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Amelia and Jinyoung looked at each other: "So this explains a lot." Jinyoung says and smiles, and there was something oddly sinister about it even. "What you mean?" Amelia asks as he nods: "Aurelia, I remember that name; when I ones a kid when I found out about whom I was, I woke up in a room like you have been in today." Jinyoung says and crossed his arms; "I wasn't adopted, and I grew up with normal parents. My mother was born without the luxury of being a demigod. That happens a lot; it can skip generations." He shrugged: "But, No one in my family was a demigod besides me, my great grandmother, was though, but the line ends with me, I guess." He sighed as he rubbed his head: "So I woke up my head resting on a dark figueres lap."

Jinyoung said, watching Amelia curious, so he chose to continue on. "She was stroking my hair and smiling at me. She had the bluest eyes, sort of like yours," Jinyoung said and nodded in Amelia'sAmelia's direction. "She was dark as the midnight sky, but her eyes stood out from the rest. " Amelia frowns slightly, and Jinyoung continued, "She was a kind woman, and every time I went to bed, I woke up and spent time with Aurelia," He said, and Amelia looked at him. Confused: "What are you telling me exactly?" She asks, and he sighs: "I thought SeongHwa would have told you by now. There is a reason for everything," He said and crossed his arms: "You were sheltered, were you not? living the most normal bland life, right?" She nods: "I lived the most ordinary life up until a few months ago." Jinyoung smiled: "Aurelia was a sort of a darkness nymph." He nods as he looks down at their feet.

"Aurelia often told me, though, about her daughter; she called her smiley because she was so happy." Jinyoung said, and Amelia looked at him, trying to grasp what he was saying: "Can nymphs have kids?" She asked, confused; "Yeah, but they are more like creatures than human form." He says: "But Aurelia wasn't a nymph." Amelia tilted her head and scratched it; "I'm not sure I get what you are saying." Amelia said, and Jinyoung looked at her like she was stupid. At this very moment, Amelia couldn't focus. Maybe it was the nectar, perhaps it was something else, but she found herself very attracted to Jinyoung. "What is your full name Amelia?"

"Um... Happy Amelia Wellington, and yours?" She smiled as she rubbed her temple: "-Why Happy?" He asked instead of answering her question: "Because I smiled a lot as a newborn and was a happy baby." Jinyoung clicked his tongue: "Are you telling me my mother was Aurelia?" Amelia scoffed in disbelief: "That's impossible, my mother's name is Lilith, and I look just like her."

Jinyoung swallowed hard: "You wanna see?" He asked, and she looked at him confused, Jinyoung grabbed her face and pressed his lips to hers again, but this time her hands just stayed by her side.

Amelia's eyes were closed, but her memories were flashing by in her head, like a car on a freeway. Everything was swooshing by. And she had no control, and she was standing there in the midst of it all. Jinyoung as they watch their memories, from crying on the schoolyard for falling off her bike, her first kiss, with that one guy she can never remember, family gatherings, birthdays. And then suddenly, it all slows down, and it's like Amelia is opening her eyes, it's blurry at first, or is it dark. There is a ring of light, very soft light coming through, and as she focuses on it, it starts to move. She watches as it gets brighter and brighter, and a sound from a small child escapes her mouth. It was a joyful sound, a gurgling.

"There you are." Amelia recognized the voice instantly, and it was the voice of her mother, Lilith. "She's safe." Lilith speaks as a voice Amelia never heard before speaks: "Can you keep her safe?" And Lilith nods: "I can do my utmost best." She replied: "I need you to do better than that." It was a male voice, and it was power in his tone as Lilith nods.

Suddenly the memory goes black, and as she wonders what's going on, it's like all black is rushing past, even longer than before, but it was just black, all black, nothingness. And then suddenly, Amelia finds herself screaming, but it's a scream of a first breath, this is the ever first memory Amelia most likely would have had, and she had no idea that this even existed in her.

"She's beautiful, Aurelia." Amelia found herself wanting to speak but, only gurgling sounds were coming out. "She's mine?" The blond woman asks; Amelia was confused, even though she heard the name from a male voice, she was looking in a mirror. They looked identical.

Amelia suddenly falls back, and the memories are interrupted. "What the hell Jinyoung." Amelia's eyes tried to adjust, but the memories are rushing around, and it's like a movie is projected in light speed like something is igniting from the inside. It's coming rushing inside her hard, the power was unfamiliar, and it was like it was burning up her brain, and the scream that was coming from Amelia's mouth was something SeongHwa had never heard before. It was sheer pain.

"What did you do, SeongHwa?" Jinyoung screams as he climbs out of the water. Everything had gone so fast. Pour rage had ignited SeongHwa, punching Jinyoung, so he fell into the water. He had no idea what he created. Amelia is screaming. Her veins are turning blue, and it looks like she's about to explode.

Somewhere out of nowhere, Mingi appears hr rushes past SeongHwa. Mingi falls onto his knees and grabs Amelia's chin; he forces her head up and presses his forehead against hers; "It's me." He whispered as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his veins turning blue. As Amelia's screams slowly stop, it's apparent Mingi is suffering too. Amelia's eyes open as her head falls back, and a light stream shoots out of her eyes, and as she's about to fall back, Mingi catches her.

SeongHwa is frozen on the spot. When Jinyoung turns to look at SeongHwa and back at Amelia, he speaks: "What did you do." He breathed as he ran his fingers through his hair, and SeongHWa stood up trying to get to Amelia: "I'll take her." Mingi says breathless and gets up and carries off the docks.

SeongHwa stands there watching in disbelief. He wasn't sure what had happened; why did she react like that? "What did you do?" SeongHwa ends up asking Jinyoung. "I wanted answers, so I got them." He sighed: "You broke the connection, but that has never happened before. "It's supposed only to wake her up." Jinyoung explained, "Why did you kiss her?" SeongHwa now snarls: "To get the answers, what else? it's the best way." Jinyoung explained: "Tell me what you did to cause that reaction out of her." Jinyoung asked: "You went in and meddled with something you shouldn't have."

"Are you blaming me?" Jinyoung asks: "I have never seen her like that." SeongHwa snarled: "Something or someone is working very hard for us not to find out." Seonghwa crossed his arms: "Why are you keeping it from her?" SeongHwa looked at Jinyoung. "How do I tell her?"

Jinyoung crossed his arms. "Simple, start with your highness."

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