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SeongHwa plops onto Mingi's bed; "Why are you in my bed?" He questions and SeongHwa can't believe his ears: "Are you for real?" SeongHwa questioned, and Mingi chuckled: "Of course not." Mingi suddenly sighed as SeongHwa watch him: "What's wrong?" SeongHwa asks him, "Just Woo being himself." Mingi muttered, "What is up with you two? Hong Joong already made this annoying mess, and honestly, I think the rest of us would prefer if y'all just..." SeongHwa said: "Fucked?" Mingi asked, watching SeongHwa, who laughed: "No, talked." Mingi looked embarrassed.

"Not everything is about sex," SeongHwa said as he adjusted himself and got under the covers: "What are you going to do?" Mingi asks, and now SeongHwa is confused: "I mean there is tension between you two." SeongHwa looks at him and feels naked; "What about it?" He ends up replying, not sure what to say after that, to be honest. "Y'all watch each other like nobody else is around, and I saw that the minute you watched each other in the living room." Mingi chattered on, and SeongHwa rolls his eyes; "Nothing is going to happen." Mingi ends up elbowing him, and he groans: "Why aren't you affected by her?" Seonghwa asks as he rubs his ribs.

"I don't know, she feels more like a sister to me." He says and nods, "Well, your gay, so no wonder." SeongHwa says, and Mingi turns to his side and watches him before he corrects him; "No, I'm open for anything... actually I don't judge, and I find plenty of women attractive, I just end up sleeping with men more." Mingi said, and SeongHwa chuckled: "Have you actually ever slept with anyone?" Mingi suddenly asks, and Seonghwa was a bit taken aback: "I was married once, you know." Was all SeongHwa could reply. He never speaks about his wife; it was almost 100 years ago now, and he was happy, but she was human. He knew the risks, but he forgot about it.

SeongHwa was drafted for the war, his wife became a nurse, as she ended up at the front. Miles from him, she was asked with a set of other nurses to go further in. When the car was ambushed, and she was killed on the spot. This is something SeongHwa does not talk about now. He returned to Pegasus after the war, and joined Hong Joong in this new forming troop.

"So, you're not attracted to her at all?" SeongHwa decided to change the subject: "Nah, more like she's someone I want to protect, than fall in love with." He shrugged, "And Woo?" SeongHwa tried as Mingi kicked him under the cover.


At the kitchen island, most of the Ateez members are stationed, eating the breakfast happily. When Amelia comes out, most of the group goes silent and only watch her. Even SeongHwa has a hard time looking away, she's wearing one of his white shirts, and it's a bit lose, but he can see she's wearing his underwear like a pair of shorts. The unison of ouch goes through the room as mingi laps everyone on the back of the head: "Amelia, we need to go and collect some clothes for you." Mingi says as she smiles, "Good, I hoped you'd agree." San took all of them by surprise; "We don't agree." And SeongHwa grabs him by the ear; "Stop staring." He growls at the boys.

"We need to get her into training," SeongHwa and Hong Joong spoke almost in unison; "YunHo and Yeosang will you be battle-ready?" SeongHwa says next, and a spoon hits his forehead: "They are far too advanced, and arent good at training" Hong Joong now snarled at SeongHwa; "It's better that you do it." Seonghwa almost hurled his bowl at Hong; "I'm more advanced than them." He says, leaning over the kitchen island, almost aggravated: "Excuse me, but why would need to fight?" Amelia asks: "Because we have to defend humans." Jongho said, it's almost right; we are defending the world order. "The order Jong!" The rest of the crew practically screams as hong and SeongHwa shake their heads: "I'll happily teach you." Woo said, and Hong Joong, SeongHwa, Mingi even amelia all scream no. Making Woo fall off his chair, while San laughs hysterically. "How about this, SeongHwa and I?" San said after he's finished laughing.

"I like that idea." Mingi said as he wraps his arm around Amelia's shoulder: "Still issue, clothing?" Amelia stated as Hong lifted up a bag; "This should cover you for a few days considering it's your training outfit." Hong Joong smiled, and Amelia looked suspicious at the bag. He tossed it at her as she catches it: "You can change in my room." Woo smiles, and Mingi grabs him by the ear and pulls him off; "My room Amelia, take my room." Mingi calls as he walks off with Woo.

"I'm going to change." SeongHwa and Amelia say simultaneously, and they look at each, and quickly look away as they both clear their throat and walk down the same hallway in awkward silence.


SeongHwa is standing in the gym as San, starts to try to play with him. But SeongHwa was not having it and dodges out of the way until he can get a good grip of San's Shinai and pull him forward only to push back to make him lose balance and fall over. A small giggle comes from the entrance as SeongHwa adjusts himself, standing straight again. "That was most impressive." Amelia says as she reaches the boys, "Do you guys practice kendo?" She asks, and SeongHwa simply watches her; "You know Kendo?" San smiles as he picks up his sword, and she nods; "Yes, I practice various martial arts growing up, from Judo to Kendo," San stands there with his mouth open: "Well, you just get more and more impressive." San exclaim, and SeongHwa rolls his eyes.

"But can you fight?" San says as he narrows his eyes: "I mean, my father wanted me to be more versatile." She nods, and SeongHwa nods: "How about you get into your Bogu, and show what you can do." SeongHwa says in a monotone voice. "Is he always so serious?" Amelia asks as San chuckles: "When it comes to training, yes." He snarks as he grabs his armor.

When they finished changing, SeongHwa stands at the end of the mat and watching them; "Begin." Amelia puts up a good fight and gets two good blows in, but San finishes her within one minute. "That was terrible." SeongHwa said, and San chuckles: "Give her a break, I've only trained this for a good seventy years or so." San smiles at her as he helps her up. "Don't matter; her posture is off. Her blows aren't strong enough." Amelia frowns, "You are talking about me like I'm not here." She says, annoyed: "Again." SeongHwa said, rubbing his forehead.

Two hours later:

"Again," SeongHwa says, and Amelia is fuming now. She never seems to get past one minute, let alone getting any good strikes on San. And when SeongHwa doesn't even watch her and keeps saying again, it makes her want to break him in half. But San gets her on her back also: "Again." SeongHwa said, and Amelia jumps up and takes the Shinai, and breaks it over her leg and throws it at SeongHwa's feet: "If you say again one more time..." She threatens. And San starts clapping his hands: "What?" She says through her teeth, "You have patience." SeongHwa said, looking at her; "What you mean?" She pants as she is exhausted and angry and running on fumes and adrenaline.

"Only one person has made it through the first and second hour beside yourself." San said and pointed at SeongHwa: "This was the test?" Amelia questioned, feeling defeated: "Yes and no, it was to see how long you'd manage to lose until your patience runs out." San chuckled; "I gave in after 10 minutes, which is also my biggest weakness." San said and nodded; "And you?" Amelia said Coldly, "I went on for about three hours before I passed out." SeongHwa said.

"So, your the one to beat?" She asked, and San nodded: "That won't be easy, he has 200 years on you." 

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