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SeongHwa, San and Woo. Is a dangerous trio, without a doubt, when together anything can happen, which is odd, because SeongHwa has the personality of rock sometimes. By far most often called boring, mostly by Wooyoung. But when they get together, drink, or one of them gets a bad idea, mostly Woo, the other two follow, San because he likes crazy ideas, and Seonghwa, to make sure they don't die. 

So if anyone wold break the rules, it would be Wooyoung, or Woo which he prefers, because it sounds like he's woeing someone. SeongHwa prefers to keep them in check, but he also do enjoy being a bit more free, than he usually is. So any chance to do something he likes, he would most likely join in, but only if it's Woo and San. Seonghwa and the other two stand in his bedroom with the door closed, SeongHwa starts to draw the sign on the door, to let them pass through it easily. As long as Woo knows where they are going exactly they will have a safe passage. Ones the drawing is completed, Woo places his hands on it, and the mark shines up and when they open the door, the area is an empty allyway.

As SeongHwa closes the door behind the three, Woo disappears quicker than a bullet. "Where did he go?" San complained as SeongHwa shook his head: "Aren't you supposed to follow him?" San sighed as Seonghwa smiled and added; "I need to go to the campus bookstore." SeongHwa said, checking his phone: "Yeah, I'll drag him back here in a bit." San said before hurrying after Woo.

SeongHwa looked around the campus grounds, and everything felt off. Not the sense that something is terrible, but everything seems under control. It felt safe. It felt so rose-colored and happy. "Now I get why Woo likes it here." SeongHwa sighed as he shook his head. As he walks over to the bookstore, he was wondering why the area was so beautiful. It was something very unnatural over the entire campus, and it made him suspicious. But not enough to suspect something bad.

As He entered the bookstore and inhaled deeply: "Feels like home." He exhaled as he walked over to the biography shelves as there was no care in the world and his steps was lighter than air and started to look through for something new. When he picked out a handful of books, he asked to leave them at the counter, and the woman looked at him like she was about to have a stroke, and he smiled swiftly and nodded as the woman who stood there paralyzed. Okay, SeongHwa knew that their demi blood made them so much more appealing, but in SeongHwa's case, it was more of a headache. He gets why the gods have so many kids, and he plans to be nothing like them. So when girls give him googly eyes, it just makes him uncomfortable. Woo, on the other hand, he'll end up with forty kids for sure. He might even have that many, he knows that some had already passed on. Thank god for protection today, 100 years or so ago, not so much.

As he gets to the history shelf, a female is located right in the section he wants to search at. Her hair is golden, blond, and long. He's stunned by how she seemed to radiate, somehow. He focuses his eyes, this was one of the many talents he had inherit from his father, to see whats not visible for the naked human eye. The stares get quite intense sometimes because of his connection to the sun so sometimes his own eyes start to glow. Thankfully this was not the case now, but he was right though, she was glowing. He also tends to see what others don't, and by now, he knew all the demi gods there are of age. But she was radiating something different yet something so familiar. And for the first time in his life, his heartbeat banged hard against his ribcage. 

He was in shock. She was almost as tall as he was, her legs are long, and her hair ends at her waist. And when she looks to her side, he captures a part of her face, and she looks like she could be one of the goddesses of the old. Her features are so similar to Aphrodite's. But Aphrodite passed on a long time ago so it can't be her. And most of her linaege is already gone, all of her daughters were killed off. There are a handful of boys left but they weren't blessed with the gifts of Aphrodite. (Well Woo, but his bloodline is too much of his great grandfather.)

The tale of Aphrodite is sad and so are the stories of her daughters. All of them tragic deaths, majority by humans, or their own hands actually. But by the fact that Aphrodite's daughters were all cunning and got married (to the wrong people). They often had affairs and had the wrong men fall for them. Murder and suicide was often their death way. Men killed them to possess them or an excellent way to say most of them hated being married and took their own lives because their husbands refused to let them go. In one way to say, the women drove the men crazy. But it's the curse of being a child of the goddess of love. And when it comes to Aphrodite, she was sacrificed, for Athenas fear of the return of Kronos. Worst part is, only her husband tried to stop them from taking her life.

This female, though, her nose was straight, and her skin was fair, her lashes are long. And when SeongHwa managed to pull his eyes from her, he found himself blushing. No one had ever affected him like this. She was trying to reach a book higher up as SeongHwa got closer to her. Her scent reached his nostrils, and as he inhaled, she smelled like euphoria and a flower field. He reached up and grabbed the book she was reaching for his long fingers enclosed on the spine of it, and she turned around, knocking the book out of his hand. Her cheeks had a natural red rose color and her lips were plump.

And when his eyes came in contact with hers, it was like the entire world disappear. Her eyes were blue, with yellow strands in them; her bangs touched her long perfect dark lashes. She honestly looked like a goddess. "I'm... I'm sorry." She mumbles as she breaks their eye contact, and SeongHwa is drawn back to reality. "It's okay; I just wanted to help." He replied as he watches her bend down to pick up the book; "Is that any good?" He found himself asking without thinking. "I've been recommended it, so I hope so." She replied he reached up and grabbed his copy. She was a mystery to him, but honestly, he didn't need any distractions. Consider what was going on in his own world at this moment. But it was oddly nice to think about something else. But he can't trust anyone, as he needs to figure out why, what, and who.

"Wait." She calls after him making him turn to look at her: "What?" He says as she looks at him, confused. This is the first time he sees her entirely when her hair isn't covering her. She's so beautiful his heart starts to ache. If he'd followed his impulse, he'd push her against the bookshelf and kiss her. One, that's not him. Two, he's not Wooyoung, so he'd never go on impulse like that.

"Have I met you before?" She asked, and he raised his eyebrows at her, he knows this is a pick-up line Wooyoung uses on his prey, and it made SeongHwa scoff: "Lame, at least come up with some new material." He said as he chuckled, turning around, and she walks past him and bumps into him, making him lose his balance slightly: "You seem familiar, but I'd remember meeting an ass." She said as she doesn't even look at him as she speaks. He's shocked as he stands up straight and watches her walk away. 'What was that?' He found himself thinking. It took him a minute to actually realized she might not have been flirting with him, and that maybe he had wished that she was.

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