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SeongHwa turns around and looks at the two people in his enclosed perimeter. When he sees San on top of Amelia, smiling down on her, Amelia in his arms. "What the fuck are you doing?" SeongHwa pulls San up and pushes him against the glass wall; San doesn't even get a chance to speak before. SeongHwas fist embraces his sharp jaw. He continues to beat him as blood runs from his cheek and his eye. "Stop," Amelia screams as she grabs onto SeongHwas arm.

He shakes his arm loose from her grip. As he continues to beat the person he thought was his friend, "How dare you? after all we been through, you betray me like this?" SeongHwa screams in Sans swollen and beaten face. "I never betrayed you." San spits out as SeongHwa grasps San's throat.

"Get off him." Amelia tries to yank SeongHwa off San, but when he knocks Amelia over, she falls to the ground and bangs her head on the wall. The wall goes suddenly red-stained. "Amelia," San croak out. As SeongHwa turns around and sees what he has done, he lets go of San and hurries over to Amelia's side and takes her in his arms. SeongHwa's had his hands stained with Amelia's and San's blood.

"What have I done?" SeongHwa cries into Amelia's neck; Amelia groans as Seonghwas eyes scan her face; she reaches up and touches his cheek. "How is she?" San asks. His face looks like a punching bag. "Stay the fuck away from her," SeongHwa screams as he hugs Amelia tighter; "Calm down, SeongHwa," Amelia muttered as she reached back to put pressure on her wound. And closed her eyes; "Why?" SeongHWa asks softly: "Why did you do it?" Amelia looks up at him feeling dazed: "Do what?" She asked, confused: "Betray me?" SeongHwa asks, and Amelia looks at San confused: "What are you talking about?" San asks, "I'm not fucking talking to you, you owe me so much, and you do this?" SeongHwa yells.

"He's lost his fucking mind," San said and spat out blood on the ground. "I didn't betray you, babe." Amelia said low: "How would I have betrayed you?" She asks, "I saw you and him." SeongHwa gestured over his shoulder. "Saw what?" She asks, confused; "I saw you two together, just then," He replies, looking sad. "We fell from the day sky," San complained, and SeongHwa rolled his eyes: "You are afraid of heights... do you honestly think I'll..." SeongHwa says and gets up, looking confused: "Ah man." SeongHwa said as he walked over and hugged San. "I'm so sorry."

Amelia sits up, confused: "What the fuck is going on?" She questioned. "His biggest fear is betrayal," San said as SeongHwa hugged him so tightly he barely could catch a breath. "What about me?" Amelia asked softly: "What about you?" San teased, and Amelia frowned: "I'm bleeding." She stated. Like all of a sudden, Mingi falls on top of his friends, and Amelia's eyes widen; "Y'all okay?" She asks, struggling to stand up gently, trying to make sure she's not dizzy. "I'm fine," Mingi sighs, getting up. San and SeongHwa groaned: "Who's fear is this?" Mingi asked, and San and Amelia pointed at SeongHwa: "Well, I do feel better now that you are here." SeongHwa confessed, and Amelia and San rolled their eyes: "You look like a mess, San." Mingi said, patting his shoulder as San just pointed at SeongHwa: "How does one accept betrayal? or get over me?" SeongHwa asks: "Become a Sagittarius and just don't fucking care." Mingi sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair; "Like woo," San chuckled: "That's correct, he simply doesn't care." SeongHwa smiled as Mingi shook his head.

"SeongHwa, was the hammer the whole time?" Mingi asks as SeongHwa goes over to Amelia's side and holds her up, as she is scared to move. "I didn't see it." He confesses, "I was busy with seeing my friends betraying me, and..." He stops and shakes his head. "What made you stop beating San?" Amelia asked, "I don't generally have that much to fear, but being betrayed by the people I love scares me the most." He admitted: "But seeing you get hurt, hurt me more than betrayal." He confessed, "By the way, if we are here... where is Yunho?" San asks as Mingi picks up the hammer: "I think if he had beaten his fear, he would be here by now." San said as Mingi hands SeongHwa the hammer: "I think you need to crack the glass." SeongHwa smiled; "Being betrayed might not be so bad after all." He chuckled: "Don't say that." Amelia muttered.

"Well, how does one get past that fear?" Seonghwa asks, "You don't, but you learn that nothing is absolute in this life and, therefore, heartache and suffering will come, and you just have to accept it." Mingi said: "You are right." SeongHwa said, and San came over to Amelia's side and held onto her. "I have to accept that it will hurt." SeongHwa said, "And I do accept it." He admitted, as the first hit with the hammer landed on the glass, and then the second one, the more he hit, the more it cracked.

In the end, SeongHwa kicked the glass, and it shattered, and what revealed itself made Mingi groan; "Of fucking course he's lost in a damn maze." Mingi groaned; "He's so fucking tall, can't he just look over the hedge?" Mingi complained: "You're taller." Amelia stated, and Mingi smiled; "This is why I like you." He smiled and walked towards the maze.


Another part of the world.Three cloaked men are standing in a circle, in the woods' depts, outside of Pegasus."SeongHwa went to see his father." one man said; "How do you know?" the second man asks; "It really was a coincidence." The first man said: "I was washing by the lake, and I saw him travel up." The third man nods; "I'm sure that Mark used his powers in the house." The second man nods: "How?" The third man nods; "Let's just say, one can learn to see the signs." The third man said, sounding cocky, "You put a talisman in that house?" 

The third man nods: "But, we eliminated Jaeboum; that was a win." The second man watches the other two: "We should have taken out SeongHwa too; he sees more than he admits." The first person said. "I think they went to hell." The first person adds: "And your just now telling us about this?" The third person speaks; "do they suspect to have found the three?" The second person asks, "If they have, our plans might actually work out." The third said: "Calm down, if anyone suspects us, we'll be in danger."

"But whom do they suspect?" Third asks: "The new girl, I overheard them speak to Jaeboum about her blood." The second person watches the first: "what I understood... it was simply gold." "Like a god." The second person said as the first one nods. "Does SeongHwa suspect you?" Yeosang looks up from under his cloak: "Yes."

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