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"Does she know now?" SeongHwa asks, standing with his back towards Jinyoung. "Enough for you needing to tell her the prophecy." SeongHwa sighed as he felt completely and utterly defeated: "I can't protect her if she knows," He said, feeling like he was about to shatter: "She is or will be stronger than any one of us." Jinyoung sighed. The tear that escaped SeongHwa's eye seemed not to be alone: "I'll lose her."

"You know that it's out of our control..." Jinyoung started as Mark hurried down to the docks; "Yo, SJ is here to tear the party up. Shit is going down." Mark stops and looks at SeongHWa and back at Jinyoung: "Is it bad?" Mark asks, and Jinyoung shrugs.

SeongHwa gets up rubs his eyes as he walks past Jinyoung and Mark; "Tell me later?" Mark asks Jinyoung, who nods.


When SeongHwa gets to the house, Heechul, Eunhyuk, and Siwon are standing in the middle: "While you were partying like idiots..." Siwon sighed; "CLC girls and Iz*one girl were attacked." Siwon sighed: "Only sister Sorn survived the attack." He continued as the loud gasp around the room lead to screams of pain and panic.

"We need everyone to go back into their houses, and from tonight, a curfew is mandatory from now on, Pegasus is officially on lockdown, and troops far more troops will guard the premiers," Heechul stated.

SeongHwa stood in the mist looking around as people started to leave. San and Woo began to turn back the house into the home they knew as people left the house. SeongHwa looked around and saw Yeosang and walked over to him. SeongHwa's temper had been tampered with, and when his fist hits Yeosangs face, the boys around come over and pulls SeongHwa from Yeosang; "This is on you." He shouts as he struggles free, and at first, Yeosang looked scared. But then Jongho and Woo stepped between them: "What are you talking about." And SeongHwa's rationality became clear: "Amelia! why did you do that to me?" He accused Yeosang, SeongHwa pointed his finger at Yeosang, and Yeosang shrugged, looking relieved.

"I thought you deserve to know that your girlfriend is cheating on you already." He said, sounding proud: "Dumbass, he was making her see her past memories as a child. She wanted to see her past." SeongHwa shouted, knowing it was a lie; "He didn't need to kiss her." Yeosang stated and the gasp from the other guys: "He said it himself it works faster that way..." SeongHwa said, sounding stupid.

"Oh, come on, did you buy that," Jongho stated, and SeongHwa frowned. When the shut of a door closed and SeongHwa turned to see Mingi completely and absolutely wrecked, SeongHwa rushes over to his side, along with the rest: "How is she?" He asks, and Mingi sighs: "She's sleeping, but seriosuly, what is going on with her?" Mingi muttered as she sunk to the floor along the wall.

"Give him some room," SeongHWa shouts and sits down on his knees. "I don't even know how I got out the..." Mingi muttered, and SeongHwa pressed a hand over his mouth: "You walked with me down." SeongHwa said and nodded as Mingi looked confused at him, but Mingi nodded in return. "I'll help him to his room," SeongHwa said, pulling Mingi onto his feet. The taller male swayed a bit once he was on his feet, and SeongHwa did his best to hold him straight.

SeongHwa puts Mingis arm around his shoulder and leads him to Mingi's door. When they opened, SeongHwa was ready to have a serious conversation, but he comes to a halt as Doyeon was on Mingi's bed. When she saw them both there, she lit up like a firework excited: "A threesome, I'm so down." She smiled, sitting up.

"I'm out." SeongHwa sighed as he pushed Mingi into the room: "What are you..." Was all SeongHwa heard as he closed the door, just in time for Woo to come over: "How is he?" Woo asked, concerned: "Busy." Woo placed his hand on the handle, and SeongHwa stopped him; "I wouldn't enter now." He sighed and let go of Wooyoungs hand, and walked away. When he looked over this shoulder, he saw Woo open the door and close it quickly. He leaned his forehead against the door and sighed before leaving too.

Seonghwa felt his heart hurt for him as he entered his own bedroom. Amelia was sound asleep in the bed. He decided to help her out of the harness, which now started to look uncomfortable. When he got it off her body, he watched her bare skin and felt embarrassed, she may be his girlfriend, but he also felt like a pervert for seeing what he saw. The way the harness has dug into her skin, now leaving red marks, was exciting. SeongHwa stopped every bad thought he had and pulled the covers up.

He decided that a cold shower was more than needed, and as he stood under the cold water that cleansed his toned body and washing away his sins for today, he felt a sort of relief that the mission had gone well, even if it was light-years away. Or felt like that for sure.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and started brushing his teeth. The time was just a little over three. It was insane when he had calculated how long the mission had taken, and it had been a little over three hours. It had felt like a week at least. When he finished pounder away while brushing his teeth, he reached for a second towel, started to dry his hair, and walked into the bedroom. When he entered, he saw Amelia sitting in a chair opposite the window. She looked good. Amazing actually. She was wearing one of his t-shirts. But SeongHwa's face falls as she looks angry.

"Babe?" He asks and sits down on the bed closest to her: "I think I want my own room." SeongHwa looks at her, confused. "What you mean?" He asks, confused: "You know everything... don't you?" This questioned confused him: "What do you mean?"

"You know about who I am? you know where I come from, don't you." She said, and for a second, SeongHwa thought she knew herself. "I had my suspicions." SeongHwa clarified: "And you hid it from me?" She questioned, and he sighed: "I didn't know how to tell you, and I wasn't sure."

"But I don't think so, you were sure; you just didn't want to tell me." SeongHWa shook his head: "No, I wasn't sure, I was trying to figure it out, for you..." SeongHwa said, standing up, and Amelia hurled a book at his head which he dodged; "DON'T LIE TO ME!" She shouts and stands up.

"Babe, calm down, "SeongHwa said and walked over to her side and grabbed her hands to stop her from throwing something else. "You hid stuff from me, and you want me to be calm. I don't even want to see you." She spat at him. "Let me go, just let me leave." She said and shook her hands free: "Where would you go? Hu? Home? You're not safe, and I can get pro.." Amelia pushed him as he spoke: "Clearly, I'm the one protecting you. You know exactly who I am, a daughter of Zeus."

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