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Mark hands SeongHwa a compass; "I know this will take you there... but getting in won't be easy to get in." Mark said as SeongHwa inspects the compass. It's a black compass, but when SeongHwa opens it, the box is empty. "Wish to where you want to go, and it will take you." Mark said and watched SeongHwa: "But beware of Styx." Mark adds softly.

SeongHwa nods as SeongHwa closes the compass and puts it in his pocket. "I can hear Jackson coming down the hall again, so hurry now." SeongHwa puts his portal key into the door and turns it. He reaches out his hand for Amelia, who goes to his side and take it as Mark grabs the box of the bed and toss it to amelia, who catches it when SeongHwa opens the door and steps through having her to follow; "Amelia, a tip... use your strength."

Amelia is confused as to why he said that. But it was Mark, and she had to trust what he said. When she looks at SeongHwa, he's watching her curiously; "Do you know something I don't?" He said low. "Yah, I'm not stupid... but honestly, I haven't been able to process anything after we entered Mark's room." And SeongHwa looked at her in disbelief; "Well, good thing you're pretty, I guess?" SeongHwa asked more than he stated: "Yeah, well sue me, how the hell can anyone take in all the info I've taken in the last few weeks? It's not like I haven't dealt with a lot." And SeongHwa chuckled: "You're right, a little too right, we've thrown information on you, you haven't even settled with being a demigod yet..." SeongHwa says: "Well, we don't know..." Amelia starts as SeongHwa presses his hand over her mouth as he pushes her into their room.

As Amelia tries to take his hand away, he places his index finger to his lip to shush her, and she stops struggling as someone walks by outside their room.

When the footsteps disappear: "That reminds me." SeongHwa says that as he pulls a necklace out of his pocket, a small sun pendant at the end of it looks beautiful in Amelia's eyes. She found herself feeling overwhelmed with emotion, as she feels the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Why are you crying?" SeongHwa asks softly as he cups her face with his hands and wipes her cheeks gently. Amelia looks up into his eyes and blushes slightly, "I'm an unstable mess, but..." Amelia starts as SeongHWa leans in and kisses her softly; "Besides, when I'm, it's just about us." She exhales as she smiles softly, "Amelia, you have been through the wringer today, and tomorrow won't be any better. How about you go and relax, take a bath, or whatever you want, and just be and take it all in." Amelia raised her eyebrow at him; "You know what you did on Mark's bed." SeongHwa states, waving the necklace in her face. "Are you going to put this on me or not?" She almost scolds. SeongHwa forgets that he was serious and cracked a smile at her and nods, "Yes." He unclasps the necklace as Amelia lifts her hair out of the way and wraps his arms around her neck as he clasps the necklace together. He smiles, watching her face as he lets the necklace go, "Thank you." She says low, and the smile on his lips stays there as he nods twice.

Amelia's hands gently grab his shirt. At the hip, as she pulls him closer. SeongHWa feels his heart skip, making him weak in the knees, and falls into her, crashing his lips to hers. Amelia's hands are eager as they travel up his back. SeongHwas hands slid up her neck, one cupping her chin as his second slid into her hair. The kiss is deep and longing. Their breathing was haggard as SeongHwa can't control himself at all. He reaches down and picks her up, pressing her against the wall, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. His hands roam her body eager, as her hands are just as eager. She manages to pull his shirt off. SeongHha kisses her lips but now starts to let his lips travel and explore her skin. His lips gently brush against her jawline, down her neck, gently nibbling at the tender skin of her neck. Amelia finds herself moaning at his lips against her skin. She grabs his chin as she leans in and bites down on his bottom lip, and yanks slightly; "Bed." She says breathlessly.


He moves into her, for the first time in a long time, SeongHwa feels complete. The way they move together, the way they make each other moan. The way his heart is about to beat out of his chest. Everything in this moment is telling him that this is meant to be.


SeongHwa lays in bed watching Amelia sleep, and he finds her so soothing. He gently brushes her golden hair out of her face and leans and kisses her forehead. He gets out of bed and stretches, feeling a bit stiff in his body, and turns and watches Amelia mentally blaming her for it. He grabs a pair of sweats from the closet and a t-shirt. He grabs the small orange velvet bag he has on his nightstand, and he had hidden the ring he asked his father for in it. He has carved the letter into it identify it, and give it to the right owner. He puts it in his pocket and walks out of the room, and this is the first time he's noticing it's quite dark. He walks down the hallway and into the kitchen: "My eyes," He ends up screaming, as he catches Yunho and Hong Joong kissing. Yunho looks smug as Hong Joong looks embarrassed, probably because he's sitting on the kitchen counter as Yunho stands for them to be at the same height. But they are both naked, and SeongHwa felt like he didn't need that much of them.

Yunho chuckled as he leaned in and kissed Hong Joongs cheek and bent down to pick up HJ's boxers and hand them to him. He jumps off the counter as SeongHwa kindly had turned around: "We eat out here, you know." He said to Yunho, who walked past him still naked. "So? you destroyed our ears..." He chuckled, walking over towards the staircase that was next to SeongHwa's bedroom door.

"Don't tell me, woo and Mingi too?" SeongHwa joked as Hong Joong comes to face him. "No, Woo and San are training, Jongho and Yeseong went to do something, Mingi is sleeping, I think." Hong Joong said, looking up at SeongHwa. "Was it obvious?" SeongHwa asks, and Hong Joong nods, "Yeah, you weren't that loud, but you had a lot in you, I guess, five hours, and the fact that it sounded like your bed would break any second." Hong Joong laughed, and SeongHwa leaned against the wall; "Don't tell Amelia."

Hong Joong chuckled: "Not me you have to worry about." SeongHwa sighed: "Yeah, thankfully they arent here throwing confetti or something." He said as he placed his hand into his pocket and pulled out the velvet bag: "Can I ask a favor?" SeongHwa asked suddenly serious.

Hong Joong nodded, watching his friend: "Can you make seven copies of this ring, and have our initials engraved into them?" He asked as he opens the small bag and pour the ring out into his palm. "I mean, I can always ask the Twice girls to make copies for us, but this is already engraved." He pointed at the initial; "I know, but I thought his birthday is coming up, and I thought that we all share a token would making him happy, that we are a unit, you know like Seventeen have." SeongHwa knows into his soul that Hong Joong is the one he can trust if anyone. San too, but 9999999% to the max Hong Joong, so he started to feel guilty about not telling him that currently, he was holding a ring made out of JB's ashes.

"I like this idea SeongHwa, what about Amelia?" He asks, looking sneaky; "She got a necklace; I already thought about her." He smiled and waved his hand in Hong Joongs face to not see his reaction. "Wow, wow, wow." Someone said beside them, and Seonghwa sighed as Woo stood there, being drunk. "I thought you were practicing?" Hong Joong asked San, who shook his head. "Don't ask me about this, and this ain't my fault," San said, pointing at Woo, who fell face-first into the ground.

"At first, I thought it was because of You and Amelia, but when the Weki-Meki girls came, and he showed no interest... but got really drunk, someone else is at fault." San explained, and Hong Joong and SeongHwa looked at each other: "They're my cousins..." Woo gurgled from the floor: "That hasn't stopped you before," The other three said in unison; "ONE DAMN TIME," Woo shouted. 

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