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SeongHwa is back to back with Amelia, she fights like she's done it her whole life, and he's impressed, but he has no time to tell her, considering they are fighting against monsters. He even found himself thinking that this is fun. She moved so effortlessly over the field, barefoot; the dress moved with her body as she not only used her blades anymore but martial arts. 'She moved like a cat. 

She matched Woo's body combat easily. And as SeongHwa used his sword to fight against the goblins, Amelia was holding her own. Seeing most of the other deities holding their own. And soon, the goblins ran, most of them set pursuit after them. But that wasn't part of Ateez's job. They had swords keeping the inner pegasus safe. So when the Stray Kids Troop came and doubled up. The resistance died down, and the deities were the last standing.

When the dust and smoke settled around them, SeongHwa looked around to see his family stand together; Mingi's suit and the shirt was missing its arms, making him stand in the way like he was flexing, but that was the most drastic when Amelia walks through the last smoke, she's bleeding from several places on her body but only superficial. Her dress was slashed in odd pieces, and it's hanging on one last strap. SeongHwa takes off his jacket and goes to her side, and places the jacket over her shoulders. Mingi, Yunho, and San, please take her to safety. And the three nods as the rest of them head towards the terrace where Mark and Jinyoung are sitting on the ground holding into Jaebum; his chest was pierced with a big stone spear. 

SeongHwa gets on his knees in front of them. Jaebum is fighting to breathe, he looks at SeongHwa, and SeongHwa gets closer as Mark is crying over his friend's shoulder, leaning his face into JinYoungs neck. "Protect them.." Jaebum breathes out. "One of the three... Happy." He staggers out. And SeongHwa is trying to understand, "I'll protect them... I'll do my best." He says as he feels his own tears roll down his cheeks. Jaebum gives him a soft nod and closes his eyes. And both Mark and Jinyoung cry out in pain. 

Everyone around is gathered around watching one of their seven leaders fall. They help Mark and Jinyoung place Jaebum in order as Jackson, Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Bambam get to their sides too. The four falls to their knees next to Mark and Jinyoung.  The rest of the few people gathered places their hands on their chests. To salute their fallen leader.  As his light makes everyone look away, but SeongHwa looks away.  Jaebum smiles towards him before he disappears, and he never expected a death besides his member to hurt like this. 

Got7 members all take the vial each, grab some of the fine ashes, and put them in. before they seal them. This is what you do in a troop when a member dies, to keep their essence around you. Save their ashes. But it only your troop members that it works for, also for betrayal, it protects you from hurting your own kin. It's sacred. It's a beautiful way to remember your friends.

SeongHwa looks out of the Got7 backyard, what less than an hour ago was a beautiful party scene, and now it's a battlefield. Chan, a Stray kids leader, comes to SeongHwas side and places his hand as condolence before he speaks; "All in all... 13 died." He said low and SeongHwa nods. "I bet SJ will come soon. Without Jaebum keeping Peace, they will return from retirement." SeongHwa said low. "You think so?" Hong Joong asks low as he also joins in, "Yeah, without a doubt, Siwon, is quite strict about these things." SeongHwa replies: "I wonder how they got in." Chan said low,"'someone let them." SeongHwa replies low. "Right now, we can't trust anyone." 

"No one?" Chan asks, confused: "Yeah, no one is safe anymore, goblins dared to attack the got7 house." Hong Joong chipped in. "Anyone you can think of that could turn?" Chan asks; "I have a few ideas." He replied as he walked off. 


"SeongHwa," SeongHwa turned to see Mark running after him in the woods. "What's wrong?" He asks, concerned. "Do you know what Jb meant?" He asks him gently. SeongHwa found this odd. "No." SeongHwa semi lied, he had a small idea, but he wasn't sure if he could trust Mark. 

"I might have an idea, but I think you'll need this." Mark hands him a small vial. And SeongHwa panics: "You... you can't give this to me." He says pushing the vial back into Marks hand; "No, no, Jb would want you to have it... I think he knows you'll need it." He said in a low hurried hush; "And this is Jinyoungs." He said handing him the second; "This is how you protect them." Mark hushed. As SeongHwa stood there in a small meadow, alone, with two veils meaning, Jb thought his troop was infected.

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