Being Seen-Kitty Pryde

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I've been thinking about writing a trans character recently and since the actor that played Kitty Pryde came out as such, I thought it would be suitable to do a trans one-shot with said X-man character.

So the reader is a transgender male (while it's nice that trans women are getting representation, I've yet to see much for trans men out there), and a mutant, and is dating Kitty. He gets a call from home that will change his life.

The reader is also a mutant with the ability to create explosions.

Some angst and a moment of dead-naming in this one. Enjoy.

It was morning in the X manor. Small rays of sunlight were shining through the window into your bedroom, easing you gently from deep sleep.

You tilt your head to the side to find your girlfriend of four months laying next to you. Even though you and Kitty have been sleeping in the same bed for two months now, it still felt like when you woke up next to her the first morning after.

You lay there on your side as Kitty starts to waken as well. Her eyes open to meet yours. "Hey you," you greet your girlfriend with a smile on your face. "Have you been staring at me this whole time?" Kitty asks, trying to sound annoyed but her smile gave it away. "Not that long, rest assured, love," you tell her, placing a kiss on her head, "Still these few moments between sleep and wakening, you are still so beautiful." "Charming as always," Kitty grins. "How did I ever get so lucky?" You wonder out loud.
Instead of answering your question, Kitty just presses a kiss to your lips.

The moment was ruined when you hear a knock at the door. "Hey, (y/n)? Kitty?" You hear Bobby's voice from the other side, "You guys are coming down for breakfast right? It's waffle day remember."
You sigh a little, laying back against your pillow, "Waffles do sound good right about now," you admit. "Yeah they do," Kitty agrees, and soon the two of you were up out of bed and getting dressed.

You and Kitty joined your friends at the breakfast table, plates of turkey bacon and waffles saturated in syrup on hand.

Looking at your friends and girlfriend converse, it made you think about when you first arrived at the x manor.
While mutations usually manifest when people hit puberty, yours didn't show up till just a little later.

Before that, you just come out to your family that you identify as male. You were scared at first, not sure how your parents and siblings were going to react when they saw you dressed in conventional male casual attire and had your hair shorten.
Well, your brother and sisters were the most supportive. Your parents on the other hand had initially thought you changed your looks because you were coming out as a lesbian (Admittedly that was something you may have considered at first but that was before you figured it out). But, when you told them, and announced the name you wanted to go by, it took some time for both your mother and father to come to terms with what that meant.

In the end, though, your parents did their best to support your transitioning, even if they did make mistakes every now and then (took your mother almost a year to finally stop using your dead name).

And just when things were settling down, right when you were actually about to start hormone therapy, that was when your mutations manifested.
It turns out you can create explosions and the first you made pretty much destroyed the family kitchen.
You'll never forget the looks of horror on your family's faces when they learned you were a mutant, which was really the reaction you had initially prepared for when you had came out as a trans man.

Professor Xavior had found you on the road when you ran away from home and he didn't hesitate to take you in and help you control your mutation.

It took some time to adjust, but it helped when you made friends among the X-men, who were very supportive of you (Charles and Hank made sure you got in contact with the right people for hormone therapy). 
Kitty was the one whom you had become the closest to. You had found yourself having a crush on her but didn't think she felt the same way until one day, out of the blue, she came up to you and asked you out for a cup of coffee.

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