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Amelia walks down the steps in her robe, it was one of those flowy robes that are see-through and women wear in old movies. She must hand it to Youngjae and Mark. They had filled the closet up well. She gave credit to Mark at first, but after seeing Yongjae at the meeting, she was certain he was behind it.

She yawns as she walks into the dining room; she stops in her tracks, completely shocked, there were most of the Ateez Troops sitting and eating, but after they see her, they instantly look away. She then looks down; she's only wearing a lace bralette and thing, mostly because she thought she was alone.

"really." She hears SeongHwa say as he takes off his robe and places it over her shoulders. His slender arms raches around her and ties the band around her waist. He's only in underwear, but the boys don't care about that. Amelia blinks, confused at the revelation of him there. "What's going on?" She mumbles, and he doesn't look at him, but he still answers: "After your little stunt, you have been out cold for almost three days." Amelia's jaw falls to the ground: "Three days?" She says in shock as he nods. He takes his arms away and turns around, and leaves Amelia standing in the doorway.

Amelia goes and gets her breakfast and sits down between Hong Joong and Yeosang; they don't speak at all. She starts to feel like she is contagious or something, and after sitting there in silence, she snaps.

"Start talking. The fact that you are silent is so annoying," Amelia almost yells, standing up. Yunho and Jongho choke in their drinks as San cracks a smile. Mingi looks like he's relaxing.

"We're sorry, we don't know how to act.." Jongho says low, picking at his breakfast as Amelia sighs: "Please treat me as before," Amelia says, and Woo comes wobbling in through the door: "Wheres the queen?" He says cheerfully and makes finger guns at Mingi, who scoffs. And the room relaxes and laughs, and Woo looks pleased with himself for making the room laugh.

"Actually, your highness, we can't, we are sworn to protect you at all costs, and as of the day, you got outed as the biggest queen.." When Hong Joong spoke, Jongho, Woo, and San choked on their laughter, and Amelia narrowed her eyes at them. "What you mean, like you were knighted?" She said, and Hong Joong smiled: "It wasn't as formal as that, more like a hand on a book."

"But we had to wear like fancy tuxes." Yunho said, looking happy, and Hong jong blushed: "This is a breakfast table, you guys." Yeosang complained. "I've seen worse," Amelia muttered.

"But if you are here to protect me, why don't we just move back to your house?" She asked: "Because we aren't the only ones that protect you." Mingi sighs: "I honestly only need you guys," Amelia says: "True." San and Yunho say at the same time and high fives each other.

Seonghwa sits down at the table, "What is someone stands in for me?" SeongHwa frowns: "What you mean? Like a decoy?" She nods approvingly. "Actually, that isn't a bad idea," Mark says as he closes the door behind him. He nods towards SeongHwa, who starts to close up the room, and San automatically helps him when Mark suddenly turns the room oddly tinted lavender again.

"What will be said in this room is strictly between us, and if whatever that's been said in here means we have a traitor among us," SeongHwa says, crossing his arms. And the boys nod: "I think amelia will end up killing someone as long as we are cooped up here." Mark states, "She totally would." Woo interjects, and Amelia is shooting daggers at him.

"She's our queen after all, and should we not do as she wishes?" Mark says, and Hong Jooong stands up: "Where should we hide then?" Yunho asks: "Well, our house is sadly not an option.." SeongHwa says, and Amelia pouts, "And why not?" She questions and SeongHwa looks at her like she's been dropped on her head.

"Because they would look there first," Mark says, placing his arms behind his back, and apparently it wasn't only Amelia who hadn't come to that conclusion because Jongho and Woo joined in, and Yunho shook his head in dismay. "Well, what about the cabin?" San says, and Hong Joong, Mingi, and SeongHwa almost scream no at the same time, "I'm not living in one room with you ever again." Mingi says and points at Hong Joong, who grits his teeth, "You ain't not better." Yunho said and looked at Woo, who shrugs. "Let's just agree that it's a no." Yeosang sighed and crossed his arms: "We will need a place, no one would know." Mark said, and Amelia nodded.

"Why not just ask Zeus?" Woo yawned, and they all turned and looked at him: "That Idea doesn't sound half bad," Mark ends up saying, and the rest of the turn to look at Mark in disbelief: "You can't be serious." Amelia and Mingi say at the same time.

"Amelia, you're still not strong enough, you won't beat BTS troops on your own, and Zeus is, technically, you don't belong on earth." Mark counters, "I don't belong there either."

"Amelia, I think Mark is right." San ends up saying, and Amelia nods, and SeongHwa and Yeosang look at each other confused.

"So, how would I even?" She asks, and San speaks up again, "I bet that you have to go to Olympus for him," Seonghwa is getting more confused by the moments passing.

"I will take you." San continues, and Seonghwa slams his hand against the table to stop the two's trance-like behavior. "Stop it." He snarls, and San and Amelia look up at him. "You can't go for obvious reasons," San states and sighs: "Mingi can't go for obvious reasons." Amelia continues as Mingi looks confused, "And the only one besides yourself you trust with your own life is San, so clearly he is the obvious reason." Amelia states as all the boys, in unison, say, "Hey, wait..." And go silent as they know it true.


Amelia and San stand at the top of Olympus, hand in hand and looking at each other: "What was the real reason you brought me here?" Amelia asks, knowing he's scared of heights, but now it didn't seem to phase him all that much, and San chuckles: "I think... I like your sister."

Amelia leans forward, confused: "Wait... What? Sister?" San nods: "Yeah, I've been having these dreams of being underwater for years, but it never made sense until the night when the BTS troop appeared." Amelia looked at him as he looked slightly awkward: "We kinda kissed." Amelia is most likely more confused now: "I mean, I kissed her, but like it was you, I kissed but." San rambled on, "What?" She asks, "Your sister took over your body to get through a message." He said, and Amelia felt like it was a lot to take in, but she was trying to keep up.

"When she kissed me, she told me that she's out there, and when time is right, you will unite?" San said, and Amelia sighed: "What's with the rhyme?" She shook her head in disdain, and San chuckled: "How does she look?" Amelia asks, and San nods: "Pretty hot." Amelia does a double-take and almost hits him as he chuckles: "I have only seen her through you, and in dark water, but dark hair green eyes." He said softly with a smile.

"Okay, lover boy..." Amelia said as she held her hands out: "Was that all or are you planning on telling me your entire life story too?" She smiled as she chuckled. San takes her hands, knowing what it means; "Think of it as you're trying to get a meeting with him. He can't deny you when you're this close." San said as he spoke from knowledge.

Amelia inhales as she closes her eyes, and when she opens them up, the cold mountain top exterior is now an airy yet castle-like interior. In the middle of the room, three large couches formed an almost perfect circle. Amelia could feel San's hand in hers. She turns to look at him, and he nods. She can tell that the San next to her is an illusion, not the flesh and bone San. Does that mean he's still on top of the mountain?

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