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Amelia walks through the house, her own house. She didn't really belong to Ateez troops. But she knew she couldn't stay there, so walking over to Mark's house the next day and asking for a place to stay. Mark obeyed.

The house was a large, well-hidden castle; everything was beautiful, flowers growing wild inside the castle, the largest staircase had no roof, and a courtyard filled with wilderness, flowers and occasional stags does, and bambis. The windows didn't have glass, and along the west wing, the water was one step down, and she can bathe in the lake.

Mark had insisted that this house was the house for a queen, and in his mind, that was exactly what she was. He had understood early on that she was special, but he as SeongHwa had only suspected it. But now she was confirmed, and she was an even bigger secret than before.

She couldn't tell Mingi that he's her darling brother, someone she's always dreamt of, someone she always longed for. Amelia walked back down to the first floor and walked out to her west wing; she walked down to the water edge and pulled the hem of her dress up as she sat down and her feet touched the warm water.

Ever since coming to pegasus, this was the first time she was truly alone, and she hated it. She missed SeongHwa, Mingi, San, Yunho, Yeosang, Jongho, Hongjoong, even Wooyoung. But she was still mad at him for not being honest. Mark had truly filled her in on purpose she had in life. To kill Cronos. How could she do that? And that she might even have another sibling out there.

She was sitting on all this knowledge, yet she couldn't tell Mingi; Mark had explained that someone, is corrupt someone is taking down as many demigods as possible, and SeongHwa was an ally and was suspicious of his own members. But how could he be? They had done nothing wrong that she knew off, of course.

She watched the water circle from fishes that grace the surface now and then. "Wow, really?" As Amelia turn Yunho is standing leaning against a pillar pointing at her dress; "What are you wearing?" He teased. Amelia had out her hair up into a messy hairdo and a dress that was bigger than life. It was yellow, with a white inside, the inside of the hem had large yellow roses, the sleeves were see-through and larger than life. The details at the cleavage were large roses too. It was elegant and big. Amelia felt like this was the only choice to wear, mostly because Mark had made sure her closet was filled up dresses like this.

"Why are you here?" She asks and stands up, so her dress falls into the water. "Oh, crap." She muttered, and Yunho chuckled: "Let me help you." He smiled and held his hand out for her to take, she takes it, and he pulls her out of the water.

"I came to visit." He smiled: "Alone?" She asks, hoping SeongHwa would join him; "He's out patrolling; it's all he does these days." Yunho sighed.

"I wasn't..." She started, but Yunho chuckled: "Yeah, right, you dumped him remember." She sighed as she looked away: "Where is my tea woman," Yunho joked, and she rolled her eyes; "Let's go into the dining room." She said and walked up the steps.

"I must admit, this is some cinderella shit." Yunho smiled. "Thanks, I guess?" Amelia chuckled.

"How is it to live on your own?" He asked, and she shrugged: "I'm rarely alone, but it's quite lonely." She shrugged: "Well, you and SeongHwa could just talk, you know." Amelia rolled her eyes: "I don't think he even knows what he did wrong."

"Amelia, honestly... Whatever he didn't tell you, and whatever he did do, SeongHwa wouldn't do it with any evil intentions." Yunho said, and Amelia sighed: "I know that too, but I needed to wrap my head around this, if and clearly, I am what everyone thinks." She sighed.

"Amelia." Amelia and Yunho turn to see Mark standing there, and his red hair is bright and styled. His white high neck suit makes him look like he's an elf in the lord of the rings: "What can I do for you, Mark."

Mark looks at Yunho and back at Amelia: "He's good." Amelia said, patting Yunho's arm: "SeongHwa brought him to hell." Mark nods, "We don't know who to trust these days." Mark says and sighs as Yunho nods: "I'm pretty sure most of us in Ateez are worth trusting." Yunho said, and Mark shook his head: "I don't think that's the case."

"What you mean?" Yunho asks: "Well, there is a reason why SeongHwa didn't bring all of you to hell." Mark said, crossing his arms, and Yunho frowned.

"hong Joong is very trustworthy!" Yunho defended as Amelia patted his arm, chuckling: "I'm just saying that Seonghwa and jb were onto someone before amelia appeared; Amelia, on the other hand, is like a slap in the face. That she's out of this world beautiful, and she attracts everyone."

It's Amelia's turn to frown: "not everyone."

Yunho's turn to chuckle: " I'm gay, and I'd do you." amelia hit Yunho over the arm: don't ever say that again... It was creepy," and Yunho laughed.

"So the one before amelia is.." Yunho starts, and mark places his hand over his mouth and pushes the two inside a room.

Marks starts to draw on the door as he closes it, and the room goes shimmery lilac, which makes amelia smile.

"no one would have heard us, you know." amelia said, and Mark shook his head. "even if it's not official that you are who you are, you're still at risk." Mark points out, and Yunho nods, "Hestia won't stop if she gets a sound of you."

"So Mingi is one of the three, right?" Yunho asks, and mark nods uncertainly. "JB suspected him the second he put his foot inside pegasus, his aura was already strange and when mingi was sleeping jb tried to cut him but was knocked on his ass, something was protecting him."

Amelia looked at Mark confused: "he was protected by a spell so that knives wouldn't cut his skin, an unfriendly presence the spell would lash out." Amelia looks at Mark, stunned

"And who would do such thing?" Mark shrugged: "But Jaebum was researching it intently, and it was old magic." Yunho sighed as Amelia bit her lip: "Why hasn't anyone told him?"

"I think I know," Yunho replied. 

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