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SeongHwa opens his eyes, and he feels his heart drop. a few yards ahead, he sees his wife. He looks at his surroundings. In his hand, there is a Lanchester submachine gun. He felt a fear in him he hasn't felt since he was in world war two. His hands trembled as he wanted to throw his rifle, and his feet didn't want to move at first as he started to try to walk. "Veronica.." He mumbled; he felt his heartbreak. She was jumping onto a truck after helping someone in, she had been a field nurse, and it was very rare for a nurse to leave the campsite. But, they had been told there were many injured people along the road, and they were there to judge if they actually needed to bring them back to camp or let them pass, sadly enough.

This had been false information, and it had killed Veronica. But SeongHwa hadn't been there at the time, so he was so confused about what he was seeing as he feels his feet move sluggishly like he was fighting to run faster, like in a bad dream. As his legs start to move even more, and as she hops up on the truck and starts rolling, the sound swooshing down, planes were flying above them. SeongHwa now realizes what is about to happen, what he's about to see. He tries to run towards the truck, he tries to get his legs to move faster, and when the bomb hits the truck, he sees Veronica dies. And the shockwave from the bomb throws him back hard, so he hits his head.

SeongHwa opens his eyes. The sky is clear, and some soldier helps him up, and when he's standing again, there she is, helping people up unscathed. SeongHwa feels his tears roll down his cheeks as he sees her struggle, her brown hair escaping her hairdo, and selflessly helping someone up the truck again. And as he tries to run towards her again, the bomb throws him back.

------------------San wakes up in what seems to be a cave room, Amelia, SeongHwa, Mingi, and Yunho. Are laying in a row. They all look like they are sleeping, the second challenge was easier than he anticipated; after he found Yunho, everything went white, and suddenly, San was hanging off a cliff, and Woo, SeongHwa, Jongho, and Hong Joong. They were all dangling from a rope below, San. The obvious choice had to be to let them climb above him and up over the edge.

But as the more, he looked at the rope above him, and it was slowly tearing, knowing himself, he'd save them all and fall down the ground and die. For San, there had been zero choices but to save his brothers. But he knew that he never got out of hell, and delusion was what he did the best.

He looked at his friends and smile as he released them from his rope. He decided to kill them first, just in case. And when they all fell, San sits up and gasps for air like he's coming out from the water. And now he was judging the rest for taking such a long time.

Yunho was the second to wake up and looked at San, and he looked more annoyed than anything when he did. "What?" San ended up asking, and Yunho shrugged: "What was yours?" San asked, and Yunho sighed: "I don't want to talk about it." He said, standing up: "Oh, come on." San tested as Yunho rolled his eyes; "I had to kill Callisto." He said and shuddered: "She's family after all, and I had to put family aside for the greater good." 

He said and shook again.

"Mine was similar, and I had to put myself first and kill the boys." San chuckled: "At least now I've done that." San joked: "I'm not sure if it's funny or not-" He said bitterly as Amelia sit gasping for air. San hurries to her side and gets down to check her: "You okay?" San asks her low, and she looks at him; she seems oddly well-rested: "I was in prison." Her words came as a shock for them both. "Prison?" Yunho and San asked intune. "Yeah, apparently, I gave up on my freedom, and now I'm here." She sighed: "You sound oddly disappointed," Yunho says as he watches her stand up. "I had a good thing going."

San can't believe her, so he gives her a look: "Okay, so I got into prison, and all I could think about was that I needed to get out, so I joined a gang, looked into ways I could escape, and had the gang plan it, and the next thing I knew.." Amelia babbles on: "You wanted to escape prison?" Yunho asks, and she nods, "Yeah, but then it was like this, they served me three meals a day, an eight-hour bedtime, and on top of that, I got to read how much I wanted." Amelia said, and San stood there with his mouth open: "And?" Amelia smiled: "When it came down to the time of escape, I turned them down," She said and sighed: "And I woke up, " San and Yunho looked at each other because Amelia sounded honest and, on top of that very disappointed that she wasn't still in jail.

When Mingi sits up in a panic, almost hysteric, Amelia cups his face: "Look at me, you're safe." She says, and when he sees her, he relaxed instantly and hugged her; "It was like I was back there.." He muttered, and Amelia didn't understand, but Yunho and San did. "Only SeongHwa left," Yunho says low as Amelia looks over at him. She leaves Mingi's side and gets on her knees next to him.

It was like they were all stuck in dreams, and as the four had already woken up, but SeongHwa can't seem to do so, Amelia is starting to worry. She leans in and kisses his cheek as she whispers the words: "Come back to me."


No matter what SeongHwa does, he never gets close enough. He never gets a chance to even speak to her, she keeps on dying in front of him, and just as he's about to run, seeing the planes above him, he hears a familiar voice: "Come back to me." It says as he turns around, Amelia is standing in a long white silk dress. She looks like an unrealistic dream. She was so beautiful and so captivating. She stood there with her hand held out as he turns his heel and walks towards her, and as he takes his hand, he sits up again. He comes face to face with Amelia, and a wave of relief wash over him as he takes her face in his hands and kisses her on the lips. Amelia is surprised by his action but kisses him back softly; "You okay?" She asks when she pulls away a few seconds later. "I am... now." He smiles.

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