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Seonghwa kisses Amelia'sAmelia's hand; she still hasn't woken up. The scarring around her eye looks like roots, and they circle her eye so peacefully, he finds the oddly beautiful, but the last passing days, they went from bright pink to a slowly fading white color.

Zeus had even been checking up on his daughter, most thrilled that she's ill. "I mean, I'm winning." Zeus boosted: "Why did you help her if you're gloating?" Zeus shrugged, looking pleased: "We both know she won't die, but it feels good to know I won't die for now, actually if she dies, I don't have to.." Zeus says as he lays down next to Amelia and pokes her cheek, and SeongHwa reaches over and slaps his hand away: "Dude come on, I saved her remember,"

"Well, you didn't fix her eye, did you? You have her that scar." SeongHwa pointed out, "Potato, potato." He shrugged; "She will never have full function of that eye unless she's using her powers, or are you willing to give her your eye." Zeus smirked as Apollo stepped in; "He will do no such thing, stop your experiments, why we are in this mess the first time." Zeus chuckled; "if she has her soulmate's eye, think of all the powers she'll get; just think of what she could do with his heart." SeongHwa looked at him with disgust. "I wish I could feed your tongue to Hera." Apollo muttered, "When will she wake up?" SeongHwa signed between the bickering of their fathers, "When she's ready," Zeus sighed as he noticed that his jokes wouldn't be funny anymore.

"All I can say is now... she'll need you, and only you," Zeus said and got up as he walked over to the door: "It's a heavy burden to love, especially one's soulmate." He sighed: "You ate yours." Apollo pointed out, "Yes for eternal glory, looks like the prophecy is false, there is no eternal life after all." Zeus said and choked up: "I'm surprised you're still alive at all" Apollo groans as he pushes Zeus out the door, "I hate you." Zeus mutters as SeongHwa turns back and caresses Amelia's Cheek: "Come back to me." He whispered and sighed.

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