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SeongHwa stood up and felt like it was an eternity since he last saw his friends, brothers, and family. "Anyone knows what's going on?" SeongHwa asks as they look around, "To be honest when I think about it. it looks like we are standing at the button of a large well." Mingi replies as they all look up and sees the night sky right above them, but this hole most likely around 80 feet deep.

As they all stood looking up for a way out, "Was that the final test?" Yunho asks, and SeongHwa watches them; "It's either three or seven." SeongHwa sighed as they looked around the pit they were standing in. "Is that suppose to happen?" Amelia asks as she looks down at the ground; it has become completely black, and as Amelia lifts her feet and the black gue sticks to her.

"Shit, Get closer together," Mingi calls as he tries to come closer to the rest.

San is on Amelias, and Mingi joins him. SeongHwa and Yunho are on her right: "How will we get out?" Yunho asks as he looks up. "Can't anyone just jump?" Amelia asks: "We aren't superheroes, amelia." San stated. Amelia glares at him: "Oh shit." San ends up saying, and Seonghwa looks at him: "I told you, that shit is scary." Amelia now glares at him: 2I don't think this is appropriate." Amelia crosses her arms: "What? I told him, when you glare, you're quite scary, that's all."

"Idiots, there isn't fucking time for this discussion now; we are going to drown in tare." Mingi snarls, and Yunho agrees.

"It's rising; it's already at my hips-" Amelia says as she holds her hands up. She reaches out for the other's hands: "Take my hand." She says to San, who grabs it and Mingi joins in. " It's slowing down," Yunho says, and They all seem to relax a little, but Amelia finds it hard to breathe as the tare-like matter appears to be squeezing her completely.

"Hold onto one and other," SeongHwa says as he squeezes Amelia's hand; she starts to feel completely defeated.

"You know what would suck now? Some strange sea monster." mingi chuckled. He was the only one not needing to worry about downing yet. His head was above everyone else's.

"I'd say spiders." Yunho threw out there, and Amelia glares at them, "shut up." San pulled her arm: "Too late." And amelia followed his eyes. The spine of something long was in the distance of the hole. The red spine lighted up the black tare-like substance. "Shit." SeongHwa exclaim.

When they all follow his eyes, he's looking up, and a set of large-sized spiders were coming in from the top. "Oh crap," Yunho said as amelia glares at him.

"Guys..." mingi mumbles as the sea serpent is circling around him. Mingi is struggling to breathe as the demon seems to squeeze him. "Why couldn't y'all just say flowers instead," Amelia growled at them as the flowers suddenly start falling from the sky instead. Amelia looked over towards SeongHwa, confused, who nods: "This should be water." SeongHwa tries, but the tare-like substance stayed the same. "It was a nice try." Amelia mouthed as he nodded.

"Can... Anyone." Mingi breathed out: "I wish there weren't any sea monsters." Yunho tried, and Mingi made the sound of breathing again and nodded in appreciation towards Yunho.

"don't speak..." San starts, but as they turn to look at him, his mouth is gone; he's trying to touch his face, but Amelia and Mingi didn't let him by holding onto his hands. The four shake their heads at his stupid choice of words. Amelia was, after all, in a corset, and it was getting harder and hard to breathe by the minute: "I.." She starts as she releases it; no point.

She squeezes sans and SeongHwas hands that she's holding; she feels like she's about to start slipping. There wasn't a way out of this. It's then she remembers Marks's words in his head. Had he experienced this before? Had he ever gone to hell? 'Amelia, a tip... use your strength.' He had told her.

Amelia stands there, and something inside her felt like she was sparkling; she was slowly getting stronger. It was a surge of something she couldn't explain, but it made her feel good. Her veins felt like they were burning, like they were expanding, but being on fire simultaneously. Like flowers are waking up from the long winter, like a bear to come out in spring, how is this possible. Amelia didn't know she had her eyes closed, but inside her head, she could feel the current power going to her head. "Amelia?" SeongHwa said low, "It's rising again." Mingi exclaim. "Look at her neck," San says.

Amelia, somewhere in the distance, feels the black tare rise over her chest. "I'm standing on my toes," San complains, and Amelia can feel SeongHwa squeezing her hand again. Suddenly it's so quiet. "Amelia." Mingi now sounds concerned as Amelia feels her face getting cowered, but her body is vibrating.

SeongHWa wasn't sure what he was seeing; her hair was flickering, becoming brighter like someone is turning on and off the lights. Her veins on her face are glowing brightly. He's so worried because he can't move; the tare is squeezing him tighter. Suddenly Amelia's head flies back, and her eyes are glowing bright white. "CLOSE YOUR EYES," SeongHwa screams. 

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