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SeongHwa places the wet towel on Amelia's forehead as he sits on the side of her bed. "How is she?" San asks as he enters her room, "Exhausted." He sighs as he watches her. "She used too much of her own energy." He sighed; "She getting stronger, though." San said it would help SeongHwas worries. Junho burst through the door; "Where is she." San is quick in defense mode as Junho purse his lips.

"What?" SeongHwa asks him, and he frowns: "As far as I know, I have all the right to be here," He said, and SeongHwa gestured over to Amelia, who was passed out cold. "Well, okay then, but I would still like to talk to her," Junho muttered, annoyed as he turned his heel and walked off.

"Maybe you should leave too, SeongHwa." San said, and he frowned; "Yeah, maybe, but I can't until she wakes up." he mumbled.

He had been trying to think of a million reasons to be okay with them being apart, but now it's even more important that they are close together. He needs to protect her at all costs. She will most likely hate it, but SeongHwa can't stand the thought of losing her too. He doesn't want to lose anyone. But Amelia is that someone to him, that he's become painfully aware that losing her would end him. He walked over to the balcony doors and opened them up; when he was given this castle, he had no idea what he could even use it for, and when he met Hong Joong, they created this great bond, and Hong Joong was his family. He had always longed for a family, and this castle became a familyless installment that he wasn't much a fan of.

When they formed the Ateez troop SeongHwa, and Hong Joong were given a house closer to the village center than the rest. But he could not deny that this castle had its perks. As he stands there watching the waterfall, the stars are now reflecting against the crushing water. And he found such peace with that. He sighed as San came to join him, he had no idea how long he had been standing there, but San went with a gift of warm camomille tea. "Thanks." He says as he takes the cup. "What will we do now?" San asks as SeongHwa sips on the tea.

"WE just got our head around this, that Amelia is who she is, and it's only a matter of time until they find out about Mingi," San starts as SeongHWa nods: "I know, whoever is finding this out and spreading it around is more dangerous than we gave them credit for." SeongHwa stated as he looked at San and he got a thought that he had been to ask San: "San, why do you trust me so blindly?" He wondered, and San frowned; "The day I took your hand when you saved me the very first time, I swore to myself that You, you, I'll follow." SeongHwa felt his heart lighten a ton; it was beautiful; they had unconditional love, a brotherly love, and SeongHWa hung his head as a tear escaped his eye. "Thank you." San chuckled, "Why are you crying?" He patted SeongHwas shoulder, and Seonghwa smiled weakly; "This war hasn't even started yet, and I'm already exhausted." San smiled: "But you're relieved?" SeongHwa nods: "That I have you by my side, yes."

San pats SeongHwas back: "If you go to war, so do I." He says with conviction that SeongHwa smiles.

SeongHwa and San stand there in silence and watch the water cascade down the waterfall. It's peaceful, considering the immediate danger and threat BTS troop is. "I think I'll tune in and stay by her side for now." Seonghwa yawned, and San nodded: "I'll stand watch till dawn breaks."

SeongHwa nods and pats San's shoulder as he goes in and lays down next to Amelia. He watches her briefly, stroking her hair out of her face. But his eyes get heavy almost the second his head hits the pillow.


San stands there watching the waterfalls. Behind him, the unthinkable is happening, but he stands there unknowingly. The waterfall plays along the surface of the water. The moon reflects so lustfully on the small lake. He finds himself feeling peaceful. Small fireflies are crossing the lake. If he didn't see it, he would have thought that it was all a dream. It was a beauty he had never seen before. And he finds himself smiling, standing there in his lonesome.

He didn't feel as tired as he probably should, and the fact that there was so quickest he only heard the crickets was relaxing to him. Does he wonder what's going to happen next? They are on the brink of war. And he knows Amelia is still not strong enough. What about Mingi? He's sure SeongHwa has a plan. His mind wanders as he notices it's getting too quiet. He by reflect turns around and when he comes face to face with Amelia.

She looked different somehow. She was floating just a few inches above the ground, and her hair looked wet and darker than it usually is. Like she's underwater. When her eyes shoot open, San falls back onto the railing. Her face gives off a glow like she's underwater during the day like the sun is reaching below the surface.

Amelia's blue hues aren't blue, and they are an ocean green color. Amelia's mouth falls open just slightly as a few sets of words escape her lips. "I dream of you too." She says.

San gasps at the words, he indeed had been dreaming of being underwater, and as he's there, he sees someone swimming towards him, a woman, and as he swims towards her, he never gets close enough, but each time he wakes up like he's drenched.

Amelia is nose to nose to him now, and San doesn't know what to do when Amelia's lips press against Sans.

A flash of images passes through San's head. 'This is coming' Rings in his head as he watches three beams of thunder and fire explode against each other. Between three unexpected people and suddenly, his mind morphed into a crowded street with foreign languish; she stands, her hair is wavy, her eyes a piercing green, her face is pale, and she stands in a red cloak, and no one pays attention to her. "Don't be late." And she smiles. San's heart is going crazy, and he is snapped back to reality as Amelia falls heavily into his arms.

"What the fuck are you doing?" San's face is an inch from Amelia's face when he looks up to see Seonghwa stand at the balcony door, looking at them confused.

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