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SeongHwa walks down to the kitchen, and Woo follows after as they enter the room, Yeosang is making cookies. "What's your deal?" SeongHwa finds himself saying as he watches Yeosang put the cookies in a basket, Yeosang sighs and looks at him.

"Whatever do you mean?" He says and closes the lid. "You know very well what I mean; Amelia is my girlfriend." SeongHwa states: "Is she really?" SeongHwa hated his answer, he wasn't sure himself, but he'd do anything for Amelia. And she wanted space, so he decided to give her just that.

"Wow, Yeosang, like what the hell." Woo interjects now, and Yeosang looks slightly confused: "You slept with her, and he stole her from you." Yeosang said, pointing at the two: "Trust me, when I tell you, Yeo, no one steals Amelia, if she wants to move on, she will, and just because you swirl around her now won't mean anything more than your a thirsty fucker." Woo muttered as he walked over to the fridge. He grabbed himself a bottle and closed it as he turned to look at Yeo: "Do you honestly think you'll have a chance against SeongHwa or Jinyoung?" Yeosangs face falls: "I'm not saying it to be rude, but as Jinyoung looks a lot like her ex, she clearly has a type." SeongHwa and Yeosang manage to speak at the same time: "What?"

"How can you not know her ex?" Wooyoung chuckled: "What do you know?" SeongHwa stopped Yeosang's question: "How do you know who her ex is?" Woo snickered: "When I think about it, SeongHwa, you aren't her type either." He chuckled as he drank, and SeongHwa glared at him.

"WHO IS HER EX." He almost shouts, making Yeosang pull back: "I thought he was some human." SeongHwa said through his teeth: "She's been a goddess now what? a good five possible six months?" Yeosang nods, and SeongHwa narrows his eyes: "Spit it out... NOW." SeongHwa raises his voice again.

"You know what, it feels good to know something y'all don't." Woo smiled and wrapped his arms over his chest as Hong Joong enters; "Wooyoung, tell him now, while I'm nice." Woo makes a face: "Who went to my school, beside Amelia?" Woo tested as Mingi enters: "Why are we talking about Junho?"

SeongHwa sits down as he feels like throwing up. Yeosang goes oddly pale, and Woo chuckles: "Mingi, you're a master of Comic relief." Woo says as he takes a swig of his water: "It explains so much; Junho was protecting the school." SeongHwa says in an exhausted tone rubbing his face.

"I'm confused." Mingi says, and HongJoong leans in and whispers the fact: "Oh my lord." Mingi chuckled as he points at SeongHwa. "So your cousin, like your actual blood cousin on your human mom side, is your girlfriend's ex." Yeosang sighs: "Is that what you mean about type? she slept with you." Yeosang said, leaning against the counter: "She likes rigid people; you have to remember, if Junho weren't as mischievous as he is, he would be so boring." Wooyoung stated, and Mingi snickered as Woo held his hand up, and Mingi high-fived it.

"This is ridiculous; why are you visiting Amelia?" Hong Joong asks as he walks over to SeongHwa to help him off the ground: "Why not?" Yeosang answered: "I like her; it's as simple as that." Yeosang was lying; it wasn't simple at all, one he had been asked to get closer to her, but her being SoengHwa's girlfriend made it hard. Still, the one time she focused on him, he had studied her face, and close up, she wasn't as perfect as everyone thought, but not only that, she was understanding. Maybe that was because of who her lineage is or because of who she is. Yeosang could never make up his mind.

Yeosang could see that SeongHwa was boiling at his words: "That's shady, dude." Woo pointed out: "You slept with her and then SeongHwa, that's not shady?" Yeosang tested: "I... I wanted her because she could care less about me... and that shits hot." Woo defended very convincingly: "And because she didn't want me, I got obsessed, she wanted seongHwa, even though they hated each other." This made Mingi laugh as he grabs Woo's water bottle and drinks from it.

"So I need to ignore you, for you to be obsessed with me... good to know." Woo frowns and takes the water bottle back: "Don't work on you." He muttered and took a swig and hands it back to Mingi, almost slamming it against his chest as he leaves the room. Mingi stands there confused as a loud shriek goes through the living room: "Mingi, if you don't drop her body in the lake, I sure will." Hong Joong mutters as Doyeon goes over to Mingi's side: "What?" He ends up asking: "Did you guys know the prophecy is true?" All the guys turn and look at Doyeon, confused: "WHAT?" They almost scream in unison. "What's going on?" San and Yunho ask Yeosang, Mingi, SeongHwa, and Hong Joong to look at Doyeon and then at Yunho and San: "The prophecy... is real."

"What makes you say that, Doyeon?" SeongHwa is wondering if their cover has been blown: "Well, all over town, there are posters about an Aphrodite descendent walking around among us."She smiled: "I bet It's Amelia, and I hope Hestia catches her." She snickered, and it's a knee-jerk reaction that throws all of them off. Mingi pins Doyeon to the wall: "Take that back." Hong Joong and San is on Mingi and pulls him off her: "What the hell." She screams out, in despair: "How could you do that?" She yells and rubs her neck. "How can you be so vile?" He threw back, and He could just have just as well slapped her across the face with the facial expression she makes.

She lets out a shriek of terror as she stops, and tears stream down her face. When Doyeon has left the room, they all turn to Mingi, who looks cool as a cucumber. "What?" He asks as he scratches his head. 

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