Fight of the two

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"Mingi, breath," Amelia mumbled as she placed her hand on his arm, but she could tell he was boiling. "You traitor." He snarled, "Mingi." Amelia raised her voice. "Don't tell me what to do." He snapped harshly at her, and SeongHwa got in between them.

"Stop, please, Mingi." Seonghwa's reaction to protect Amelia seemed to have infuriated him even more. Mingi was already angry when he saw the dagger in Amelia's eye, and knowing that Yoongi had seemed to order Mingi's old girlfriend Doyeon to hurt Amelia, and third try to play on his weakness for her. Yet Amelia could protect herself, and SeongHwa thought he could protect her better than he could; she was his family, she was his. Not someone else.

"Don't you dare.. haven't you done enough?" Mingi snarled towards SeongHwa, "Mingi, please calm down." SeongHwa says low. "This is what he wants, "Amelia says, pointing towards Jackson, who stands like he's the king of the battlefield.

"I should have known that a son of Athena was behind this, "SeongHwa said and pointed over to the field behind Jackson. The battle was in full swing, but They were standing there having a conversation. "What can I say? It's lovely, isn't it," Jackson smiles; "You killed jay." Amelia says choked up: "Ah, that was unfortunate, but it was fun." Jackson said as he started to pull the golden string from his hand, smirking and SeongHwa stood there cooly as he watched him. "You know, it's sad that you're stupid." SeongHwa said and chuckled as Jackson snarled at him; 2Youre not winning this fight, you know." Jackson almost shouted as he threw the golden thread towards Seonghwa. It turned into a noose, and when it landed around SeongHwa's neck, Jackson yanked the rope, only that the rope seemed to burn off. "What?" He exclaims.

"You know, Jay was smarter than you, and he knew someone in his troops was betraying him, so he made sure that Amelia and Mingi would be protected." SeongHwa snarled. Jackson looks like he's about to panic, and Mingi looks at the ring on his finger: "So you knew much longer and didn't tell me?"

This time, it was harder; Mingi would most likely feel betrayed: "We didn't know... for sure." SeongHwa said: "Not only did we literally stumble upon Amelia, but you were a gift sent from.." Seonghwa says as mingi Interrupts: "Hell."

"No..." Amelia says softly as Jackson seems to enjoy the internal battle between the three: "We wanted to keep you safe." And now Mingi's eyes are burning with rage.

Something happens that they guess Jackson wasn't surprised by. Mingi is engulfed in fire; Amelia stood glued to her spot as she watched SeongHwa do the same as Mingi; she couldn't understand what was happening; how were they even doing that?

She wants to stop them; as she tries to get in between them, Jackson comes up behind her and pulls her back, as he wraps his arms around her waist. She struggles to get loose: "Don't worry, darling, let them play." He chuckled.

Amelia ends up elbowing him in the chest, making him fall over; "Don't touch me," He lays on the ground: "a traitor, I feel bad for them." She said and snarled.

Amelia is watching SeongHwa and Mingi; they walk around like they are about to duel each other. And Seonghwa screams to mingi: "You need to cool down." And mingi being mentally 12 years old, called back: "No, you should." Amelia was the one rolling her eyes at them. The war seems to have stopped as they now focus on the two people on fire.

Mingi's face looks like he's so mad that he has no idea what he's doing but still so much in control. "Mingi... Please." Amelia pleaded as she wanted to take a step forward: "Please what? you kept me for knowing." He snarled, Amelia, got mad and placed her hands on her hips and shouted: "Well, you suspected and didn't tell me" And he stopped in his track, his flames were minimizing, this was not something Jackson wanted: "they knew all along since you came to Pegasus." Jackson smirked as Amelia round kicked his ass, made him fly. But it only had triggered Mingi more than anything.

"Why did you lie to me?" Mingi shouted as Seonghwa sighed: "We were trying to protect you." Amelia regretted her choice more than ever now, and she never wanted this. "We? They all knew?" Mingi's fires are getting larger with each breath he takes: "No, not all." SeongHwa shouts as Jackson chirps in: "He's lyinggggg..." He almost sings as Mingi and suddenly starts to throw fire at SeongHwa, who is quick to defend himself. The fire is flying, and the two are struggling against one another. Seonghwa is stronger than Amelia knew, but then again did she ever doubt his strength. 'but somewhere their fires are becoming more and more, and Amelia can tell SeongHwa is struggling with his.

Amelia tries to get her eye to heal, but the scar tissue seems hard to get rid of. "Zeus, I need your help." She whispers as she leans her head back. And a large thunderbolt appears in the sky, and it strikes Amelia right in the eye. And she feels something happening to her body; she can see through both her eyes, but it's like blue light, and her skin feels like it's pricking, her feet feel like she's lifting off the ground. And she feels this power surge all over her body, a new sensation, and each sense beats the other one.

She watched the thunder grasp a hold of her and felt her hover, and when she looked at her hands, her body was in flames, but compared to Mingi and SeongHwa, she's blue. Her body looks like she's on fire too.


San runs across the field as he gets closer to the battle, but the thunderbolt knocks him down and everyone around it too. Amelia is floating inside the bolt that is crashing into the ground over and over. When she finally seems to land on her feet, San gets completely shocked, her eyes were glowing like the light from a thunderbolt, but her eye, her right eye, was looked like it had been struck by lightning, the scarring that's reached around her eye looks oddly beautiful enough.

But her body became glowing blue like she, too, was on fire. Her hair was playing along with the flames, and Amelia was a sight for sore eyes. How could he and the rest that was watching her be mesmerized?

Amelia lifts her hands and shoots fires right between the fires that SeongHwa and Mingi were projecting. SeongHwa was looking defeated already until Amelia stepped in. San remembered these images in his mind; it came to be true; how could she have known? Mingi and Amelia only stare at one and other; Mingi's eyes are shifting too. He couldn't believe Amelia was one fire: "when lightning strikes, fire occur." Amelia shouts at Mingi, but his eyes become more of a pink shimmer. And the fire slowly transitions to a shade of lilac and fuchsia. San can't believe his eyes, Amelia's blue and Mingis blazes collide and unites, and Mingis aura seems to shift color completely. "He really is a child of Aphrodite, isn't he." Woo says next to San, "Yup, you've fucked your cousin again," San let slip as Mingi gets consumed; something is fighting within him. And it overpowers him, but Amelia watches her brother, and to San's surprise, Amelia lets go of her resistance.

Mingis fire penetrates Amelia's chest, and they both fall to the ground. Woo rushes over to Mingi's side as Amelia's side SeongHwa slides into the base holding on to her. "WHAT HAVE I DONE," Mingi screams as he's quick on his feet. Amelia lay lifeless in SeongHwas arms. Mingi reaches her side, but Seonghwa pushes him off. "This was why we didn't tell you, for your own damn good." SeongHwa snarled. And Mingi watches him on the grass.

"Look at what you've done." He spits.

A light appears around SeongHwa and Amelia as They disappear into thin air. "I didn't mean to," Mingi whimpers. The war seems to have stopped. This was an outcome no one had expected. Jackson fled into the forest, and so have the BTS troops. Their alliance was quick to scatter.

And there they stood. Around a mark on the ground, they were burned into the grass like a sun.

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