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"Why is that?" Amelia asks as she walks over and sits down on the day bed, and Yunho sighed: "I think Bobby would know Mingi's story the best." Mark sighed, and Amelia watched them: "Well, Bobby was killed." Yunho said and sighed. He placed his hand over his chest and bowed his head; Mark copied him. "Who was bobby?" Amelia asks, and Yunho watched her: "Bobby took Mingi in under his wing." Mark nods: "He was the one that brought Mingi here, Mingi's faith before this is terrible." Mark said, and he looks sad about this knowledge.

"What?" Amelia asks as they both sighed: "Our pasts aren't always as great as yours." Yunho said and ran his fingers through his hair. "Mingi was abused, but not in the sense of what you think, he was drugged and was brought to war, he had no control over his own life, he served kings all over to win battles," Yunho said, "When Bobby first met Mingi, the mingi we know now, didn't exist, it's like they deleted all of him, who he is today, it looked like it was never possible for him to be this great guy." Yunho said, "I never experienced him like that, but Bobby brought me here too, and he talked about this great demigod."

"So what Mingi was a warlord?" She asked, watching the two: "No, he's a son of death, so of course, where ever he went, people died, and his team won." Mark stated: "He was called the reaper, whomever he touched, died, so many deaths he has on his blade, he could never wipe his blade clean of it." Amelia felt a tear escape. "He was used for what he is, and no one really wanted him close. He agreed on being locked up because he thought that's what he deserved." Mark added as Yunho continues: "and after Spanish influenza hit the world... houses were set on fire to kill the virus, but one building in the south of Spain, from the ashes he rose, not knowing who he was or why he was there." Mark nods; "Bobby found again and knew when he met him that Mingi was special, but how and why he wasn't sure, but JB saw him for what he was." Mark spoke up.

"Jb, of course, helped mingi to become what he is today, and when Mingi and Jongho met, it was it; Jongho put all his trust in Mingi, and Jb sought that it was a great fit for both to have Mingi in Ateez troop." Yunho stated, "But that was before my time." He smiled and shrugged: "So, they knew all along?" Amelia asks, and Mark nodded: "They knew something was different, but they could only dream that he truly is the next god of death." Mark stated.

"So why can't he know?" Amelia asks, and Yunho shrugged; "I can't answer that, but I can only assume." He said, and Mark nods in agreement; "Which is?" Amelia says and sighs: "AS much as Mingi seems to have everything figure out.." Yunho shrugs Amelia knows that he means Woo, "He's not as stable as one would think." Yunho explained.

"When Bobby died, he went into a hell spiral, he drank himself to sleep and had nightmares, joined Weki Meki for orgies to forget, Woo wasn't having it, and voila, there you are." Yunho said, making a face which he changed as Amelia frowned at him: "I was referring to the orgies."

"Bobby was his stable point. We didn't at first think about how much he affected him, but the second you set your foot here, he changed." Amelia looked confused: "Out on the docks, when you were shooting lasers out of your eyes, Mingi appeared out of nowhere." Amelia shook her head: "He could have walked down or rushed down." Amelia tried to explain: "No, he was in the kitchen, and not a second later he was gone, and he was next to SeongHwa like he transported." Yunho and Amelia looked at each other and frowned: "Why can't we just tell him?"

Amelia felt like there was a bunch of nonsense to make her not tell him. "Do you want to be the reason he snaps? then go ahead." Yunho said: "I was in shock in hell when I found out who he is, but it also made sense because of what Bobby ones told me when he was drunk." Yunho explained: "Bobby saved Mingi from being captured and taken into another war, finding out that they aren't cousins, it will destroy him."

"Why?" Amelia asks, and Yunho rolls his eyes: "Haven't you been listening?" Yunho questioned: "I don't see how keeping it from him is a good choice. He has a sister, which is me, and maybe another sibling? He can have a full family." Amelia pointed out: "You're siblings and... cousins." Yunho stated and as he made a disgusted face; "That's not the point now, I can have a brother, which I've always dreamt of," She stated, and Mark nods; "But Bobby so far, is and was the only family Mingi has ever known, well and BI and of course Jennie." Mark stated, "But BI wasn't around when Mingi came here, nor has he been heard of since, and Jennie is Jennie." Mark shrugged.

"Bobby was a brother to Mingi; he also looked for Mingi for over 100 years," Mark stated, and Amelia felt like no matter what she said, they wouldn't agree with her. "We can't tell him, we can't take away the family he always knew of, it's up to you, if you want him to know, but-" Mark speaks, and Amelia watches him: "But what?" She asks in return, "The longer he doesn't know who he is, the longer he's safe."

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked: "When you don't know who you are, you're practically human, but Mingi he knows he's a demigod, but he's a false one because Mingi still doesn't know the truth, there for the spell that's protecting him us or anyone else for that matter, is still valid on him, he can't be found, you cant search for him, because he's unclear if that makes sense," Mark spoke quickly, and Amelia is slightly confused: "So before we know what we are we are protected?" She questioned: "But no one seems to be protected." She quickly replies: "From humans, we can't be protected, but from gods is different; why you think Hestia hasn't found you?" Mark says and gestures towards Amelia: "Well, not yet, but nothing is impossible." Yunho sings out, and Amelia frown: "Okay, you southern bell girly look here, we just want to keep both of you safe, and well him, or when he's ready to know, okay?" Yunho says, and Amelia makes a face: "Southern..." She muttered, turning her head away from him; "Whatever gone with the wind." She sighs: "Fine, whatever, I'll just keep living here alone." She moaned as she rubbed her thighs through the dress and stood up.

"We will be here if you want us to." Mark smiled: "It's okay, I'm pretty sure either Yeosang or Jinyoung will come and keep me company in a bit." She said softly and sighed: "Yeosang?" Yunho said as Mark said: "Jinyoung?"

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