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"For being under the influence of sleeping, she's really sleeping," San said as he and SeongHwa were standing at the door to SeongHwa's bedroom. HongJoong comes over, wrapping his arms around his two friends' shoulders: "She talks in her sleep too." SeongHwa and San turned to look at him: "How do you know?" SeongHwa asked, and Hong Joong raised his eyebrow at him: "Jong-Ho?" They both felt like it was self-evident, and how they could have missed it, that was surprising for them both. SeongHwa stood there as she started to speak about pigs. Oddly enough made him laugh, and he realized that his friends were now watching him curiously. "What, it was kinda cute." And as the words left his lips, both Hong Joong and San's eyes went big, staring at him; "Damn it."

"Wow, she has some impact on you, I can't believe it." Hong Joong says and nudges SeongHwas arm. "I won't even respond to that." He replied as San scoffed: "You just did." SeongHwa looked at him, annoyed: "Can you get the first aid kit?" SeongHwa asked instead as he noticed her wrapped hand, which he had cut. At least he could take better care of her. SeongHwa walks over to the bed and sits down close enough to her cut hand.

He takes her hand in his and starts to unwrap it, as San returns with the aid kit. He looked at her hand and got confused as he placed his hand over hers as San hands him the kit; "Just place it there, and leave please." SeongHwa said in his most nonchalant manner, making san scoff with annoyance. "And close the door." SeongHwa says, not looking at him; "Fine, mom." San says a bit loud and almost tries to scare SeongHwa by forcing the door close but at the last second, stopping and making the door simply clicked close.

SeongHwa removes his hand and watches her palm curiously; her hand is clean, not even a scar or a hint of an old wound. It hadn't been more than a couple of hours, not more than three, since his blade touched her skin. "What are you doing?" He heard her ask as he turned to look at her: "When you get hurt... what happens?" He asked without filter and turned to look at the unhappy girl who has the newly awoken look smeared across her face. "Not much, I broke my leg ones, that was torture." She sighed, trying to pull her hand away from his grasp, but he didn't let go.

"How quickly did it take to heal?" He asked her, not watching her face, just letting his index finger run along her palm. "Long enough, but the doctor said it looked like it hadn't been broken in the first place, so I had suffered for six weeks for nothing." She sighed as she continues to yank at her hand, trying to close her palm: "What are you doing?" He questioned her: "Why are you not letting go?" She throws back at him as he watches her hand: "Because I'm curious." He replies: "Soon, someone will come and talk to you.." SeongHwa says low, as there was a knock on the door: "Enter." SeongHwa says as he feels the bed move as she sits up: "Is he your servant or something." Jaebum looks at the two and frowns slightly: "I'd say, mentor or boss." He smiled as the two looked upon the new male in the room.

"Is that so?" SeongHwa and Amelia said at the same time, SeongHwa turned and looked at her as she laughed softly at the sudden standard reply from them both. "Anyway, Amelia, is it?" Jaebum asks, and she nods: "SeongHwa, can you please leave us?" Jaebum asks as he finally lets go of her hand. And he leaves the room.


YeoSang and JongHo are wrapped over two sunbeds by the lake located at the foot of their house. "Can you hear them?" Yeosang asks and JongHo, looks up from under his sunglasses: "Want me to spy?" He asks cheekily, and Yeosang chuckles: "I'm most curious about SeongHwa to be honest." Yeosang replied, picking at his cubical and looks unbothered, as WooYoung comes up out of the water, "Wow, I keep forgetting you're a love deity." JongHo jokes as Woo smiles cheekily at him: "Your just dying to know what I can do." It's a unison feeling as Yeosang and JongHo roll their eyes at the same time.

"So, who is this girl?" Yeosang asked Woo, who was drying his hair. "And why did you bring her here?" Mingi came out on the dock; "Why? You jealous?" JongHo joked, and Mingi sighed and looked away: "Not really." He replied under his breath. "Amelia? Who is she?" Woo said as his eyes fell on Mingi: "Just a girl, from school, great in bed, honestly, I don't know much about her." Woo confessed: "You've been chasing her for a good three weeks." JongHo said, sitting up, "Try three months." Woo corrected as Mingi still weren't looking at the other males at the dock: "I know she's adopted, her father is some high up prosecutor." Woo shrugged, wrapping the towel around his waist.

"Three months?" YeoSang asks, confused; "You, three months?" Woo just looked at the other males: "I've worked harder and longer before." And Mingi gave him a look. "She transferred three months to the school, though." Woo said, sitting down at the end of YeoSangs sun bed, drying his ear: "You lost interest now?" Yeosang questioned: "She's a demigod; she could easily be a sister." He chuckled: "Doesn't stop you, now does it." Mingi muttered, clearly regretting he came out there. While the others laughed: "One time, seriously." Leaving the rest in a fit of laughter.

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