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"Well, you're in big trouble," Yunho says, entering the library; SeongHwa, San, and Hong Joong close the books they were reading, and Woo sits up after laying on the table. "It wasn't me," He was quick to say as the other three frown and look at him before turning back to Yunho: "It's not an anniversary, right?" Hong Joong questioned, and Yunho raised his eyebrow: "Don't worry, you're safe." Yunho said, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

San and seongHwa looked between themselves; "So what did I do now?" SeongHwa asked, and San smiled: "You have rivals." SeongHwa raised an eyebrow at Yunho, and he smirked: "So, appears that Jinyoung visits Amelia quite fiercely, and so is Yeosang." San and Woo choked on their saliva: "What?" They manage to spit out.

Seonghwa sat there watching Yunho in disbelief: "Are you sure?" He asked, and Yunho nods: "He's been going to the house and keeping her company; she said she really enjoyed having him there; she never expected him to be such a soft soul."SeongHwa leaned back into his couch: "This fucking woman." He muttered.

"I mean, it's Yeosang-" Hong Joong started: "Well, whatever, not like I can stop them from hanging out." He mumbled as San kicked him: "Get up, we need to talk." San said and stood, and the others looked confused on one and another.

San drags SeongHwa out on the balcony and closes the door behind them; "You have to figure out who you can trust, like yesterday." SeongHwa sighed and leaned against the railing: "What do you mean?" He asks and looks at his hands: "You suspect Yeosang, to have turned to the dark side, haven't you?" SeongHWa frowned: "What makes you say that?"

San glared at him: "one the day at the party, you wanted to say more, you didn't want all of us to go to hell, you kept some of us back, and I know you trust Hong Joong with your life, yet he was excluded, and Woo, he may be an idiot, but he would die for you, he was also left behind, you brought Yunho, who I know you trust because Hong Joong trusts him." San start: "You also brought Mingi, and not for the purpose to protect but to confirm, and you knew Yunho would notice it." SeongHwa sighed: "You pushed the best thing in your life away because you're scared that when she found out what she was, she'd turn." SeongHwa frowned: "No, that part is wrong; I wanted to keep her safe." SeongHwa said as he got confused, "Man, you're more perceptive than I give you credit for, you always trust me blindly, and I value that." San nods: "Also, the main reason why I never flirted with Amelia." San said and pointed at SeongHwa: "Trust me, it's tough because she's hella good-looking." San pointed out: "Wait, you were interested in her?" San shrugged: "I prefer not sleeping with girls my friends have been with." He said in a carefree way, and SeongHwa rolled his eyes at him: "You don't sleep with any girl, period." He threw back.

"Waiting for that, the one you know." San smiles and pushes his hands into his pockets: "Though a calmer version, possibly dark-haired, Amelia, that would be my cup of tea." He smirked. "If she's anything like aphrodite, you might get what you want." SeongHwa sighed as San frowned: "What? Amelia sleeping around?" SeongHwa chuckled: "Aphrodite could change her appearance to look like anyone's wildest dream." San chuckled: "Let's hope not," He adds before speaking again.

: "But back to what's important, you believe Yeosang is bad." San said as SeongHwa bit his lip and hesitates before he nods.

"Why?" SeongHwa jumped up on the railing and sat on it, watching out over the forest, he was high enough up to see over to the woods to the well-lit-up castle, which was in the other riverbank, and he knew it was exactly where Amelia was. The sun was setting, and the castle was glowing.

"When we found the Ikon troop..." SeongHwa starts and sighs, and San nods to urge him on: "Well, let's just say Song lingered on." SeongHwa said; "You were close, weren't you," SeongHwa nodded, Song had been a friend, for sure, and they had fought a lot through their times together, yet Song was someone SeongHwa would never doubt, so at first questioning Songs very last action, broke his heart.

"Song... pointed at Yeosang, like he was the reason, he was dead." SeongHWa sighed and shook his head: "So you based your theory all on that?" San asked; "Wouldn't you? why would Song point at Yeosang?" San nods in agreement: "I do agree that's weird, but it's not enough." San stated: "I know, but it was also Yeosang who told me about Amelia and Jinyoung, and also someone was in our room while we were in hell." SeongHwa said trying to justify is

"Do you think Woo would go through our stuff?" San shrugged; "Honestly, he'd go through them because he's a human raccoon." San shrugged, and they looked in through the window seeing woo with pressed cans next to him and the chips bag that he's now stuck his head into trying to get the crumbs: "It's scary how accurate that is." San muttered.

"Jongho? would he do such a thing?" SeongHwa asked, and San shook his head. "Honestly, no, Hong Joong is our leader, and he believes in a world free of Cronos. If anything, he would like the prophecy to be true to get rid of him finally." SeongHwa nods: "So, I guess when you put it like this." San shrugged; "Why not me? or Yunho?" SeongHwa asks: "Because you have this loyalty down to the t if Woo is a raccoon, you're a dog." San made a face of annoyance at him.

"And Yunho is Yunho, and he wouldn't betray us at all." San nodded: "It's so bad that we automatically assume Yeosang is evil." SeongHwa said, and San patted his shoulder: "Correction, you think he's evil." SeongHwa narrowed his eyes at him.

Seonghwa pondered away before he spoke: "That ring you're wearing will protect you from any member of the Got7 troop." He said, and San looked at the ring: "Ewww, am I wearing JB?" San asked in disgust, and SeongHwa punched him over the arm: "Stop being a child, Mark gave me his ashes, which means that they suspect that troop was corrupt too, this is so beyond us," San sighed; "Civil war might break out though," SeongHwa watched him; "No, it will, there is no might in this, a lot of people do want Cronos to come back, many are fed up with the rules and whatnot." SeongHwa sighed as he turns and jumps as Woo is pressing his face against the window: "I can't believe he's older than you." San says and opens the door making Woo lose balance.

"What you talking about?" He asks curiously: "Girl stuff." San smirks and walks past, and Woo smiles: "I knew you were girls."

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