." San said, "We really need to get you clothes, though, but I don't think we have time before the funeral." San said, "If we could go home to my parents, I could get clothes from them." Amelia said, and she now realized that she had not contacted anyone since she got there. "Oh shit, I need to go home." She says, standing up.

"What you mean?" San asks, and she looks around; "My parents and friends." She said out loud. Amelia hurries away into the hallway, leaving San and Woo in the kitchen.

"Should we tell her?" Woo asks, and San shakes his head: "I think SeongHwa or Mingi should tell her to be honest." San said. "I should help with the clothes, though..." Woo said and pulled out his phone.


As Amelia goes back into SeongHwas bedroom, she starts to pick up the clothes she had been given when she arrived there. But she stumbles, and a groan from the bed makes her stand up straight: "What are you doing?" SeongHwa groans, "I need to go home." Seonghwa turned in the bed; "Why?" He muttered slumber: "To my family, and let them know I'm okay, and.." Seonghwa cut her off; "They don't know your missing to begin with." He sat up as she stops: "What do you mean?" SeongHwa was absolutely exhausted and didn't want to tell her this now, but it seems like he had no choice. "when you enter pegasus, your loved ones who are human, think they said you five minutes ago, they will repeat their last memory of you over and over." He said, and she looks confused; "What?" she says watching him; "If you're in your family's heart loved, they will imagine you there with them like you only just left the room." He said, and she frowned; "So you're saying they think I never left or been gone? and what for my friends?" She asks, "if they have a true love for you, they will do the same." He shrugged.

"Sounds depressing." She said and frowned, "What about people that don't love me?" She could have guessed it but didn't want to hear it: "For them, you are forgotten, until they see you, then they think they just met you too."

"So I won't have ever to go home again?" She questioned, and he shrugged; "Do you want to?" He threw back at her, and she was conflicted by this for sure; she would never need really, but she loves her adoptive parents. "I kinda want to visit them." She says low: "And I don't know, maybe get stuff from my apartment?" SeongHwa nodded; "Does this mean I get to meet your parents?" He chuckled as there was a knock on the door; San opened it with a cup in his hand; "Thought you might need this." SeongHwa nodded and smiled at his friend: "Is mingi up?" He asks, and Amelia watches them as San and Seonghwa have an unspoken conversation with just their eyes: "I'll make sure we are ready in 10." San nodded and left them; "I'm going to shower real quick, and we can go, is that okay?" Amelia had been thrown in a whirlwind of happening things; "Wait? really?" She smiled, and he nodded; "Yes, of course." 

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