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Amelia was questioning many things these days and training with SeongHwa and San day in and out for weeks now. Was definitely one of them. After somewhat 8 weeks of intense training, everything from sword fighting to swimming to running and jumping. Even gymnastics. Amelia was exhausted and didn't even reach the bedroom as she collapsed in front of SeongHwas bedroom door. "You shouldn't lay here," Mingi said as he came and picked her up. 

He carried her into SeongHwa's room. SeongHwa himself was reading on top of his bed for ones and narrowed his eyes as Mingi carried Amelia in: "Can't she sleep in your room?" He muttered, and Mingi glared at him; "She the most comfortable in here." Mingi defends, "So am I." SeongHwa sighed; "Then stay, " Amelia Yawn as Mingi carried her to the other side, and SeongHwa watches her: "You want me to sleep with you?" SeongHwa asks her, and she shrugged: "I honestly don't care." She replies a Mingi plops her into the bed, causing SeongHwa to toss his book up in the air in surprise: "YAH!" They both scream at the same time, watching Mingi: "Thank god, at least now I get my bed for myself." Mingi says, placing his hands on his hips and looks at the mess he caused. 

SeongHwa collects himself, and Amelia gets under the covers. But SeongHwa is quick and kick her out of bed: "Shower first, you peasent." He mutters as she gets up and glares at him; "Are you saying I smell?" She questioned: "No, I'm saying you're dirty." He said, not watching her. She grabs the best first thing and throws it at him, but he catches it, and oddly enough, she's impressed. She huffs as she turns and walks into the bathroom. A bit later, she comes out, and at first, SeongHwa isn't paying attention to her. But she clears her throat: "Can you leave so I can change?" She asks, and as he looks up, she in a towel. 

He looks away and starts to mumble about how inappropriate this is. And manages to get out a sentence for her to hear: "Hurry," As he takes his book and walks out into the hallway. 

"You can come back in." She calls, and he sighs; she's already under the covers and gets herself comfortable as he returns to his position. She doesn't say much more, but SeongHwa can tell her eyes goes on him. "What?" He sighs and closes his book and looks at her: "not..nothing." She muttered. He sits up more properly as she pulls her cover over her face, but he pulls it down and watches her, and she is resisting. As she pulls up, he tries to pull down, he rearranges himself so he can win, and somehow Amelia loses her grip, and SeongHwa falls forward, and his face almost hits hers. They had never been this close, but he can feel her breath on his face as he looks her deep in the eyes, and a flicker of gold is close to her dark pupil; it almost looks like tiny thunders shooting out of her eyes. For the first time in a long time, SeongHwas heart reacted in a  way he didn't think it ever would. 

Amelia pushes him off: "Well, good night." She says and pulls the cover over her again, and SeongHwa sits there in awe of what just happened; Amelia had no clue, of course. But Seonghwa gripped his heart. As a demigod, you, of course, get that double-take of your heart when you're attracted to someone, but they're also is the soulmate beat, and SeongHwa couldn't believe that he was about to burst. 


"I'm done," Amelia shouts as San snickers, she had progressed quite quickly and was already skilled, but San was one of the best fighters in the entire Pegasus; well, Ateez was known to be the best of the best. Rarely anyone could compare. SeongHwa sighs as he looks at his watch as someone clears their throat, and SeongHwa looks up to see Jaebum standing at the entrance with his fellow members, Mark and Jinyoung. 

"Don't stop," SeongHwa demands as San goes to attack again, and Amelia is defending herself. "What an honor to have you here," SeongHwa says as he bows when he's close enough. "No, no, it's our honor, for sure," Mark replies as he watches him and then goes back to admiring San and Amelia. "You've trained her well." Jinyoung says, and SeongHwa shakes his head; "She still has a lot to learn, but it would be easier if we could find out her bloodline, could really dig deeper into her strengths. "SeongHwa says, and Jaebum places his hand on his shoulder and smiles: "You're doing a fantastic job." SeongHwa loved being validated by Jaebum. It meant more than being recognized by his own father. "We are sorry that it took us this long, with everyone going beserk about whats happening having to check her heritage has been hard." Mark said and SeongHwa nodded, the lineage meeting had been postponed for weeks now. "And What have you learned from her so far?" Seonghwa sighed a groan as she falls on her butt again: "Again?" She asks, and SeongHwa doesn't even look at them, but he recognizes San's feets movement and that the first hit was delivered; "Let's walk." Jaebum says, and SeongHwa agrees.

"So tell us about Amelia." Jaebum asks as the four walks together through the garden, outside the gym: "She's vindictive, headstrong, smart, something tells me she can hold a grudge." SeongHwa says and smiles, and Mark notices: "SeongHwa, your not the smiling type. Do you like her?" He jumped straight into the deep end, and SeongHwa was surprised; "I, I... not..." And the trio starts laughing, "Bout time." Jinyoung said that the got7 troop SeongHwa is more like JinYoung; they are both stone faces and don't often give much of a reaction unless it's their closest, and SeongHwa and Jinyoung have become good friends the last 200 years or so. 

"Well, interesting for sure." Jaebum said, and SeongHwa sighed: "I'm not sure... she stronger than she gives off, and Woo and San almost couldn't hold her down." SeongHwa said, and Jaebum chuckled, "Not what I was referring to." As SeongHwa tries to change the subject. 

"Either way, your crush or not, will have her debut tomorrow," Jaebum said, and SeongHwa looked at him confused. "Debut already?" SeongHwa asked and watched the three; "Well, she has to have her own unit," Mark said, and Jaebum nods: "But she's already apart of ours." SeongHwa said, and Jaebum smiles as Jinyoung speaks: "You're letting her stay, in Ateez? you are recruiting again after 50 years?" Jinyoung asks: "No, but I'm scared of what they'll do to my room if we don't let her stay." SeongHwa sighed as the bunch chuckled at them and Mark placed his arm around SeongHwas shoulder: "Your such a big brother, always giving the kids what they want."  SeongHwa rolled his eyes; "But she still needs to be introduced, and we can also do the blood ceremony." Jaebum said, "Can I do it?" SeongHwa asked, and the three looked at him in shock: "Yah, who are you, and where did you leave SeongHwa?" They asked.

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