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SeongHwa found it hard to fall asleep after the meeting; he looks over at Amelia, who's sleeping soundly. The last couple of hours or the previous day has been a complete mess. He rubs his temples, the attack during Amelia's debut. Someone had either showed true pegasus entering or a portal key. Someone is killing troops, but why? Amelia coming into the light, is she truly a child of one of the three the prophecy talks about? Is Kronos the goal? He places his elbows on his knees as he leans forward and closes his eyes to think. So much has happened the last couple of months, and now this. Even Mark and Jinyoung were suspecting of someone within their troop, too, enough to have figured out what Jaebum was up to. What will be next?

Who else is going to die? Is his family at stake? Is Amelia? He shook his head as he heard a soft voice: "Are you okay?" SeongHwa looks up and sees Amelia sitting up in the bed. He gets up and sits down on the bedside, taking her face in his hands; "Are you okay?" He asks her back instead, and she smiles softly; "I asked first." She chuckled softly, tilting her head: "I'm okay now." He says honestly as she nods, "I feel refreshed." She says, and he now chuckles, "You had the guys worried." SeongHwa said and sighed gently; "Not you?" He licks his lips and smiles; "Oddly enough, I had a sense of feeling that you were fine, so I oddly enough didn't worry." She frowns slightly; "Never mind then." She mutters and tries to take his hands away from her face so she could lay down, but he didn't let go; "I was scared to death seeing you fighting." He confessed. And she looks at him; "Are we going to stop playing games?" She asks, and he shrugged; "What games?" He was slightly confused; "That you like me." She said boldly.

He licks his lip again and keeps his tongue at the corner like a puppy. Before he fake laughs: "I don't know what you are talking about." He says softly and lets go of her face.

"Because of your wife?" She asks, and she watches him as he looks down at his feet. "Tell me about her? make me understand why you are acting so annoyingly hot and cold." He looks at her. "It's none of your business." He replies as he looks up at her.

"Then get the fuck out of my life SeongHwa." Amelia snaps. SeongHwa looks at her confused: "Don't tell me that it's none of my business... you feel them too, I can tell." She says through her teeth. He looks away: "She's non of your business. It's that simple to me." SeongHwa replies: "But you have feelings for me?" SeongHwa sighs; "Why are you doing this?" He asks, looking down at his hands: "Because I'm tired, uncertainties, the whole bunch, and I are exhausted by the fact that you act like my boyfriend, but push me whenever it suits you." She sighs.

"I'm sorry I won't do that then." SeongHwa replies: "Act like my boyfriend?" She questioned, "Push you away." He responds quickly as he leans in and kisses her. Amelia is surprised by his action, but it takes her a second to let her lips melted against his.

He's laying on his back, and Amelia is laying on his chest as he gently caresses her hair: "I hate seeing you wounded." SeongHwa sighed; "I was scared I could lose you." He stuttered out. "I've never felt like this before, and It makes me feel guilty." He confessed. Amelia looks up at him; "No one should feel guilty for moving forward." Amelia said, knowing it was a selfish way to put it: "No matter how you say it, I still feel guilty." He replied as he started to pat down his side and pulls something out of his pocket: "I got you something.." He says softly. As he holds up the small necklace with a sun pendant, the pendant had eight beams that looked like crooked knife blades, but they were dull at a touch: "It's for me?" Amelia asks, sitting up, and takes the necklace from him; "Yeah, I figured because I was an ass about the dress, at least I should have given you something in return." He said, getting up on his elbows: "Why does the sun have eight beams, for each and one of you?" She asked as he nods. Apollo clearly figured out that no matter what, Ateez will and would protect Amelia at all costs, but SeongHwa didn't need Amelia to know what it was made from; he simply needed her to wear it. "Want me to put it on." Amelia smiles and nods as she turns around after handing it to him.

He places the necklace around her neck and clips it on, and because he put it on, she won't be able ever to take it off. This is one thing Amelia will have to learn on her own. And one he won't tell her. He watches the clip spark into a solid piece of gold, and he leans in and kisses the nape of her neck. "Does this mean we are dating?" She asked softly. "If you want," he smiles a little as he wished to himself, but he wants to keep her to himself, that's for sure. "I want." She replies as he lays down on the bed again, pulling her down, so she's laying on his shoulder. 

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