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When SeongHwa came out to the kitchen with Amelia in tow, she looked much better. SeongHwa is really noticing when she's at her game, on the battlefield, she'll fight for the end of her life. And make sure to win. But when it comes to taking in the information, she's not handling it too well, and she uses adrenalin as a strength. As he pounders away thinking, the two reach the kitchen.

"Ew," SeongHwa finds himself saying as he sees San and Woo sitting and eating where he had seen Hong Joongs ass the night before. "What?" Amelia asks softly; "I'm pretty sure Sans hand is where Hong Joongs balls were last night." SeongHwa said, and Amelia stifles laughter, and when she walks past him, she understands why Yunho looks amused; she holds up her hand as he pays attention to her, and they high-five each other.

"Amelia, I heard you took care of the virgin... literally." SeongHwa choked on his own spit, "If he was a virgin, he's impressive." Amelia says, grabbing water from the fridge; "We thought you'd tare the house down." San muttered: "Damn, only almost?" San and Woo look defeated; "I'm not a virgin." SeongHwa states: "Not anymore." The for said at the same time shocking SeongHwa: "I give up." SeongHwa said, walking over to the couch and sits down; "Anyone wants breakfast?" San was standing up. Amelia gave Yunho a look: "I'm good." As Yunho chuckled.

"SeongHwa, you have great taste." Yunho calls over his shoulder as he's laughing: "I feel like we are missing something, San." Woo said as Amelia drinks her water. SeongHwa looks over the back of the couch: "In all seriousness, San, I'll need your assistance today." San nods; "Yeah, sure... Are we going?" SeongHwa nods: "She got her uniform last night." SeongHwa says as all of them turn to face Amelia, who was surprised and squeezed the bottle, so water squirted out: "Flashbacks." Yunho and SeongHwa said mindlessly at the same time and realized what they had said and flushed instantly. "Was there an orgy that we missed?" Wooyoung complained.

"San, can you get ready, actually Yunho, could you come with us too?" Yunho nods; "Sure, I'm down for a mission." SeongHwa got off the couch. "We will need Mingi too," SeongHwa said and nodded. "I can get him." San says, "What about me?" Woo asks: "You know the drill, max four to not leave the rest unarmed." Woo nodded in agreement: "We'll meet out front in an hour." And Yunho and San nods.


Amelia looks herself in the mirror, and her hair was hanging everywhere; she would most likely have to put it up somehow. The outfit was a three-piece one. A black shirt that was see-through on the inside of the arms, a corset with the slats was in black, and the rest was seethrough orange, and the pants high wasted, with a see-through line along Amelia's right leg. Honestly, she couldn't believe they wanted her to wear this. But when SeongHwa entered, he stopped in his tracks. "Mingi." SeongHwa called over his shoulder. Mingi comes to his side: "Wow, that looks good on you." Mingi said as he walks past SeongHwa, "What are you doing with your hair?" Amelia looks at him: "A ponytail?" She shrugged as he replies: "No?" Mingi sighed: "Sit down." He slowly but carefully started to braid her hair, parting her hair in the middle, giving her two somewhat thick braids. "How..?" Amelia asked, and Mingi shrugged: "Woo had a pirate/hippie period back in the sixties." He shrugged; "So I learned."

Amelia took in what Mingi was wearing, he had a similar attire as her, but he was wearing a two-piece. On the other hand, he had an orange -x across his upper body; Mingi's did not expose his chest. And another orange x over his right knee. He looked way more discreet than she did. And when she saw SeongHwa, she bit her lip. He looked really good in his uniform. He was seethrough along the insides of his shirt and arms. but his pants were completely black more of a military set of pants on them. "Your shoes." SeongHwa says, pulling Amelia back to reality, "So what are these costumes anyway?" SeongHwa is on his knees as he undoes the shoelaces as he looks up at Amelia; "it's your uniform." He replies: "And as you can tell, it matches the Ateez troop's colors." Mingi says over their shoulder, and Amelia smiles: "Does that mean I'm part of the team?"

Mingi looked at SeongHwa and SeongHwa at mingi: "The final test is today." Mingi teased: "If not, you might have to join one of the other groups... if they will have you." Mingi chuckled as Amelia rolled her eyes at Mingi, whos finished her hair, and start to touch things randomly. "Is it bad that I want to hit his rude ass?" Mingi turned and smiled at them as SeongHwa chuckled: "Be my guest, but what out for his whip?" Amelia pulls back; "Is it a sexual reference or what?" She questions as Mingi slams the box lid close. He was rummaging through, "What do you take me for?" Amelia made a face and turned around as SeongHwa watched them interact.

As Amelia starts to walk, SeongHwa comes back to reality he was holding onto her shoelace, and she falls on her face, with a big dud and glares as SeongHwa chokes on his laughter and Mingi collapses and misses the bed and falls on the floor.

She gets up and stares at SeongHwa; "Why, just why?" She accuses him as she shoots daggers at Mingi as well as himself. "I wasn't... done tying your shoes, " He said calmly as he features soften watching SeongHwa: "That sentence made me feel like a five-year-old." She states as Mingi is chipping for air. "I hate you." She breaths through her teeth as Mingi is still trying not to laugh.

She finally turns her heel and leaves the room, "That was hysterical SeongHwa, thank you for the comic relief." Mingi stands up and pats his chest as he walks past. "I wasn't... Whatever." He muttered and followed after Mingi. When they walk down the hallway, the loud cheering from the living room area made Mingi chuckle a bit more. The guys were circled around Amelia and started to jump around and threw confetti.

Amelia looked confused, and SeongHwa simply shook his head. Mingi chose to join in on the fun. "You're an official member now," Jongho said, and Amelia smiled at him. "We look cool together, don't we?" Yunho said, standing next to Amelia and strikes a pose while Amelia mirrors and Mingi joins in; "Look SeongHwa's angels." HongJoong laughs as Yunho lives for the role; "Why not?" He shrugged and looks pleased: "Well, three women Bosely and SeongHwa." Woo says as he points at each of every member whos heading for the mission; "Wait? am I Bosely?" San asks, confused; "No, that's mingi, we've already declared you a woman." Woo joked, and San tripped Woo, who fell over in front of Amelia. Amelia, in return, places her food on Woo and smiles; "Victory is mine." She shouts, and the room starts to laugh. SeongHwa leans back and watches the commotion and feels this being a rare moment with everyone he loves.

Hong Joong goes over to SeongHwas side; "I finished what you asked for." SeongHwa nods and smiles as HongJoong holds up the original ring; "He's more special than we know... isn't he?" SeongHwa nods; "I think so."

"Yo, hyungs!" Jongho calls, "Aren't you coming here to celebrate with us?" SeongHwa nods, "I actually have a gift for all of us to match." He smiled and hold up a small velvet pouch; "Whatever you do, don't lose these." He said as he opened up the pouch and poured a set of rings into the palm of his hand. "We each have one." SeongHwa smiled; "But there is only eight-" Mingi states: "Well, amelia has a necklace." SeongHwa says softly and then remembers what happened when he gave it to her. Amelia blushed too. "They each have our initials on them," SeongHwa said as he held them out in his hand. His own had the small P.S on it.

Every member took their own and put them on instantly and smiled: "This is great." Yeosang smiled and held his ring up: "But why?" He asked, confused and SeongHwa smiled: "Because I thought it was a nice gift. Second, Mingis birthday is coming up, and I know he's been dying for us to have something like this." Mingi smiles; "How did you know?" The question with big puppy eyes: "Because unlike Woo and his cousin, we have heard that more than one time." San chuckled. 

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