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SeongHwa sighs as he gets to the cash register; he felt terrible for being a smartass toward the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. But at the same time, he won't actually have to see her again. "Do you have a uni card?" The woman asks as SeongHwa remembers where he is, and he sighs, "Umm, not on me." He lied, "Hold on." He leans against the counter, pulls out his phone, and text San, to tell him to bring WooYoung to the bookstore. He sighs as he awaits a reply: 'Dude, we already here, out front.' San texted back within a minute. "I'll be right back." He excused himself as he walks outside.

When he came outside, the female's familiar figure was standing with her back against him, but this time he noticed San watching her with googly eyes. But it was when WooYoungs voice made him realize who she was and he felt so stupid, even he had called her a goddess in his own mind. Why her though? "Babe, what's wrong?" She pulls her hand from his, which he was clearly holding onto, but it's now he truly sees her in the sunlight; she's shining fully, like Woo and San, but she has this more of a glowing golden shimmer around her, but ever so faint small traces of red seeps through like it just won't leave her body. 

He's only seen that ones before; while he knows most demigods like himself have a soft white golden aura around them, his skin looks like a human does, but when he's in his element, he glows or sort of shimmers. And for a demigod, that's normal. Not everyone sees it of course, but when you are a son or daughter of the sun or the moon, you'll be most likely to see their kin from miles away. Like he was doing right now.

"How did I not see it before." He mumbles, "Wooyoung, I have to apologize, I was very drunk last night..." She said as Wooyoung cut her off: "It was magical." SeongHwa could hear her sigh; "No, well yeah, it was pretty great, but it meant nothing." She clarifies, and he SeongHwa could see that Woo frowned as he came closer; "What do you mean?" San looks so amused by this interaction as SeongHwa is in full shock: "Last night shouldn't have happened, I'm not interested in you." She said as San is about to start laughing but kept his posture from erupting.  But he was turning purple holding it in.

"How can you say that?" Woo said sadly; one thing SeongHwa hated about Woo, which was also his biggest weakness about Woo, was his googly eyes, his puppy look. It could break his stone heart. Also, a reason why SeongHwa had a hard time keeping him in line. "Because I'm not into you." She said it calmly, and Woo didn't accept that; "But we slept together last night." He said out a little louder than he needed, "You always sleep with someone." San said and Woo tried to punch his arm but San dodged it, and people turned around. SeongHwa even heard some girls walking past whisper about the school god and goddess finally being together.

San was snapping his fingers in Woos face to tease him as he was letting laughs sip through; this was the best damn drama show he'd ever seen. "San." SeongHwa ends up saying, and San returns to his cold exterior, and now, SeongHwa notices that people are actually also watching them. And this makes him frown even more. They were making a scene.

San goes over to SeongHwa's side; "Have you seen this?" San asks, and SeongHwa sighs, as he watches his friend and the female he just had an odd interaction with communicating. But the female seems to be more annoyed by the minute; "Your puppy eyes might work on the other girls, but I don't care for it. " She said as WooYoung looks confused; "I thought you liked me?" Woo said low, and the female's aura seemed to become more red by the second as Woo is speaking to her. She most definitely is one of us. No wonder she had such an effect on him. Humans don't really affect him at all, but this one had. And now it came apparent it was because she's someone, one of them of course, but from whom, he's never seen an aura like that before.

"No, of course not, and I've told you a million times." She sighed as she lifts her hand to run her fingers through her hair; "I don't want to sound full of myself, but your, not the first boy in my life to act like this, so therefore I hate it." Her words were harsh. And no one dared to speak to Woo like that. Had Mingi been here, it would most likely be a blood bath, and SeongHwa knows, San is holding himself back now. But SeongHwa was far more curious about whom she was than the fact that she was insulting Woo. Also, he had it coming, but he wouldn't say that out loud.

By impulse, SeongHwa goes over to the two and grabs the female's arm as she looked at him, shocked: "Come with me," He said low enough for Woo to hear as she's being dragged along. SeongHwa's strength is often unmatched because he is the son of the sun god; his power comes from just that, the sun. As the female struggle to get free, SeongHwa pulls her into an ally way, and San and Woo follow after; what surprises SeongHwa is that as she tries to struggle free, his hand hurts. She is strong. And as he slams her against the brick wall, a small dent is made, and she seems confused and scared. As they stand there, the bright and sunny day suddenly goes grey.

"Hold her." SeongHwa snarls at the two and looked at him, confused: "What are you doing?" San asks, almost outraged; they hadn't caught on: "Hurt me instead." Woo called as Seonghwa gave him a look that he knew he had to shut up: "Hold her." SeongHwa said as she starts to panic, the alleyway gets darker by the second as SeongHwa takes her hand, forcing her palm open.

He pulls out an angel blade. A blade that only demigods carry, it's one of few weapons that can actually kill them. He takes the knife and runs it across her hand. San and Woo gasp and can't believe what he's doing but in her palm, a small puddle of gold appears.

This fact was something that can only be explained as their grace or aura is seeping through their blood. So when this girl bleeds blood, Woo and San drops everything and looks at her differently. "She's coming with us," SeongHwa said low, as he could people are watching at the end of the alleyway. "I'm not coming anywhere with you." She almost shouts as she struggles to get free; "San, take care of it." And The female panics, as San raises his hand to her forehead. And her head falls 

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