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In a world not so far away:

"ARRRGH, I don't like this," Zeus complains as he rolls onto the floor. "Can't you just be quiet?" Hades groans as he watches his brother. "Life sucks." He muttered, and Hades shook his head; "Well, is it our fault you reproduce as you do?" Hades muttered back, and Zeus glared at him.

"We are gods; we are supposed to." Zeus stated: "We aren't supposed to do more than what we are assigned to do, protect humans." Poseidon said, looking up from his book. The room was oval and large, three large couches facing each other, round tables placed perfectly around the room, the large windows only showing clouds. "I don't enjoy being bossed around by Hestia." Zeus continued: "Who of us are?" Hades added as he made small balls of glowing coal and flicked them over to Poseidon's book, trying to ignite the pages.

"What are you? children?" Poseidon sighed as he sprayed Hades with water in return. "I should teach Hestia a lesson." Zeus groaned: "I don't know what's happening with you, but you get more and more immature by the minute." Poseidon sighed: "I want to have fun, surrounded by nymphs, and pleasure, not be stuck in a tower with two grumpy old men." Zeus complained: "Hey, I'm not grumpy." Hades said placed his hands on his hips, looking angry at his brother; "Don't forget Zeus, this is all your fault?" Hades threw back: "How is this my fault?" Zeus said, annoyed, sitting up.

"One, we aren't as addicted to women as you are; second, we don't indulge in nectar the way you do." Hades continued, he had a point, and Zeus knew it. "We are kings, but we are treated like children." Zeus says as he walks over to the window: "You can sleep with your wife if you want to get laid." Poseidon said and sighed: "Psh, Hera won't let me touch her, especially after Hercules." Zeus looked out the window; "The prophecy must be gone? It should have happened a long time ago if it were to happen." Zeus contemplates, "Well, we never had any kids with Aphrodite." Hades said, crossing his arms; "There is still bad blood though, Ares isn't happy, so to stay out of any wars, Hestia took charge, and now we are here." Poseidon continued.

"Fucking Hestia, of course, she found out about that damn prophecy," Zeus cussed, glaring at Hades, who looks guilty like a puppy. "The gods have been at peace for a long time, thanks to this, maybe this is for the best." Poseidon continued: "I don't like it." Zeus said like a spoiled child. "But it's for the greater good." Zeus rolled his eyes: "I don't care." Poseidon sighed, and Hades clenched his jaw, ready to attack.

"YOU BLOODY MORONS." The door slams open and Persephone comes rushing in. "Wife," Hades says, standing there in shock; he looks like a confused husky as Persephone narrows her eyes, she possibly on fire. "Poseidon, water the room." Poseidon knows not to mess with the queen of the underworld and fills the room with water. The four walk into the air bubble he creates at the center. "What do we have the honor, Perse." Zeus smiles as he's happy to see any woman who ain't his wife. "You three will be the very death of me." She starts, and Poseidon and Hades frown as Zeus looks rather smug. "I hope Cronos eats you first." She points at Zeus, who takes a step back, as he too knows he's oddly scared of hades wife.

"And you, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself for ones-" She says and points at Hades. "How are you feeling these days?" She says with irony painted in thickly. "Rather good-" Hades shrugged as he was confused. "WELL, YOUR SON IS PRETTY FUCKING REMARKABLE." The three brothers look confused at each other: "What?" They end up saying at the same time. "How do I have a son I don't know about?" Hades ends up chuckling, "Well, you're not unique in the sense that only you can see your creations anymore." Persephone said, crossing her arms, her long dark hair flowed down her back. Persephone is a real beauty even while scary.

Hades laughs: "No one can see my hell hounds beside me and themselves." He said and crossed his arms; "They're my creations." He said proudly, "Like the most unnecessary thing you've ever done," Zeus sounds and hades turn and make a faces towards his brother. "Oh, says the god of lightning bolts, go create a bolt, will you." Hades said, annoyed: "You know I can do so much more." Zeus threw back: "Can you just shut up. " Poseidon said harshly, and Persephone nodded towards him in appreciation.

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