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"Oh," Amelia says as she feels her heartbreak slightly. She had felt there was something unspoken between the two all along, a cosmic feeling, but he's married?  "It's not..." SeongHwa says as Jaebum taps on SeongHwas shoulder, "I need to borrow Amelia." SeongHwa is about to open his mouth, but Amelia lets go of SeongHwa, "My pleasure." She says as she walks off as Jaebum offers his arm to her.

When Amelia and Jaebum get far enough away: "'I need to get out of this dress." Jaebum looks at her, confused: "I can have Youngjae get you a new dress if you wait a minute or so." She nods. "Then the guest can party more!" jaebum chuckled. Amelia saw an unexpected side of him; it was refreshing he usually gives off this stern and serious adult vibe.

Jaebum leads her into the building that she presumes is the Got7 home. "So, you are the mystery girl." A male with dark hair and large eyes watch her as he steps down from a flight of stairs: "I guess?" She lets out a soft chuckle. "I'm Jackson." He smiles, and she could tell he was cheeky: "Are you also a mentor?" Amelia asks him, and he shrugged: "Yeah, you can say that." He smiled: "But I must admit it's a pleasure to see you; Yeosang told me all about you." She was surprised, but Jackson seemed nice, and he made her feel at ease: "Didn't think YeoSang would even speak about me." She confessed. 

"Oh, he did. He was pleased to have some new meat in the group." Jackson chuckled. "Yeah, I think I did a number." And Jackson laughed out loud, and Amelia shrugged as another male appears with a bag: "Charming, you who asked for a dress?" He asks and shows Amelia the clothing bag, and she nods, "Yeah, thanks." She replies as she steps forward: "No, no, I'll help you." He smiled, and she frowned: "I can get dressed myself." She insisted. 

"I know, but I'll take you someplace you can change." He stated she was confused, but when he grabbed her arm, he pulled her upstairs. The unidentified lead her into a room on the second floor: "This is Jaebums room, you can change in here." 


The dress was long and white, it was buttoned down, and the steps were spaghetti, but it was so pretty. But Amelia did feel underdressed. But when she walked down the steps, seven people were standing at the bottom: "Wow," They all said in unison, and she felt naked as they all stared, Jaebum cleared his throat, and as she reached the bottom step, he held his arm out for her: "Let's finish this okay?" He smiled, and she nodded.

When they return out on the terrace, there was now a small podium. On the table was something that looked like a large compass, the glass was shaped like a dome, and Amelia could see the people upside down through it, when she got closer, on top of the dome was a small carving was so tiny that you had to be close enough to see it. There were different trails and patterns at the bottom of the dome, but where North should be on a compass. There was lightning, at the south was flames, and in the middle there were waves. It all looked like it moved. There were circles and lines and where the lines met, different names or items that clearly were significent to different gods.

"What exactly are you planning to do?" She questioned as she watched the dome. "Well, we will extract a little amount of blood from you to see whos your ancestor." Jaebum said low as Amelia stood at the center: "As many of you before, even though we've known some or most of your lineage, we've had this as a tradition to reveal, also to celebrate the god for bringing every one of you here." Jaebum said loud. Jinyoung hands Jaebum a scroll, which Jaebum rolls open as he starts to read out loud; "Being a son or daughter of the gods, is a great privilege, and with privilege comes duty." He said, and Amelia could tell it's in ancient Greek, "A duty to protect and serve those who are lesser than you." Amelia understood that meant animals and humans, "To protect and serve you can then go to paradise and soak in the riches of the world," This Amelia didn't understand. "You are placed upon this earth to serve those above you and protect those below you, you are a greater being, and you shall make sure never to see yourself above anyone." Jaebum said, "As a deity, be kind, be wise and be brave, for whatever those below and above will need you to be and do."  Jaebum turns to look at Amelia: "Amelia, will you follow these rules?" Amelia was so confused, but she just ended up nodding confusedly. 

"Please raise your hand over the dome, palm down." Amelia did what Jaebum said as he pressed her hand down on the dome, and she felt the sting as something pierced into her hand, and she saw the golden fluid run down a small line inside the dome. And at the bottom before the signs, it looked like it was heading towards two signs, and when it came to a halt and took a turn direct to Phrspohone. Amelia looks confused up at Jaebum: "What does that mean?" She questioned: "I've only seen this one time before." Jaebum said. 

But the explosion coming from each side of them made them flung out onto the grass. The buzzing and screaming, was so far in the distance for Amelia, as she reached up, she was bleeding from her forehead. SeongHwa stood in the wood areas when he saw the explosion surround the entire area; he quickly managed to get out of the explosion zone. When the screams started, he not only formed the deities at the event but also from the imposers coming up from behind them. SeongHwas trusted friend easily laced itself in blood as the goblins launched an attack against them. His friends and family were alert and quick to action. San was using his blades as he sprits and jumps into the crowd; Mingi's whip sliced a goblin in half. 

Hong Joongs arrows reach the heads quicker than SeongHwa sometimes could use his sword. Yunho's spear pierces them so easily. This is what they are trained for, and they work like machines. But when she jumps over San's shoulder and asks him to toss her one of his swords, they multiply, making SeongHwa stop. He finds himself running towards her as she moved the blades so effortlessly. She doesn't stop. She moves so smoothly. She makes fighting looks so effortlessly. He can see how the goblins managed to strike her, but not enough for her to pay attention to it. The red on half of her face looks like a face painting. And she moves the swords in both her hands with such ease. 

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