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YunHo and Hong Joong play around in the kitchen as Seong Hwa comes into the large room. "Restless?" Seonghwa asks as they pay him a small amount of attention and shrugs: " I'm surprisingly entertained." Hong Joong confessed as YunHo jumped over the kitchen counter, coming face to face with SeongHwa, and this surprises him slightly, taking a step back. "Where are the rest?" SeongHwa asks after he collects himself as Jongho's sudden appearance. "By the lake," YunHo says so effortlessly as he bounces away.

And Just as SeongHwa is about to walk over to the backdoor, Jaebum's voice makes him halt. "That was quick.." Hong Joong says, as SeongHwa turns to look at his mentor, "Yes, you can say that, she was surprisingly okay with what I was saying." Jaebum says sounding surprised himself, standing up straight with his hands behind his back. "So, what now?" SeongHwa asks: "Well, Woo is the only person she knows; you technically assaulted her." Jaebum says, gesturing towards SeongHwa, who bites his lip and rub the back of his head. "She asks if she can stay here until she gets settled into this world... I honestly think she needs to let it all sink in a bit, even if she got what I was saying." Jaebum said as he walked into the room more: "She couldn't possibly want to stay with her assaulter and stalker." San says, coming into the room, chuckling.

"No, that's true, but I can't think of a more qualified group to take care of her." Jaebum said, his statue-like posture never moving; "I mean she's safer with you." SeongHwa said, scratching his head as Hong Joong nudged his shoulder and gave SeongHwa a look: "Of course she can stay here, it will be an honor." Hong Joong said as SeongHwa sighed, slightly annoyed while YunHo was watching them amused: "This is going to be so much fun-" San said as he placed his hand on Jaebum's shoulder. Making the other three stiffen.

Jaebum was their mentor, and it was someone they had high respect for; he wasn't one they would hang out with, or be close to. And Seeing San just being chill with him was shocking for most of them. Jaebum smiled softly and nodded: "Mark is coming by tomorrow; we need to figure out her heritage."

San patted Jaebums shoulder, making Jaebum lose his stance slightly; it was intriguing seeing Jaebum lose his cool for a second. "I'm going to take my leave, rest well, boys, and give my greetings to the rest of the troop." He said as he walked through the common room and heading towards the front door. San stood there waving as YunHo bounces over; "How did you have the balls for that?" And San chuckles as SeongHwa and HongJoong sighed with relief; "He's nice, but he's so intimidating." Hong Joong sighed as SeongHwa sat down at the kitchen counter: "Pizza?" YunHo asks or demands as he bounces off, having his arm hooked with San's, who has no other choice but to tag along.


The fire was lit in the large common room, Three three large couches make a U shape in front of the larger than life fireplace; SeongHwa is sitting with one of his old books on the couch facing the fire. Hong Joong is caressing YunHo's neck. Who's fallen asleep on his lap. San is playing a game on his phone as JongHo is playing on a harp. Yeosang seems to have gotten a new hobby and is now knitting in his corner. Mingi is painting in his sketch book, and Woo is draped over the kitchen counter with an empty wine bottle.

They are all absorbed in their world when someone clears their throat. Yeosang, SeongHwa, Hong Joong and Mingi, turn their focus to the female at the entrance. "Is there anything to eat?" She asks softly. She looks so small, SeongHwa is fascinated by her, she looks so tiny, yet her personality is out of this world. To all of their surprise, Mingi is the one to get up: "We had pizza, we didn't know what you'd like, so we each saved you a slice from ours as well." She looks like she's about to start sparkling as the two interact for the first time. And her aura  started to have hints of red, what surprised him was, so was Mingi.

SeongHwa gets up, unsure if he likes how easy it seemed for Mingi to approach her. When he's most likely the last one that would. "We haven't fully introduced ourselves to you." SeongHwa said as he got close, but she put up her hand in front of his face: "Food first, unless you want to die." She had unesccary sass for his taste. But Mingi was chuckling.

SeongHwa stood there watching the two walk over to the kitchen area; they seemed so fluid like they just clicked. And it was the first time he saw Mingi like this. When he felt an arm around his shoulder to see, Yeosang looked at him: "You jealous?" SeongHwa turned and looked at Yeosang and scoffed, "I don't get jealous." He said and shrugged Yeosang off and walked back to his seat next to Hong Joong.

"Do anyone want anything to drink?" Mingi called to the rest; "Hong Joong looked at the members there: "How about a glass of white?" He replied back, and SeongHwa sighed and realized a glass of wine wouldn't be such a bad idea"Two" He said focusing on the book again. "Is Wooyoung okay?" Amelia asks as Mingi takes out glasses. SeongHwa looks up and is watching them over the rim of his glasses as Mingi stops watching Woo and goes back to the glasses: "He's something." He sighs as Amelia adds: "That's true." His attention seemed to fleeting when it came to her, and it slightly annoyed him.

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