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SeongHwa finds himself falling forward. As he opens his eyes, the tare is gone, from the ground but now painted the walls pitch black, and he's trying to catch his breath. "I can breathe," Yunho muttered, as he too was breathless. SeongHwa looks around, and it's when he sees her.

Amelia is descending from the sky; she's glowing completely. She looks so beautiful, and the tar is gone from her body. Every vein in her face was glowing, her hair, and it was like she was on fire. As her feet finally touch the ground, her hair falls to the ground. Her eyes were just light and with a blink of an eye. Her eyes are normal again.

But in the same blink of an eye, she collapses onto the ground. SeongHwa rushes to her side and catches her. He leans in and hears her breathing. "Is she okay?" Mingi asks as he gets to his feet and joins SeongHwa's side. Seonghwa places his finger under her nose, and he feels air blowing on his finger as he leans in and listens to her heart. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's sleeping." San stood up out of breath: "Sleeping?" He sounded so outraged that he almost didn't know what to do with himself. "I want to sleep too; I feel exhausted." Yunho sighed, sitting up: "Surprisingly, me too." Mingi said as he sat back down.

"I have a good guess why," Seonghwa stated, and they all looked at him. "I think Amelia can harvest energy," SeongHwa sighed as he was equally as tired as his friends. "Really?" San asked, more toned down now as he looks over at the rest and turned his focus onto SeongHwa. San might not be the smartest in the group, but he is quick to catch on. And is loyal as one can get, especially towards SeongHwa. He could tell that San understood where Seonghwa's mind where heading.

"Energy surging, that's surprisingly new." Yunho stated: "But what makes you think so?" Yunho asked, and SeongHwa looked at the female before him. "To be honest, I have noticed it now and then, but I've realized I've been sleeping better," SeongHwa said; this wasn't a lie, but not a full truth either. "What? she's a rechargeable battery?" Mingi joked, and SeongHwa frowned as it didn't sound completely off. He shrugged as he picked her up, and Mingi shook his head; "Let me carry her instead." He insisted, and SeongHWa helped her onto his back.

"Guys," San says, and as they look around, the walls looked like water was running down the walls like it was cleaning up the mess they had made. And the marble entrance was revealed behind the black water; SeongHwa sighed as there was a large black door. Charon was nowhere in sight. SeongHwa walked over to the door and pulled the handle down, and as he did, the door opened just as carefully as he handles it. He looked inside, and there was a long dark hallway lit up with the help of torches.

"Let's go." SeongHwa sighed as he entered; Mingi followed him through, carrying amelia and San, and Yunho was tight after. They were all wondering if this would be another trap. "SeongHwa, there are two hell hounds by the entrance," Mingi whispered, and as SeongHwa really watched ahead, he saw two dog collars by the door. "That's odd." He muttered, "Y'all seeing the collars or what?" San questioned: "It's a set of hell hounds, Mingi informed.

"You can see them?" Yunho stopped and grabbed Mingi's arm, making him turn. "Yeah, obviously..." Mingi said, looking baffled at his friend. "What?" San whispered. "Technically, only one person is supposed to be able to see them," Yunho muttered to San and looked at SeongHwa; She looked away from Yunho. "Fuck." Yunho says out loud. "What y'all babbling about," Mingi muttered and turned to look at Yunho and San. Just as Yunho is about to speak, Seonghwa glares at Yunho, "Nothing, it's just... erm creepy."

As they walk over closer to the door, Mingi is now in the lead, the collars down move from their spot, and Mingi knocks on the door. The door gently opens, and they walk into a large room. There are several fire posts in that particular room; in the center of it is a day bed, and it's where one very beautiful woman is draped across it, with a scroll in one hand and grapes in another. The true epiphany of the greek gods. "Hello?" They all say simultaneously, and the female looks up and is so surprised she throws the grapes over the day bed. She sits up and adjusts her outfit. From wearing a toga, she's now dressed in a high-necked suit as she stands up and smiles awkwardly.

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