Pitch Perfect Project Part 1

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This one-shot has minimal inspiration from an episode from Phineas and Ferb. The reader is a student at Xavior's school with a mutation that can either make her singing voice one of the most beautiful or one of the worst, depending on her mood.

Said reader also has trouble on a project for music class and her distress starts to disturb everyone else in the mansion.


It was a Saturday morning at Xavior's School for Gifted Youngsters. There were no classes today, so the students had a chance to relax a little. Scott, Jean, and Jubilee were sitting at the kitchen table, Ororo was using her powers to water the plants by the window, and Kurt was brewing himself a cup of tea (and for anyone else sitting at the table).

It was going well until a loud, and highly disturbing sound reverberated across the mansion, bringing people out of their morning bliss. "What the hell was that?" Jubilee frowns in shock. "Well it definitely wasn't Banshee, that sound he makes actually sounds a lot more pleasant on his worst day," Scott responds.

"Well whatever it was it's gone now," Ororo shrugs before continuing what she was doing, "It was probably just a one time thing.
"Tea is ready," Kurt announces, setting the cups on a tray to carry to the table, "Is there any sugar left?" Jean inquires, to which Kurt uses his tail to grab the sugar bowel and place it on the tray. That disturbing high pitched screech occurred again, which caused Kurt to drop the tray so as to cover his ear. Lucky for him, Peter showed up and used his speed to catch the tray before it could make contact with the floor.
The sound continued, making everybody else shield their ears. "Oh Gott, make it stop, make it stop!" Kurt begs. "Seriously where is this that awful sound coming from?" Jubilee agrees. "Can't you use your telepathy to track it, Jean?" Ororo inquires. "I would, but I can barely concentrate," Jean replies. The sound stops once more.

"Kinda sounds like how I imagined what a siren would sound like if sirens could catch pneumonia," Peter comments, still holding the tea tray, "Or tuberculosis." The high pitch screech starts up again, causing Peter to drop the tray, shattering the contents. "Okay, that's it, I can't take this anymore," Scott stands up, "Come on, guys, I say we follow that sound, find out what's disrupting the peace and the quiet...on a Saturday of all days!" Exchanging looks, the rest of the gang up and follow Scott.


The gang follow the screeching all the whole towards your dorm room. "This is (y/n)'s dorm room, right?" Peter asks, covering his ears. "Zhat's quite a sound emanating from such a mild mannered person," Kurt comments.
"I don't understand, (y/n) probably has one of the most beautiful singing voices I've ever heard in my life," Ororo adds, "There is no way that sound's coming from her." "There's only one way to find out," Scott reaches for the door.

The group enters your room, to find you on your bed, back facing them, and a keyboard on your lap. "(y/n)?" Scott calls out, though you were too busy wailing to notice. "(y/n)?!" he tries again a little louder, "(y/n)! (Y/N)!!!" "Let me try," Jubilee walks right up to you and uses her firework abilities to grab your attention. It was more than enough to make you jump off the bed and land on your bottom on the floor.

You turn around to see your friends at your door with some rather concerned looks on their faces. "Oh hey, guys, I didn't hear you come in," you greet. "Hey, (y/n)," Scott greets back, frowning a little, "having a hard time this morning?" "What makes you say that?" you nervously ask back. "Well for starters we, and I'm pretty sure everyone else around here had their Saturday morning ruined from a rather unpleasant sound," Peter quips in a sarcastic manner, "And...I don't know why but we traced the source of that sound back to you." "You heard?" you realize. "I'm pretty sure the other side of New York heard," Jubilee confirms.

"Oh God," you face palm, realizing you were louder then you thought, "I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I swear this isn't...I mean...*sigh* I'm just a little stressed right now, and my voice...kinda sorta has a way of expressing said stress." "Why, what's going on?" Jean presses.

"Well as you all are aware one of the electives we can take in this school is music right?" you explain, "So, I signed up, thinking with my special mutation it would be an easy A for me. BUT as it turns out that is not the case at all seeing that the big project is to write and preform a song at the end of the semester." "What's the big deal, we've heard your sing before," Ororo points out, "And may I say it is very beautiful." "The song has to be completely, one hundred percent original," you elaborate, "I may have written a song or two before, but most of the songs I've done have been covers. I don't know what to do. I'm in a creative slump, and the project is due on Monday! I've worked day and night, but nothing has come to me. If I walk into that classroom with jack diddly squat, I'm surly gonna fail!" "Vell vhat ve heard earlier sounded rather...original," Kurt tries to cheer you up. "Oh, that wasn't a song," you sigh, "That was just me releasing all the pent up stress and anxiety. My mother used to refer to it as the Scream of Imminent Doom."

You start screaming again. "(y/n)?" Scott tries to get your attention, "Whoa, whoa! Okay! Enough!" Peter then speeds over to cover your mouth. "Okay, (y/n), I think you made your point," Scott continues.

That was when Charles wheeled in, "oh, (y/n), it was you," the professor sighs in relief. "Professor," you greet, as do the other students. "What on Earth was all that wailing, I swear everyone could've heard it from the next State over?" "Sorry, Professor," you apologize, "I'm just under a lot of pressure is all, I promise it won't happen again." Charles sighs a little before motioning for you to follow him, "Come on, I'll need to see you in my office."

----------The Professor's Office-----------

"What is going on with you (y/n)?" Charles inquires in a non-judgemental manner, "You were doing so well all semester keeping your vocal powers under control. Is there something bothering you lately?"
"Well uh," you take a deep breath before explaining your predicament.

(it should be worth noting that your friends were sitting in another room while Jean used her telepathy to listen in on the conversation)

"I don't know what to do," you end your explanation, "...maybe I could be given an extension...or maybe an exemption given my...special needs." "Are you suggesting you use your gift as a crutch to bail you out of near impossible school functions?" Charles raises an eyebrow. "Well no," you hastily respond, "Just this one time and I won't ask again." "And what if another similar project comes along later in the school year?" Charles points out, "Or the next year or after that? Where will it end?" You look down to your feet realizing he had a point, "You have an incredible gift, (y/n), there is no denying that. But you still have a long way to go in controlling the other side of that gift. You must not let the stress and anxiety consume you to the point where it starts to affect everyone else around you."
"I understand, professor," you nod solemnly. "If you want my advice I would suggest finding others, less disruptive ways to channel that stress," Charles suggests, "Who knows, maybe that song will come to you in the process."

With that, the professor dismisses you from the office so as you could continue working on your project.


After the meeting, Jean relayed what she overheard to the rest of the group.

"Okay, I think it's clear what we all need to do?" Jubilee speaks up. "Head to the nearest drugstore for some grade A ear plugs?" Peter jokes. "Uh, no," Jubilee glares, "We need to step in and help (y/n) find an outlet that'll help her get her creative juices flowing and find that song." "I agree," Scott nods.
"Right," Jean adds, "Come on, (y/n) is our friend, she'd do the same for us if we were in her situation."
"Actually I was thinking helping her would make our Saturday mornings a little less straining on us," Scott jokes, but changes his tone once Jean glares at him, "Kidding aside, yes (y/n) is our friend, and friends help other friends." "Nice save," Jean sarcastically remarks.

"Okay then, let's help our friend find her song," Ororo quips in, "Anyone have any ideas?"

To be continued in Part 2.       

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