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"Sunbae..." Woo whispered: "So can you get past your obsession now?" SeongHwa almost snarled. Woo shrugged: "She could be a sister after all." San spoke and made a face: "Hasn't stopped you before, though," seonghws said,  making San chuckled while SeongHwa shook his head.

"Hello? I'm dying here?" the female said, and the trio came back to reality, and Woo let go of her and rip his shirt: "Sorry, Amelia." Woo said and wrapped the fabric around her hand.

The skies got clearer, and Seonghwa is having a feeling about that, "When you get upset, do the skies get weary?" she glares at him, "What the hell is that suppose to mean?" she questions: "Exactly what I said." he throws back. "You're the most..." she starts, and SeongHwa gives her a look: "Yes?" which shuts her up.

"What do we do now?" Woo asks as he looks around: "Just like that, I don't exist anymore?" Amelia ends up asking; the entire scenario seems so out of the ordinary, she had just been tackled and cut, and suddenly the three males seemed like confused lambs except for the bookstore boy.

"We should take her to Pegasus." Amelia watch the three speak as she squeezes her hand hard to stop the bleeding, Woo doesn't even look at her, but he keeps reaching out for her and makes sure she pulls her hand up. SeongHwa licks his lip: "It's the only choice; we are a dying breed." And this is where Amelia panics. She's seen handmaidens tale; she won't become a baby momma to a bunch of pervs. "Yah, y'all don't need me." She says, trying to squeeze past the other observing male, who reaches back and blocks her way. "San, do your thing."


SeongHwa, San, and Wooyoung stand in a circle around their mentor's desk, Im Jaebum.

"Are you saying you stumbled upon a demigod?" Jaebum asks to lean back in his seat. The male was dressed all in white and had since long been guiding most of the demigods. But took upon mentorship for the Ateez troop. "Someone fell into her too." Jaebum didn't need much guessing and looked at Woo instantly; "I didn't know." He says and looks away shamefully.

"So, what exactly happened? how did you get her to pegasus?" The three males looked at each other, slightly embarrassed: "So the case was this.." SeongHwa started: "HE CUT HER." San and Woo screamed at the same time. Standing bucked over like they had been running a marathon. SeongHwa was in slightly in shock as well as he was mad at them. They threw him under the bus in the worst case possible. Jaebum looked tired just at the mere thought and started to rub his temples.

"kidnap and abuse." Jaebum mumbles: "To my defense, these two wouldn't have helped me if I hadn't proved that she was one of us." they nod in unison. "Seonghwa, do you know how stupid that sounds?" SeongHwa looked away; he had no excellent proper explanation for it. "What did you find out, though?" Jaebum asks: "Well, to my surprise, her blood was more gold. Honestly, I didn't see any blood at all; it was just gold." He said, and Jaebum looked intrigued by this: "What do we know about her?" Seonghwa gestured towards WooYoung, who's was sitting on the other side of the desk right next to Jaebum like a secretary: "Well.." He starts touching stuff on Jaebum's desk, when Jaebum snaps his fingers in front of Woo's eyes to make him focus: "She's the campus goddess, how much of a goddess she was, I had no idea." He starts as he watches Jaebum.

"She's adopted, she transferred this year from Europe somewhere, she's a history major." He sighed like he could be less interested: "She enjoys salads, coffee, reading." San looked at SeongHwa: "She sounds like you." And Seonghwa hit him over the arm; "Her name is Amelia Joy." He said so mindlessly: "That's her name?" SeongHwa asks, and Woo nods; "I haven't figured out her last name yet." He said he was getting bored because he's starting to touch random things again. "Where is she now?" Jaebum asks, "She's 'sleeping' in my bed."SeongHwa said: "How did you manage that? Did she pass out?" San looked between SeongHwa and Jaebum: "He made me." San said quickly and pointed at SeongHwa, who swatted at him now. "tattletale." SeongHwa mutters, "He made her believe she's sleeping." SeongHwa said in a sigh: "It actually might be for the best." Jaebum said and leaned back in his chair. "When she wakes up, let me know... We'll have to make this easy with her."

"Yes, sir," SeongHwa said as he bowed and grabbed Woo and San by the neck and pulled them out of their mentor's office.

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