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"SeongHwa, thank god you're back," Yeosang says as he stands by the door when SeongHwa returns. "What's wrong?" He asks, exhausted; "Amelia.. collapsed." Yeosang says as SeongHwa starts to rush through the house to get to his room. On his bed, there she was, sound asleep. 

SeongHwa gives Yeosang a death stare: "She did honestly collapse." He says, holding his hands up apologetic. SeongHwa sighed as he turned and went to collect a clean towel and a bowl of water. When he returns, the boys stand in the doorframe; "go and wash up, you smell." SeongHwa says as he closes the door in their faces. He places the bowl on the bedside table and puts the towel into it. SeongHwa turned to watch the sleeping Amelia and took her hand in his, and lifted her arm. He used the towel to clean her off. There were blood and dirt all over her body as far as his eyes could see. And he felt okay doing this; he felt like it was his duty. He was not going to deny the fact that he was uncomfortable laying in the bed dirty, but it truly wasn't his main concern. 


When SeongHwa had cleaned her, he chose to leave his bedroom; in the kitchen, there was a glass of unnecessary expensive whiskey, mostly because SeongHwa could easily now drink an entire bottle. He took the glass and walked outback; at the end of the dock, he saw Hong Joong waiting for him.

"How is she?" He asked when SeongHwa was close enough; "I think she's fine." He answers as he starts to drink his drink and not to look at his friend: "It's okay, SeongHwa... to feel." These were the words that broke him. SeongHwa fell to his knees and cried. Hard. Hong Joong placed his hand on his head and stroked his hair. 

"I can't believe it." SeongHwa sobs: "I never thought I would see the day." He confessed. "It's like he's going to walk down these docks again at any second and be his chipper self." Seonghwa said as Hong Joong found himself chuckle; "Jaebum chipper?"SeongHwa looked up, mat his friend; "What can I say, me he was cheerful." SeongHwa said and smiled as Hong Joong held out his glass, and SeongHwa clinked it with his. 

"These attack was right in our backyard." Hong Joong sighed: "What the hell is going on?" He questioned as SeongHwa continued to sob. "Who will lead us now?" SeongHwa mumbled.


"It's like four in the morning, can't this wait?" Woo complained as SeongHwa nearly attacked him: "SeongHwa, sit down." Hong Joong said as they were gathered at their large mahogany table. It was room for more people at the table, but it was mostly used by the eight alone. 

"Goblins attacked us tonight." Hong Joong started, "Yeah, but did y'all see Amelia?" San started, but one hasty hand gesture from hong Joong and San fell silent. "We were taken on when we were most vulnerable." Hong Joong states: "And the biggest tragedy isn't that we lost people, but that there has to be a traitor among our mist." Yeosang moves and leans forward: "What makes you say that?" He asks and watches everyone, cautious. "How would the Goblins been able to enter?" SeongHwa tested: "They could have stolen a portal key." San said and shrugged, and SeongHwa scoffed: "Mine looks like a key." Seonghwa takes his out and shows the old rusty key: "Jaebums was a necklace." SeongHwa shrugged: "Therefore, no goblin would be able to know what they fell over unless someone told them." SeongHwa said, "Bobbys was yoyo." Mingi scoffed, "We need to find out how they got in, and if they had used a portal key, it would be easy to figure out who's." Yunho nods as he taps the table with his long fingers. 

"But even so, why is this happening?" JongHo spoke, and Hong Joong shrugged: "Who knows, we are becoming an extinct race as it is." He sighed, and SeongHwas eyes scanned the room. "Do anyone know anything?" YEosang questioned, and Hong Joong shrugged: "Tomorrow at noon, we'll hold a funeral for the fallen fighters, and at midnight tomorrow, we'll send a farewell to Jaebum." Hong Joong sighed. 

"Which did fall?" San asked softly as he watched his hands: "I think most damages were in Exo and Got7." Hong Joong said low: "Jaebum, Sehun, and Lay." He said, placing his hand on his chest as Sehun and Hong Joong were close friends. "SinB, Chanmi, Rachel, and Yonghee, of course, also is a big dent in each family." Hong Joong clarified.

All the boys place their hands on their chests as they salute their fallen friends. SeongHwa looks up from under his bangs as he scans the room. And as he suspects, something stands out. Or someone.

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