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Amelia, San, and SeongHwa rush through the forest, and when they reach the clearing, it's like an unforeseen battle is appearing in front of them; everyone is fighting everyone. There are bodies on the ground and people fighting for blood.

Amelia feels her pulse rise as she steps onto the battleground. Amelia throws her arms out, and thunder hits her. As it does, it ignites her powers, and the toga Zeus had dressed her in melts into a bodysuit, like her armor. When the thunderstruck her, it seemed like the fighting close to her stopped. They watched her as she stepped onto the battleground, sword in hand, both scared and relieved. But within seconds, demigods and other monsters start to attack them.

Her sword moves with the wind as she runs against the mass, fighting off one by one. The open field was larger than she was expecting, and people were fighting left and right; even monsters and trolls were fighting against the demigods; she saw almost no one fall; the monsters and the demigods on the field were falling and getting up as it was nothing.

Amelia had been fighting off almost five people for a long time until she realized they weren't going to surrender anytime soon. She wanted to reach Mingi before Yoongi did, that's for sure. But she wasn't getting past. "It's like they are possessed," She mumbled as she finally managed to kick one to the ground and struggled to get up again. And she felt empowered by that. She felt stupid for spoiling their biggest secret and not even knowing there was a full-blown war going on. Amelia was just not released. She had been separated from San and SeongHwa. But as she used the sword to penetrate the body of a troll and ending up slicing him in two.

She keeps on getting rid of people, but they seem to flock around her just as quickly as she defeats others. She is surrounded and blinded because she can't see anyone of her allies. Where are they all coming from? And when she manages to turn around and fight the people behind her, Amelia can feel the anger built up inside her, but then a small voice in her ear say something that makes her turn around Doyeon, Presses a knife into her eye as far in as she could. Amelia screams out in sheer pain. She feels the blood sprinkle along with her hands as her good eyes see through the blood. Doyeon yelps as she's clawing at her throat. It's when she sees the black metal whip around her neck. When mingi pulls it back, she hears the cracking sound of Doyeons neck.

It's the first time it's become real that they and she's really killing people; for some reason, to her, it's been like a game in her head. Mingi is by her side as Amelia cradles the dagger that's still etched in; sheer eye. She looks up and whispers: "Why?" 'He looks at her, confused as he picks her up. And tries to carry her off the battlefield, but SeongHwa is at her side quickly: "Where is he?" He screams as he's seen what dagger it is, which is latched onto Amelia's face.

She, of course, had not seen it, but as the wound ached and stung inside her, she was scared to move an inch. Mingi cradled her as he waked her off to the edge of the battlefield, not that it would be safer.


Seonghwa reached Yunho, who was fighting so effortlessly, he looked like he was toying with them while Hong Joong was tearing people apart with his bare hands. Watching them act like this made him proud that this was his troop, but he needed to find Yoongi; when he gets his hands on him, he won't live that long. Woo comes to Seonghwas side: "Who are you looking for ?" He said as it must have been clear that he was looking for someone.

"Yoongi gave Doyeon a dagger which she planted in Amelia's eye." Woo gasped dramatically. "Is she okay?" Seonghwa shot someone getting close to them with his arrow. "She has a dagger in her eye; what do you think?" He questioned as Woo chuckled, "At least it's not cum." Woo joked, and SeongHwa looked at him in disgust, thinking there was no point in having a further conversation as he couldn't see Yoongi on the battlefield at all; he picked up his pace to see where he could see any of the bts troop members. Because as he can tell, they aren't on the battlefield.


Mingi helps amelia sit against the trunk of a tree; she cradles the blade of the dagger as Mingi sighs: "We should remove it." Mingi says calmly, and Amelia is in such immense pain and just wants it gone: "just remove it." She stutters in pain. Mingi carefully places his hand around the handle, trying not to disturb it, with one swift move, pulls the dagger out.

When he did, there was applause behind him. Amelia screams out in pain when he pulls it out, but the pain subsides so quickly; "And eye for an eye, am I right, Amelia?" Amelia looks up and feels her stomach drop. Yoongi stands in front of her, his scar just as prominent as when she slashed the dagger against his face: "It suits you." He smirked, and Amelia looked through her good eye, as she couldn't even try to look with her bad eye now. "Let me take yours, and we are even." Amelia stutters out, and Yoongi grins.

"So mingi, arent you a good brother," Rm says, walking over to Mingi's side and pats his shoulder, and Mingi brushes him off. "Well, she's like my sister, so I would die for her." He said, squaring up towards RM. "I mean, Amelia, isn't he a nice brother." Yoongi smirked, and Amelia smiled: "You know what, of course, he is." She said, standing up exposing her eye for them, one of the guy's gasps. Amelia hasn't seen herself, but she's assuming she looks horrendous.

Mingi doesn't look at her; he's watching: "I mean, we have them both now, right? shouldn't we just capture them?"Rm tests, and Mingi doesn't flinch. "Whatever you're trying to do, Rm, it's not going to work," Mingi said as he stood straighter, and it's nice to see Rm looking afraid.

"You knew?" Amelia asks low, and he nods ones: "I pretended not to, even I don't want to be the son of hades, but it explains the emotional detachedness and anger issues." But as Yoongi is about to say something, an arrow crashes through his esophagus. He grabs his throat as Amelia walks over and watches Yoongo fall to his knees again; Amelia ruthlessly places her foot on his shoulder and grabs the arrow, and kicks Yoongi back. She's still standing with the arrow in her hand as she watches Yoongi bleed in front of her.

The rest of the bts troop tries to get to her side. But seongHwa and Mingi are by her side now. "He made a mistake," Seonghwa muttered. "And so did we," Amelia says: "What you mean, mingi, knew all along." Seonghwa sighed as he looked at his friend, who shrugged, and there they stood. "Was it really Yoongi's idea to put the dagger in Amelia's eye?" SeongHwa shouts at the five in front of them.

"It was mine." They turn and See Jackson standing there smirking, and when Amelia sees Mingi's hands, she knows something bad is about to happen.

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