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Amelia is sitting next to YeoSang, who's studying her curiously, as he knits away on what seems now to be a blanket. And Mingi, who appears to enjoy her company more than expected. SeongHwa had placed his legs up on the couch as Hong Joong had guided YunHo and WooYoung into their rooms. When he returned, he looked exhausted. "It's like two kids."

 Everyone in the troop knows about the special relationship between YunHo and Hong Joong. The younger, energetic, and taller YunHo had shown interest in Hong Joong early on. A budding little brother, significant brother friendship. But YunHo didn't stop at that, and Hong Joong became in the end, very lovesick. The rest is what it is, and the troop is supportive of the two. Even if it's obvious they are dating; they do keep it down low among the other members. But they are cute together. And it had been more than evident that they were because between her pizza bites, Amelia directs her question to just Hong Joong: "How long have you been dating?" Hong Joong had been staring into the wine glass he was holding, and almost poured the liquid on him, as the question had been asked. 

"What makes you think we are dating?" He asks in response, and the rest of the males drops everything, intrigued about what will come next. "The way you look at him." SeongHwa's eyes fell on Hong's, who is now slightly blushing as he drinks: "And how am I looking at him?" Hong muster up courage. SeongHwa tosses the book on the table in front of them. And Jongho comes and sits down next to San. "A mix between, you could eat him up, and him being the only person in the room." San instantly chuckles as Jongho joins him; "Wow, you've been here five minutes, and you already figured them out." Yeosang said, and she nods, "Not hard, they're cute." She smiled and took another bite of her pizza.

"Do you have any questions?" Hong Joong asks, trying to change the subject: "About you and your boyfriend?" Amelia says, and Hong Joong waves his hand in the air; "No, not about me." He laughed nervously. And Mingi leans in and says low to Amelia, "Want to see something funny?" Amelia doesn't have a chance to reply; "By the way, you can stay in my room. "Mingi says, sipping on his wine as he stairs down SeongHwa, who noticed: "Where will you sleep?" Amelia asks cluelessly, "I'll sleep in SeongHwas room." SeongHwa stands up; "Why the hell would you do that?" Already outraged; "I wanna sleep with you guys too." San says, holding up his hand looking sort of sheepish as he does, "Me three." As they all turn to see, Wooyoung standing at the doorframe, who's awoken from his drunken sleep.

"No... No one. Is sleeping in my bed." He almost yells, pointing at everyone, "Told you it was going to be fun?" As Amelia giggles at the reaction, Mingi's words had uttered. "Well, clearly, neither will you." Amelia tested, and SeongHwa frowned; "What do you mean?" Amelia smiles: "It was the bed I slept in, right?" She asked, "Yes...?" SeongHwa replies: "Well, if it's okay, I'd like to sleep there." SeongHwa is quick to reach the book and chuck it in Mingi's face. Who swat it away and chuckles, "Karate!" Mingi exclaims as he waves his hands around in techincal karate handgestures, while everyone laughs. "NO ONE." SeongHwa yells and storms off.

"That was fun," Amelia says and turns to look at Mingi, who watches Woo sit down next to San. "Yeah, SeongHwa has a temper." Amelia sighs and nods: "When I first saw him, he looked so unreal." She confessed as Yeosang put down his work of art. "Really? how so?" She looked at Yeosang before she placed her plate on the living room table. "He was standing in front of the bookshelf, completely absorbed in the back of the book he was looking at, he didn't move, it was different." She said and ran her fingers through her blond hair. Making Yeosang shake his head to stop himself from staring. "Well, he's not an eyesore." Yeosang admitted: "Amelia, what do you know about Greek gods?" She shrugged: "I mean, what I was taught in school, but I did read Latin and studied Phoenician alphabet, and I know how to read in greek." Dumb, dumber, and dumbest on the couch opposite Amelia, Mingi, and Yeosang, were sitting with their mouths open. "We... don't.. even... Phoenician? really?" San said like someone had punched him in the face. "Well, You seem to have a lot in common with SeongHwa, to be honest." Mingi admitted: "What you mean?" She said in a disappointed tone, "Y'all got off on the wrong foot." San admitted, "He stabbed me." Amelia declared, and the bunch starts to laugh; "He scratched you also he had his reason." San said, watching Amelia too now.

"Assult is a reason?" Amelia tested: "Well if he hadn't, you wouldn't know who you are." Hong Joong tested. "I knew who I was, the what is the surprise part," Amelia confessed as they all go silent SeongHwa stand hidden in the doorframe listening to the conversation.

"Can you tell me about you?" Amelia said low: "What do you want to know?" Jongho replied as she sighed, "Who are your relations?" Hong Joong was propping himself up as he watched her curiously: "You want to know about us or someone imparticular?" He tested, and Amelia gave him a look: "You two seem not to know how you watch one and other either." San added as Woo looked at San: "What you mean?" He questioned: "Amelia and.." Mingi begins as she places her hand over his mouth.

"Tell me about all of you." She said, glaring at Mingi, as he takes away her hand from his mouth with a wide grin hiding under it. "Well, to start, I'm a grandchild of Gaia." San said, "I'm good with delusion, and pretty great in combat." San said, looking smug: "Gaia as in the wife of Cronos?" San nodded and sighed: "Not Grandmothers finest moment, but.." He said and picked up his wine glass and sipped. "Well, I'm a loving God." Woo says, looking un-bothered as ever, and Mingi shook his head: "Aphrodite?" Amelia asks, and they all laugh and shake their heads: "Nah, but close." Yeosang said, "Wishful thinking." San said, and Woo hit him over the arm, "Eros." Woo corrected.

"You can't be a descendent of Aphrodite anymore," Woo said, while he technically is. But he's more of Ares and Eros. "How do you mean? Aren't you?" Amelia questioned; "His bloodline is a void, no one really knows where Eros comes from, there are rumors he's a child of Aphrodite and Ares, would make sense for Woo to be so, because of his battle strength." Hong Joong said as he gestured towards Woo, who gives him a look: "Wow, miss Athena over there knows a lot." Woo says, annoyed. "Well, as grumpy mcfart stated, I'm a descendent of Athena." Hong Joong said, "Oddly enough, I'd guess you, and you know who would be related.." Amelia said out loud: "SeongHwa and I? How so?" Hong Joong asks, "There is such a calming vibe over the two of you." She said, picking up another slice as all of the members make a tsk sound and Mingi hands her a napkin. "We'll we are the oldest." He nods, and Woo scoffs: "Try like ancient." And San is laughing along with Woo. "How old are you?" And Hong Joong takes the same book SeongHwa threw and hit Woo in the face: "Yah, why did you do that.. your old as fuck." Hong sighed sourly and sat down; "I'm old enough." He said, annoyed; "Like what? 23?" Amelia asks, and Woo and San start laughing again: "Try 414." Amelia looked like she was about to pass out: "What?" She almost shouts, standing up, dropping her pizza, before she finds herself sitting down with the help of mingi. "Let's just say; Demigods have some benefits."

Amelia sits quietly as San and Woo continue to laugh; "This is a lot to take in." Woo stood up; "Let me get the hard liquor, I think she'll need it." Mingi glared at him; "She's sleeping in my room." He almost snarled: "I know... And I'm up for a threesome too." Woo joked, and if looks could kill, Woo would have exploded.

"Are you telling me you don't die?" Yeosang leans forward, putting his knitting to the side: "We can die, we can get killed, we don't know how long we can live, because we always get killed before we die on our own." Amelia looks at him, confused: "How old are you?" She asks Yeosang: "Shy of a 100, but I'm a direct descendent of Dionysus, so my age doesn't matter." He chuckled as she looks like she's about to faint; "Mingi, you better take her to bed."

SeongHwa steps out from around the corner, "She can sleep in my room." He said as he walked over to her side, and she glared at him, but she looks like she'd pass out any second. When she stands up, she wobbles, and SeongHwa is quicker by catching her and picks her up and carries her; she's confused at what just happened. But SeongHwa doesn't say a word and walks towards his bedroom.

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