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Yunho, SeongHwa, Mingi, Amelia, and San stand outside the house as dusk was setting in. "Why are we going so late?" Amelia asked, and Mingi sighed as he knew the answer: "On a day of a full moon, only then the gate of hell will reveal itself." Amelia raised her eyebrow at him: "That can't be true." She states and shakes her head: "No, it's not." Mingi smiled as Amelia swatted his arm, and San chuckled. "Well, if we are lucky, the sun is up where the entrance is." SeongHwa sighed; "We are never that lucky." Yunho stated.

Seonghwa started to draw on the ground five same-sized circles. Lines connecting each circle, words in ancient greek. But these weren't letters Amelia recognized. "What are does?" She asks softly as SeongHwa looks up at her as he finished drawing the last one: "Symbols, for the door and for hades, and for movement." SeongHwa explains as he walked over to her side and took her hand and kissed it; "This is going to take us a step closer to figure out who you are." He smiled; "You mean where I come from." He nods: "Yuck, can y'all not?" Yunho chuckles as San joins him. SeongHwa rolls his eyes as he appreciated the small moment between them. He did not know if it would be the last or one of many.

"San, get Amelia in her spot." He asked as he walked into the middle himself to open the dark compass. San comes to Amelia's side and places her at the top ring, the one facing north, and San then goes to the east side, Mingi at the south, and Yunho to the west side. Amelia now notices that the whole thing SeongHwa had drawn out was nothing but a large greek compass. When Seonghwa places the key inside the compass, he looks up and looks at Amelia; "Whatever you do... don't leave your ring." Amelia nods and stands still, and when SeongHwa closes the compass, the pattern he drew glows up, and the next thing Amelia knows is that she sinks into the ground.

"fucck." Mingi groans as he shivers: "Of course, one would think Hell would be located somewhere warm." San mutters. Amelia's eyes have been closed the entire time, and when she feels the cold, a shiver runs up her spine, and she opens her eyes.

The area is dark, and the trees are high, the snow is almost up to her knees, she shivers, and SeongHwa is by her side fast and starts to rub her arms, and she practically instantly feels warm. "No, of course, Hades will rebel and choose fucking Siberia." Yunho stuttered.

"We need to find the entrance quickly," SeongHwa says as he watches his friends, already freezing like crazy. "I mean, I'm good." Mingi said, crossing his arms like he read SeongHwas mind; "You snake." San stuttered out through his teeth. And Mingi snickered.

"Spread out; the entrance won't be far off," SeongHwa said as the other nodded; everyone ran in different directions; Amelia was confused at why she was running; she had zero ideas what to look for. A door? was there a cave? What was she looking for? As she stood there cold again, she noticed the snow started to fall: "WE are running out of time." She heard SeongHwas voice in the distance. It was already tough to run through the snow as it is. But she tries and looks at all the trees and things to stick out. She feels that she's finding it harder to keep up her pace and seeing anything because the snow keeps falling down in bigger and bigger flakes. The witness in the darkness made it harder for Amelia to see; she was struggling, that was for sure: "I can't find it?" She hears San's voice in the distance. She tries to locate where she is, but honestly, it was no help; they were going in blind for whatever they were looking for.

She was trying so hard to see, so she didn't even notice how cold she really was. "Turn back," Mingi calls, but it was easier said than done: "I can't see shit." San called: "Keep talking." San called out again as his hearing would most likely lead him to Mingi, "Why? you going to delude yourself so that you're next to me?" Mingi joked in the distance. It's so cold, but still, they could joke, Amelia thought.

The sound of a branch breaking made Amelia's heart stop, she stood there paralyzed, as she was trying to find her way back, the sound came direct from behind her, so when she turned around, a large black bear walked just inches away from her, had it seen her? She stood so. Still, she was even scared of breathing. It moved sluggishly around her; Amelia could feel the cold tear roll down her cheek. She wasn't really scared of anything, but such a large animal so close to her, she wouldn't be able to escape.

She stood completely frozen in her place as it finally came eye to eye with her. She didn't know where to begin; the long scars over the bear's face made it look even scarier. The large teeth sticking out looked bigger than her hand. Amelia stood there frozen; the bear stared at her. When the sound of the boys laughing made the bear react with a grunt, and it stood up on its back legs, knocking Amelia over. It came back down, with a loud collapsing sound with the ground it's teeth now bared completely, and it growled loudly at Amelia's face.

"CALLISTO." The voice came to form Yunho, he shouts as he forces the bear back, but the bear doesn't move in the first while, it growls at him further, and Yunho: "Auntie" He whispered, as the bear watches only him now. "I know, it's not fair.." He mumbled: "But, we need her." He replied: "Please." He now speaks in a whisper. "This one time, please," Yunho begs as the bear growls loudly and gets off Amelia, the bear itself huffs and walks off, and Amelia lay frozen in the snow as Yunho comes to her side. "What, who?" She managed to stutter out.

"Wow, your turning blue," Yunho whispered as he got her on her feet. "Wh...o.." Amelia stuttered in a second: "She's one of my aunts." He said, gently rubbing Amelia's arms; "SeongHwa, I need you." Yunho calls out, and quickly in the snow maze, they are back in the circle where they started, and SeongHwa comes hopping through the snow, and when he sees the almost blue Amelia, he's quick by her side and starts to rub her arms quickly, and it's like he's lighting a fire in her limbs. She melts against him as he catches her as she falls. "What happened? was she laying in the snow?" SeongHwa asked, concerned: "Callisto." SeongHwa sighed; "No wonder why the hells of the gate is here then." SeongHwa says, sinking into the snow, melting it with Amelia in his arms.

"You're family is fucked up." SeongHwa finds himself saying: "And yours is perfect?" Yunho complained: "Touche." Amelia merely listens to the conversation as she notices something around her and SeongHwa, "She blames everyone what happened to her, even Grandma." Yunho said and shrugged: "Well, Artemis didn't really protect her either." SeongHwa replies as Yunho sighs, "What's that?" Amelia asks as she points right next to them, "You got to be kidding me." Yunho groaned; "San, Mingi, come back, we found it." 

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