I'll be Home for Christmas Part 4

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"(y/n)! Come back!" you hear Kitty shout as you bolt out of the truck and run into the forest, backpack in hand. No one was going to stop you from tracking Logan and bringing him back, and you sure as hell had no plans of going back home until you completed your mission.
Seeing how it was Christmas Eve, and the sun was about to set, you knew you'd have to pick up the pace.
You run as fast as you can only to stop for a brief moment so you could look behind. The truck your were driving in with your friends had disappeared from view. Refusing to look back anymore, you continue your hike.

"Dammit, (y/n)," Rogue mutters, "Had create more trouble for the rest of us." "Vhat do we do now?" Kurt asks with concern, "She vill freeze to death if ve don't find her." "Don't worry," Rogue assures, taking a whiff of the air, "She's not gonna get far." The young mutant runs into the woods, tracking your scent while Kurt and Kitty trail behind.


You lost track of time the minute the sun had set; it could've been one hour, it could've been two; it could already be midnight and officially Christmas day. It didn't matter as long as you could locate your friend. The scent was getting fresher which gave you hope you were getting ever so closer to finding Logan.
At least that's what you thought. It was getting colder too as the wind and snow blasted about. You shiver and shook, rubbing your hands together and blow warm air hoping to keep from getting frost bite.

You keep your trek as best as you can, but end up tripping on some snow and falter to your knees. You hug yourself and continue to shiver and warm your hand, though that was starting to become a futile effort. You felt it was getting colder by the minute; you dare not remove your gloves for fear that they might already be as blue as Kurt's skin. 

"How much farther?" Kitty inquires of Rogue, herself starting to shiver from the cold. "Not too far," Rogue reports, "At least I hope not," she mutters that last part under her breath, "(y/n) may have canine senses, but she couldn't have run off to lose track of her in this weather." "I'm not worried ve won't  survive this weather," Kurt admits, "I'm worried she won't." "Pfft, she won't die that easy," Kitty lightly scoffs, "If we should know anything about (y/n) by now is that once she has something set on her mind she'll never give up. She could be caught in the middle of a raging hurricane and that still wouldn't slow her down. She'll survive this."

Meanwhile, after staying on your knees trying to get some warmth back, you manage to get back up and continue your trek one step at a time, each step seemed to be getting slower and harder to do as the weather started to get colder.
It was becoming unbearable and you falter to your knees again. At this point it would be way too easy to just lay down in the snow and fall asleep, and you were tempted at this point to do so, but you had to stay strong lest you close your eyes and never open them again. Easier said than done.
You lean back against a tree. It looked like this is how you were going to go out; frozen on a futile, self-appointed quest to deliver a present to someone you cared about. Well there are worse ways to go, and there was no shame on keeling over on Christmas of all days. As you shut your eyes, you see a dark figure approach you...

"(y/n)!" Kurt calls out for you. "(y/n)!" Kitty also calls out, then turns to Rogue, "You sure she's close by?" "Her scent is strong," Rogue confirms, "I swear, she should be around this area. Wait," she takes another whiff; another scent was close by as well, and it was also familiar, "There's someone else close by too." "Please tell me it's not one the bad guys," Kitty groans. "No, it's not," Rogue responds, "In fact, I think I know who it is. Follow me."

Quickly Rogue to one direction with Kurt and Kitty trailing behind.
The three kept running until Rogue stopped in her tracks to the sight before her. There he was in the living flesh. Logan turns to face the three X-men, with you in his arms huddled up in a thick blanket. You were barely conscious at this point, but you could feel Logan's familiar embrace as he picked you up his arms. "Hey, stay with me, kid," he tells you to which you weakly nod in response.
"Well are you three gonna just stand there or are ya gonna help me get (y/n) here some place warm?" he sternly addresses the others.

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