Opposite Wings-Warren Worthington

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Time for an Angel one-shot. For this one, the reader has wings and can fly, but they're more like large bat wings compared to Warren's feathery wings. The reader and Warren get into a disagreement about whose wings are better.

Some fluff and maybe some light swearing. Enjoy.

It was nice day today. The skies were clear; it was the perfect day for you to go out for a nice flight. It was times like these where you could proudly proclaim to the entire world that you were a mutant. Sure the bat-like wings made some none-mutants weary of you, but hey haters gonna hate. They probably hating because they'll never know the joys and freedom of flying like you do.

You soar through the sky in complete bliss, completely unaware of another mutant fixing to soar right past you. Sure enough, Warren with his feathery wings catches up and speeds right past you, pulling you from your blissful state. "Hey!" you call out, somewhat miffed that the guy pulled you from your happy place. Warren turns around mid flight and only smirks at your annoyed state, "Something wrong, sweetheart?" he asks all nonchalantly, "Or are you having a hard time keeping up with me?"

 You and Warren have crossed paths on multiple occasions since you joined the X-men. You don't know why, but something about him annoyed you with his smug demeanor and playboy attitude; especially the way he'd spread and flex his wings whenever you were around, showing off like some peacock. You figured it was his subtle way of saying his bird-like wings were superior to your bat ones.  

"I'm really not in the mood right now, Worthington," you retort, "I just want to enjoy a nice relaxing flight if you don't mind." "Okay, I got ya," Warren responds, placing his hands behind his head like he was relaxing during his flight, "Still think you couldn't keep up with me even if you were trying."
You glare at him, then smirk as you increase your speed, zooming past Warren, which took him by surprise. You were pretty sure said shock might have made him lose a feather or three. 

"Uh oh, looks like I ruffled some feathers back there," you turn around to face the mutant, "At least with my wings I never have to worry about such...casualties." "Oh you'll pay for that," Warren laughs lightly. "Whatcha gonna do?" you taunt, folding your arms, "You can barely catch up with me as it is."
Warren only smirks and slows way down. You were a tad bit confused, but the moment you turn around to face forward, you crash right through one of the windows of the mansion. You reacted fast and used your wings to cover you so as to avoid getting cut by the glass shards.

You land right in the middle of the lounge, nearly scaring anyone that was there. Right as you shake your head and face the broken window, Warren flies right in and lands in front of you. "That was a dick move," you growl out. "Hey, you're the one who wasn't looking where she was flying," Warren smugly replies, "you're just lucky the professor's rich and kind enough that he won't send a bill for the damage you caused to the window." "And you're just lucky I am only this close to ripping every single feather painfully off your wings," you angrily retort, "I'm actually beginning to wonder if it's anything like pulling teeth."

Some of the students gather around to see the face off the two of you were having.

"I'd like to see you try," Warren spreads his wings, "Of course you would have to catch up with me first. But with those wings of yours, I'd probably already fly ten circles around you before that happens."  "Say what you will about my wings, Warren," you reply, "But it's a proven scientific fact that bat wings are far more efficient than bird ones." You flap your wings for emphasis, making the winged mutant scoff. "the structure of bats' wings save energy for flight," you continue, "Bat wings are also stretchy and more flexible than bird wings which gives them an advantage with turns and angles." "Well that certainly explains how you were able make that sharp turn to avoid crashing through the window," Warren replies with a smirk, to which one of the students went 'ooooh.'

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