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When SeongHwa wakes up, he's in a room. As he stands up, he sees that the walls are made of glass, "but I love him~~" He hears Amelia's voice, and he smiles as he sits up. In front of him, he sees Amelia and Woo kissing and smiling. "Amelia?" He asks, confused as he stands up; Amelia and Woo stop kissing, as she licks her lips and smiles before turning her head to watch him. "What?" She asks, in a tired tone, "What are you doing?" He questions, and Amelia smiles: "What does it look like?" She asks as Woo chuckles and strokes her cheek; "Remember, she was mine first." Woo says with a toxic tone that made SeongHwas skin crawl; "How could you do this?" Amelia leaned in and kissed Woos neck; "Why not?" She asks and smiles as she rubs his chest. They keep getting more intimate, and SeongHwa feels like he wants to kill them.

Right in front of him, they are kissing and touching one and another as he turns around, not being able to look anymore, as they are pulling at his heart. He comes face to face with Yeosang: "You are suspecting me of betraying us, aren't you?" Yeosang smiles, and SeongHwa nods: "I saw it in the basement." SeongHwa says: "You saw what you wanted to see." Yeosang smirked; "Were you right? totally." He smiled wider. SeongHwa feels the sting in his heart; as much as he's been suspecting Yeosang, he doesn't want it to be true; SeongHwa falls onto his knees as the tears sting his eyes. This was his biggest fear, to be betrayed.

Amelia is standing at the edge trying to scream; she finally understands what they are doing there; she's all alone like a distant memory she has. Ever since she was little, she hated being alone; she forced her parents to stay close to her at all times as a small child. Actually, it didn't need to be her parents, just someone. She still has nightmares of being in a little dark, damp room and no one ever hearing her and just laying there, feeling like she was dying. She walks along the edge; she shivers at the unpleasantness of it. She's alone, but and the aloneness clouds her thoughts as she tries to remind herself why she's there. The challenge. 'If I'm alone, which is my deepest fear, should I suppose to do? Just accept it? Jump? Honestly, Amelia isn't afraid of dying. But being alone, and don't know for how long isn't something she'd enjoy, but she sighed, as she sat down in the water, she looked around as she sighed, and the feeling of being alone, slowly but security didn't seem all that bad. Amelia sits there for a bit, and as she closes her eyes and sighs, a cold wind hits her face; "Amelia?" She opens her eyes as she looks up at San, who looks mortified. "How wait?" She managed to croak out. "Ah, I can finally speak." She says, hoars as she finds her voice.

San, on the other hand, looks terrified; "how are you here?" He asks, and Amelia looks around; they stand on a small platform, on top of a high and steep mountain. There was no way of climbing down. There was a handrail all around them, besides a small open platform, which was made to jump off, off. "Is your fear heights or suicide?" Amelia asks as she walks close to the edge. "Get away from that edge, Amelia." San snarls at her. "Wow, okay!" She says, holding her hands up in an apologetic way as she leans against the railing: "So heights?" Amelia smiled: "I'm not a fan; I'm feeling not well." He muttered as he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose; "You know, yours is actually easy to figure out." Amelia stated: "Mine was harder." She said, looking at her nails nonchalantly: "What do you mean." Amelia pointed at the ledge; "Jump." San frowned; "Are you fucking crazy?" She shrugged: "I had to accept to be okay when I was alone." She admitted: "We are already in hell; what's the worst that can happen?" Amelia questioned.

"Just jump." She said, and San looked at her like she was mad; "You jump, I'll stay here," He said, waving his hand in disbelief. "I'll jump with you." Amelia said, and San seemed to relax, "Are you scared of being alone?" San tries to change the subject. "Yeah, ever since I was little, I've had nightmares about being placed in a small area by a cloaked man, dark, and hungry, and all alone." She sighed as the memory still hurts: "So waking up in a dark room, with water running off the edges, and a night sky above me all alone, made me feel like I was dying, no one hearing no matter how loud I screamed. " She said, rubbing her chest; talking about this made it ache in her chest; she had not told anyone but her therapist this when she had one way back when that now felt like a completely other life.

"So you know my biggest fear, let's deal with yours." Amelia said as she stepped closer: "San, we're in hell, and you're scared of heights; we are basically already dead; what is there to fear?" San sighed: "I hate that you make fucking sense." He sighed as she held her hand out: "I don't think pushing you will do, so If you jump, I jump, and if you don't... I'm better than you." San snorted: "you're not." He said, taking her hand. He watches her: "Let's jump, don't think about how high it is, think about it as not high enough." Amelia shrugged: "That makes no sense." And Amelia laughed as she stood by the ledge now; "If we jump and die, we at least died as a team."

Amelia tried, and he nodded: "I'm not suicidal," He stated: "But, I rather die, with you, than without you." She smiled: "Close your eyes, and accept that this is your fate." He nods and does what she says: "Three." He starts, and Amelia looks impressed: "Two," And Amelia jumps when he says one and when her hand leaves his he panics and jumps after her without thinking, as they fall through the sky, San reaches out for Amelia, and she reaches up, she's falling with her back against the ground. San grasps her hand and pulls her close. He hugs her body close to his and closes his eyes. And Amelia suddenly feels the air knocked out of her lungs.

When Amelia opens her eyes, San is on top of her, and they laugh out in relief. "What the fuck are you doing?" And San is yanked off of Amelia.

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