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Seonghwa, looks around and he sadly knows what to do, but for a deity, this is most likely something they all want to do, but only a few actually have the power to do so. And SeongHwa being a son of God, had to do something he didn't want to. Meet his father.

SeongHwa got to the lake, it's a task he doesn't often get to practice, and this was something that would be hard for even him, only haven done it ones before... by mistake.

SeongHwa sat down at the water bay; the moon has high risen, but it didn't matter to him; he had the sun's power within. SeongHwa inhaled, exhaled, and it seemed to take hours, but when he opened his eyes. The room was bright, and a man was standing in front of something that looked like a church window, but without glass, like an old castle. The walls were fleeting, and the man was dress in a long white cloak toga-like outfit. 

"Father," SeongHwa said, watching the man who turns slowly to look at him. "Son." He says and looks sad. "I was honestly not expecting ever to see you again," Apollo said, and SeongHwa looked away. "I didn't come because I wanted to," SeongHwa said sourly. "You're not the only one in mourning, son," Apollo replied, noticing the iciness SeongHwa was generating.

"Don't worry; I haven't forgotten your favorite." SeongHwa replied, "No one is a favorite." Apollo replied, "Don't worry, father, I know Jaebum was yours." Apollo sighed at SeongHwas words, "I don't know where you get these ideas, son." Apollo replied, "Well, Jaebum was the only grandchild of any god that actually got to meet their grandfather, you know." SeongHwa said sourly: "He asked for my help." SeongHwa got mad now; "So did I, so many times, and still you never came to me." SeongHwa almost yelled, "But you never ones came, look what you did to my mother, how you ruined her life." He yells, and Apollo, whos pacing back and forth, stops, his blond hair falls in his eyes as he watches his fair-haired child; "If I didn't, you wouldn't be here." He replied, and SeongHwa wanted him dead for a second; "My mother was a whore because of you." SeongHwa threw at him, "Don't speak ill of your mother, she was a..." Apollo starts, and SeongHwa finishes, "You made her a whore." 

Apollo knew what he caused SeongHwa's mother to become. She was a noble lady that for pregnant out of wedlock, with a strange man, her strict parents tossed her on the streets, and to survive, she started to sell herself. It was her only way to feed SeongHwa. But even if the memories are faded, some parts will never disappear. "I needed you every day when I grew up, to get my mother out of that hell hole, and still you never came." Apollo sighed; "I never came because you didn't truly need me; you always found the answers yourself." Apollo defended, and SeongHwa held his hand up; "Jaebum never came for tea, you know, he came for answers... too."  Apollo walked over to SeongHwa, "My dearest son." SeongHwa held his hand up; "Don't act like we are close." SeongHwa said, and Apollo sighed: "Tell me what I can do for you." Apollo knew SeongHwa wanted something, and for SeongHwa coming to Apollo, it had to be important. 

"I need to know what Jaebum knew." SeongHwa said, looking away; "The prophecy?"  SeongHwa nodded. "I don't even know how you found out about them." SeongHwa rolled his eyes: "There have always been prophecies." And Apollo smiled and nodded; "You're very right." And Apollo looked SeongHwa in the eyes now and sighed. SeongHwa felt uncomfortable but didn't look away until Apollo himself broke the connection to speak: "There was a tale of long, that Kornos would return, different reasons and people would cause his return, but no one really knows the accurate one... until Hestia got whiff of a prophecy, that three children of the three great will fight against him." Apollo sighed; "But, the prophecy is stranger than so, a daughter of aphrodite will bare three kids of the three great, which will also create a crack in the foundation to release Kronos." Apollo said, and SeongHwa sighed with relief. "That's why Hestia took their lives, and Aphrodite was sacrificed for the greater good or world peace if you may." SeongHwa watched his father now: "But if now Hestia killed all of Aphrodite's children and the goddess herself, the prophecy cant be no more right?" SeongHwa asked, and his father shook his head. "Well, prophecies works in mysteries was after all." Apollo replied, "Jaebum believed in this, didn't he?" Apollo nodded; "Indeed he did." Apollo replied: "But SeongHwa, I beg of you, don't go looking for this. If you were to face Kronos, I don't know what I'll do." Apollo said gently. 

"If you think you know something, please, run, don't fight." Apollo asked, speaking from experience, "I don't care what happens to me." SeongHwa replied: "I care; I've lost enough kids; you're the only child I have left." SeongHwa rolled his eyes; "Well, it's nice of you to care... But I also need to ask for something else." SeongHwa said as he pulls the vials out, "You got Jaebums essences?" Jaebum and SeongHwa were uncle and nephew, but they both found it awkward because Jaebum never had the life SeongHwa had to suffer through, and even If SeongHwa was the uncle, Jaebum had at least 400 years on him. "Yeah, I was given it by his friends and family..." SeongHwa started; "But you have been given two?" SeongHwa nodded: "I need you to turn them into jewelry." 

"What kind?" Apollo asks, and SeongHwa sighed; "A necklace for a girl and a ring for a boy..." He started, "You have... no.. you can't possibly have?" Apollo starts: "I'm not sure, but I'm suspecting."  SeongHwa sighs as he thinks about his members, and Amelia and he gets slightly sad; "Wait here," Apollo said and took the vails SeongHwa had placed on a table in front of them. 

Apollo returns after a while; "If you suspect that the prophecy is real, you have to tell us." SeongHwa sighs and nods as his father open up his hand, "A ring and a necklace." Apollo said gently; Seonghwa watch Apollo's hand, and a question occurs to him: "If a god and a demigod have a child, what happens?" Apollo sighed; "It's against all laws." Apollo said and looked at SeongHwa: "Because two demigods can't create a god, right?" Seonghwa tried, "True, it will become a third-generation deity for sure." Apollo replied, "But a god and a demi-god would be a hybrid?" He asks, and Apollo sighs, "I don't know what you ask these questions... Aphrodite is dead, her kids are gone, and it's forbidden to mate with demigods if you're a god." Apollo sighed; "Yeah, why is that?" SeongHwa tried; "What you mean?" Apollo asks back: "Why is it forbidden?" 

"Hestia made sure to make that a law so we all should and have to abide by." SeongHwa nods; "What if you don't know that you are with god?" Apollo frowned: "it's a good point; most gods can tell you know." SeongHwa smiled and nodded. That's reassuring, and he thinks, "But if god bleeds... their blood is what?" Apollo sighed again and shook his head: "I'm not sure where these questions are taking you, but IF a god bleeds, which is rare, it's not like humans or demigods," Apollo says annoyed with his son's question but curious enough to not send him packing: "You mean like demigods blood is red and gold?" SeongHwa tries: "Yeah, a god's blood is gold." 

"Thank you for your service," SeongHwa said as he takes the jewelry and blinks and is back in the dark meadow again, he reaches down into his pocket and feels the jewelry there. Thankful for what his father had done for him, the only time he'll most likely be thankful.

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