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Almost two weeks had passed, and Pegasus was still in lockdown, the boys were getting stir-crazy, some worse than others. SeongHwa was starting to feel that being locked up was actually not helping, they needed to be out to fight whatever was happening to them. But as he had voiced his opinion to Hong Joong, the head simply replied; "We have to wait and see what the council decides." SeongHwa was a good soldier so he waited for the next move to be decided.

Most of the time he spends in their library, some days he's on the living room couch, Unfortunately, the weather had been bad so going out had not been a good option either. So one day he's sitting at a table reading a book as Wooyoung speaks up out of frustration.

"She's driving me insane," He's laying across one of the couches. Jongho and SeongHwa looked up at him before making eye contact and rolled their eyes. Both of them contemplate if they should even ask, but Jongho ends up cracking. Mostly because Jongho likes the melody of Woo's voice, SeongHwa was pretty sure he filtered out what was said and started to hum along. "What happened?" He asks, and SeongHwa closes the university textbook he's been reading, when it was decided that they were going to be under lockdown, Seonghwa chose to take a sabbatical from school because he didn't know for how long this would last. And by the looks of it, they don't know how long it will last, so he feels he had been smart about his choice. 

"She's ignoring me." SeongHwa is starting to feel quite amazed by this woman: "How is she ignoring you?" Jongho also asks curiously: "She sees me coming and rolls her eyes and walks off, and when I catch up to her, she looks at me like I'm air, I just want her to love me." He whined, "I must say, I'm curious about this human." SeongHwa found himself saying, as Jongho looked surprised. He honestly thought he only thought it and didn't speak it, but non the less, he had.

"She's the prettiest girl in school, but she rejects everyone, I'm a descendant of Eros, I have never heard of anyone denying us." He said the two males could tell that Woo was actually shocked. "I mean, you even sleep with your cousins, so y'all are easy, but I find this fascinating," Jongho says: "Hey, that was one time." Woo said, sitting up: "It's still weird." SeongHwa said, and Woo sighs and shakes his head: "I seriously want to meet this female, only to shake her hand." Jongho says: "I mean, no offense Woo, your kind of a creep, if you weren't who you are, you'd most likely be in jail." SeongHwa said, and Woo sighed and shook his head; "I can't deal with you two." He said and got up and left the two males.

"I am curious about this human, I must admit." SeongHwa said, and Jongho looked at him in disbelief; "That's the strangest sentence you've ever said."

Here is the backstory; SeongHwa has shown next to non-interest in females or males for that matter, San has become convinced that SeongHwa is most likely asexual. And WooYoung was convinced he was just a Ken doll. And tries to barge into the bathroom after every shower, just to make sure he's right. He has failed all 2000 times he's tried.

"Did you hear?" Jongho said low after a while in silence; "What?" SeongHwa replied as he tried to focus again: "cix was found this morning." SeongHwa looked up and was confused by the words: "How's that possible?" SeongHwa said, slamming his book shut, standing up: "They were patrolling... I think." Jongho replied: "Why them, though, they are just kids." SeongHwa said, furious. Jongho, closes his eyes as he's clearly listening in to someone's conversation. 

Jongho wasn't wrong Hong Joong soon came to gather them and all share the news.


Three days later:

"HYUNG!" Wooyoung comes running towards SeongHwa, who's standing in the kitchen. He was preparing breakfast for himself: "I did it." He said excitedly as he jumped up on the counter: "What are you talking about." SeongHwa sighed as he tried to fry an egg in peace: "I think I'm in love." SeongHwa believed he had to have misheard as he almost fell over from shock: "What did you say?" Woo looked at him as he tilted his head like a puppy that he is: "I said I think I'm in love." SeongHwa looked at him like he was an alien. Woo had always been about sexual attraction, and focused on the desired part, him speaking of love, well that was a different story.

"Why? Is it weird?" Woo questioned as he watched SeongHwa stand with his mouth open in shock; "Yeah.." He muttered, and Woo frowned: "How can you say that?" SeongHwa wanted to phrase his words right and took a minute to think, and it made Woo impatient, and then SeongHwa took a deep breath before he spoke: "For someone who's in love with his own reflection, to say they are in love with somebody else, is astonishing." And Woo rolled his eyes: "I'm not in love with my own reflection." He said firmly; it was like it's a conversation they had, had before because SeongHwa pulled out a mirror that was conveniently placed all over the house most likely by Wooyoung. And held it up in front of him, smiling, seeing himself in the mirror: "It's like magic." They said at the same time, SeongHwa, with irony and Wooyoung with adoration.

"Did Woo see his face again?" San comes in and asks, only hearing the words that had been spoken. "That too." SeongHwa sighed as he leaned against the counter, eating his eggs: "I tell you, if you'll meet her, and you'll see what I mean." Woo said, looking up from the mirror, and San looked confused: "One, we won't see her because we are smart enough not to leave, two, you shouldn't really leave either, it's time for you to take time off as you promised."

After the passing of cix troop, Woo had finally yielded and agreed on applying for leave at school, for the rest of the year, he just needed to wrap up a class which was yesterday.

"I feel like I've missed something." San said as SeongHwa rolled his eyes, picking through his eggs: "I slept with my college goddess," Woo said, perking up; "Woo, you sleeping with someone isn't news." San said, picking an apple and taking a bite: "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm in love." Now it was San's turn to react. And he chokes on his apple, and Seonghwa hits him hard over the back: "I wanna see this creature." He ends up saying roughly, and SeongHwa rolls his eyes; "No, we are staying put." And San sighs: "We've been locked up here forever, and we are gods, we are supposed to have fun-" San says, and Seonghwa is weak to San's words, he too, is bored, mostly because he's run out of books.

"If we go, we'll go in secret." SeongHwa said: "Yes, so let's go and see why Woo only keeps up his attendance in college." San says, "Well, I can't keep him in check." SeongHwa pointed out, "I can!" San chuckled: "Let's go now?" Woo said excitedly, and SeongHwa felt like he might have a brain aneurysm again, as he nodded.

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