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Amelia is stunned that this was Wooyoungs reaction: "What?" She questions: "Now she'll be around." He groaned and walked off the dance floor. Amelia got mad, she was rooting for Woo and Mingi, and Mingi had made it so clear without words he loves, yet, he does this.

She walks over to Mingi and Doyeon and grabs Mingi by the ear, "What the hell are you doing?" She snarled; "Hey, can't you see we busy?" Doyeon says snarkily, and Amelia grabs her lips and squeezes them shut, "Are you, my mother?" Mingi complains as Amelia pushes Doyeon back and pulls Mingi along; "YAH, EVERY GUY ISNT YOURS YOU KNOW," She shouts, and Amelia doesn't turn her heel to bother with her.

Amelia lets go of Mingi's ear: "What the actual fuck?" Mingi shrugs: "I don't need to explain myself to you." He was right, but still, Amelia thought much more about Mingi than this: "I don't get you; you are clearly in love with WooYoung." She points out, and Mingi crosses his arms: "Am not." He says, turning his nose up into the air. "What are you? a child?"

"Does it even matter?" Mingi asks now serious: "Well, you two will continue to hurt one and other until one of you decided to be the bigger man." Amelia said: "I tried that; he doesn't love me." Mingi said, and Amelia frowned: "Well if he said he didn't, I think he's lying." Amelia stated.

"I'm done with this conversation. If I fuck Doyeon, it's up to me, not anyone else." Mingi said, looking at her; she could see the pain in his eyes as he said it. "So they have had this conversation with you before?" Mingi rolls his eyes at her, and she kicks his shin: "Don't act tough with me," She snarled as he pouts: "What's going on?" Yeosang comes to their side and looks over at them, and quickly looks away. He starts to take his jacket off and hands it to Amelia.

She looks at him confused, and then she remembers what she was wearing; "I may be SeongHwa's friend, but I'm still a man." He replies, and Amelia blushes as she pulls the coat on. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, slightly embarrassed. "Are you flirting?" Mingi asks Yeosang, who looks away: "No." He replies: "But why are you yelling at each other?" Yeosang throws back; "We aren't yelling." Amelia and Mingi yell out at the very same time: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you are siblings." Yeosang said and shook his head, making the two laugh.

"Mingi and me?" Amelia laughs and shakes her head: "I don't think so." Yeosang shrugged: "But now that I have you here, Doyeon and Mingi?" Yeosang turns and hits Mingi over the head: "I told you last time, quit that shit." Mingi pouts and rubs the back of his head: "Why?" Amelia was surprised by Yeosangs action. "She is toxic, and she almost got us all killed at one point." Yeosang said, and Mingi looks away ashamed: "So not because Woo and Mingi?" Amelia tests: "That's toxic too." Yeosang said: "I find them cute."

"It's all cute until Woo can't make up his mind, or Mingi wanting more." Yeosang sighed; Mingi started to feel left out on a conversation about him: "Why is that?" Yeosang crossed his arms: "Woo, can't seem to know what he wants, but when he is around Mingi, it's like nothing else matters, but when he leaves Mingis side is like he never even existed." Yeosang sighed: "it's been going on for years." Amelia sighed as she looked at Mingi again; he had left.

"If I die, at least I'd die trying." She joked and shook her head. "Do you want something to drink?" Yeosang asked as she nods: "I'm going down to the dock," She replied, and he smiles.

Amelia walks there; the urge or nectar is still in her body, and she now knows fully what nectar did, it heightens her senses, and she could tell as she got angry at Mingi, she walks out on the dock and stand at the edge. She hears someone walk out behind her, "That was quick." She says as she turns and almost falls into the water. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Jinyoung asks, and Amelia shakes her head. This wasn't a lie, and ever since coming to pegasus, she had met four males that she found attractive, SeongHwa, Jay B, Mark, and Jinyoung. And now she realized that maybe her senses being heightened might not be a good idea. "I didn't expect you. "She smiled as she watches him.

"I heard you went to see my family." Amelia smiled and nodded: "I can't tell you a whole lot; I didn't meet her." Amelia said, slightly ashamed. "Is that so?" He asks, and she nods; "Do you know that your mind is like an unconscious recorder?" Amelia shrugged; "I know that only a few people have the knowledge of using their full capacity than a normal brain, but I've never heard such phrase." She stated.

"Your unconscious records for you, like when you are in a coma, you can hear people around you, even if it's not vivid, you can still pick things up like they are in a surreal dream." Jinyoung smiled, and Amelia frown: "I'm not quite sure where you're going with this?" She said, crossing her arms: "Do you want to remember?" To be honest, Amelia was quite curious, and Seonghwa hadn't shared what had happened with Persephone yet.

"So what? you can help me remember?" Amelia tested as she gestured towards her head. Jinyoung moved a strand of her hair out of the way, "I know you went to see Mark, and I also know you can't be harmed by me so, We too need answers, and I'm pretty sure SeongHwa won't tell us all." Jinyoung said, and Amelia nods, she did wonder what SeongHwa was hiding, but at the same time, she felt at ease not knowing everything.

"So, how will you help me?" She asked, and Jinyoung smirked: "The most efficient way." Jinyoung grabbed Amelia's Chin, she looked at him confused, but when he pressed his lips onto hers, Amelia tried to fight him off, but he got a grip on her hands and pinned them behind her back, somehow he managed to hold both her hands with one of his.

But as she tried to speak, his mouth moved against hers, stopping her. And at this moment, of confusion, she heard SeongHwa's voice, Mingi's happy tone, and a female one she hadn't heard before. It was all inside her head, but it was like it was coming from a set of headphones.

But what was clearest in her ears even made Jinyoung pull away, and their lips weren't touching anymore. "Aurelia." They said at the same time.


Yeosang walked back down to the docks; he knew it was a bad choice to have that nectar earlier. Amelia's outfit was now igniting all sorts of emotions within himself. And he, for the first time, craved her. Who could blame him? And when they spoke, he felt enlighted with the tone of her voice; she was enchanting him. He shook his head as he reached the docks again; just as he's about to step onto the dock, he sees Jinyoung pull Amelia in and kisses her. Yeosang frowned as he wanted to kick Jinyoung into the water. Yeosang looked down at the shot glasses in his hands and turned his heel around. He walks back up to the house, and as he reaches it, SeongHwa is standing there chatting with Chan and Felix; he was enjoying himself.

Yeosang felt the big ball of jealousy only growing, but he could not help himself. He walked over to SeongHwa: "Take this." He said and held out a shot glass filled with nectar. "For me?" Yeosang smiled slightly and nodded; "I thought we should have a toast; it was so long ago last time." SeongHwa makes a face, but he's having a great time even if his girlfriend is half-naked, which he still wasn't able to enjoy. He smiled and nodded as he took the shot. He clinked the glass with Yeosangs, and once he did that, he downed the nectar. Ones he had Yeosang looked a little uncomfortable: "What? did you drug me?" He asked, and Yeosang shook his head: "I thought you needed that because Amelia is kissing some guy down on the dock.

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